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Messages - Iguana

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General Discussion / Re: hanging meat in your fridge
« on: October 09, 2017, 03:56:56 am »
 ;D  My bad. I wanted to ask  how often we have to use the "FAN" in order to air them? I hope we don't have to keep the fan on for 24 hours a day.

It depends on the temperature and what you intend to achieve. The meat can stay at ambient temperature in still air for a while, but for my taste it ages better with a fan, if at room temperature. Outside in cool temperature or in a basement, it can be kept without a fan. Just check often how it evolves and if the smell suits your taste!

While traveling in a van, I hung a chunk of meat under the rear view mirror and kept it in the wind with a window open when driving... ;)

General Discussion / Re: hanging meat in your fridge
« on: October 08, 2017, 06:26:15 pm »
(1) Is it enough to preserve the meat in such Pantry (without the Fridge)?
(2) For how many weeks/months could be meat hanged in this way?
(3) How often does we have to air, and for how long?
(1) Yes, but it will age quickly depending on the ambient temperature and humidity. Better with a fan in front.
(2) it varies according to the temperature, humidity and size of the chunks. In a fridge, 2-3 months. If the fridge is auto-defrosting, it generally needs a fan. If it is an old fridge with manual defrosting, the meat will become dry quickly and too hard to chew after some weeks, depending of the size of the chunks.
(3) When hung like this it is always aired!

The thing from e-bay looks fine.


I concur with Eric. Just add that you should easily be able to find wild fish and shellfish in Florida. Meat satisfying to our requirements is hard to find in most places and when I don't have any, I rely on seafood for animals' proteins.

BTW, have you been affected by the hurricane?

Off Topic / Re: Give us a laugh !
« on: September 09, 2017, 04:14:16 am »
What is something you don't want to hear the captain say on an airplane?

Alec Radosavljevic, Teenager, Glider Pilot, Actor, Scuba Diver, Skier, Gamer
Answered Aug 22

During landing the PA came on…

“Oh fuck. Shit. More power.”

“Fuck, I don't think we'll make it”

“Should we go around? “

“No we'll force it down.”

“Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Hold on”

“Retard, retard”


plane lands

“Holy fucking fucking shit man.”

“Hahaha you were so lucky!”

Throughout the whole landing passengers sat in the brace position. Some praying. Some crying. Some screaming.

PA comes back on

“Ladies and gentlemen welcome to Zagreb, Croatia where local time is twenty five past eleven. We apologise for the little bump in the landing, this is very normal. Have a good evening.”

The pilots came out of the cockpit smiling at passengers as they fought to disembark the plane.

One of the flight attendants went to the captain and quietly said to him “The PA was on during landing”.

The pilot and co-pilot gave eachother the ‘oops we fucked up' look and laughed.

True story. Hopefully pilots keep their conversations to themselves next time.


General Discussion / Re: Moldy meat
« on: September 02, 2017, 07:38:28 pm »
If i get meat vacuum packed in plastic, I also take it out ASAP to hang it on a hook in the fridge. Sometimes I eat some of it more or less fresh, specially the fat and liver, but I generally prefer the muscle aged and even more so in a state as in first photos in the post I linked above. 
See the photos here:

General Discussion / Re: To salt or not to salt, that is the question!
« on: September 02, 2017, 07:11:41 pm »
But salt is a processed and cooked stuff :)
I wrote:
We get salt from shellfish, seaweeds, sea water. 
Maybe I wasn't clear: I meant "we get salt when we eat shellfish and seaweeds or by drinking sea water".

I agree it shouldn't be left here.

Hot Topics / Re: Are teas out?
« on: September 01, 2017, 11:44:33 pm »
These cows are not paleo, you're right. Better eat wild animals meat.

Hot Topics / Re: Are teas out?
« on: September 01, 2017, 08:23:52 am »
I suppose eating poison hemlock is paleo because for sure a lot of our paleo ancestors ate it and died from it. Good grief!

Lors de rares intoxications accidentelles, on a parfois invoqué une confusion possible de sa racine avec le panais, le céleri, le navet, et même de la plantule avec le persil, mais le risque apparaît bien maigre en raison de la grande différence de taille et de l'odeur nettement désagréable qui rappelle l'urine de souris ou de chat surtout quand on la froisse, alors que le persil a une odeur agréable caractéristique. Par ailleurs elle est couverte de taches rouges sur les tiges, toujours absentes chez le persil.

Toutefois, un cas d'empoisonnement avéré prouve que l'odeur et la description ne suffisent pas à décourager certaines personnes de consommer cette plante. Le 4 mai 1922, à L'Orignal, petite municipalité majoritairement francophone de l'Ontario, au Canada, sept membres d'une famille qui en comptait neuf, périrent en l'espace de quatre heures, après avoir consommé de la racine de ciguë bouillie.

In occasional accidental poisoning, occasional confusion of its root with parsnip, celery, turnip, and even its young leaves with parsley has sometimes been suggested, but the risk appears very small due to the large size difference and of the distinctly unpleasant odor that recalls the urine of mice or cat especially when it is crushed, while parsley has a characteristic pleasant odor. Moreover, it is covered with red spots on the stems, always absent in parsley.

However, a case of proven poisoning proves that the smell and description are not enough to discourage some people from consuming this plant. On May 4, 1922, at L'Orignal, a small, predominantly French-speaking municipality in Ontario in Canada, seven members of a nine-member family died within four hours after consuming boiled hemlock root.

So the people in zero carb are against zero carb? Uhh....
And yah, I would keep protein to like 25% or so, rest from fat.

The diet of our ancestors wasn't "zero carb"! They didn't have such an ideology! "Zero carb" is not paleo, it's a modern invention.
Neanderthal dental tartar reveals plant-based diet – and drugs

General Discussion / Re: To salt or not to salt, that is the question!
« on: August 30, 2017, 08:41:26 pm »
I will admit that if I taste anything that's salty, it will taste good. But just because something tastes good, doesn't mean it's good for you. In my view.
What you wrote is right with processed, cooked and mixed stuff, but false with raw, unprocessed and unmixed "paleo" stuff, aka things that have been around in our environment ever since millions of years. Otherwise our predecessors in our evolutionary lineage would have all died from poisoning themselves by toxic stuff that tasted good to them, and we wouldn't be here!

General Discussion / Re: To salt or not to salt, that is the question!
« on: August 30, 2017, 02:26:08 pm »
We get salt from shellfish, seaweeds, sea water. 

Man oh man, I hope zero carb is a solution.
I certainly won't be. Too much animal proteins, especially from mammals, is most probably even dangerous in your case. Eat 100% raw, unprocessed, unmixed and un-spiced, but for God's sake avoid ZC!

Hot Topics / Re: Are teas out?
« on: August 29, 2017, 10:21:44 pm »
Humans also ingest large numbers of natural chemicals from cooking food. Over a thousand chemicals have been reported in roasted coffee: more than half of those tested (19/28) are rodent carcinogens. There are more rodent carcinogens in a single cup of coffee than potentially carcinogenic pesticide residues in the average American diet in a year, and there are still a thousand chemicals left to test in roasted coffee.

In the 60's GCB with help of friends did thorough such experiments on animals, mostly mice, hundreds of them. AFAIK he was the first to suspect something was wrong with dairy in our diet. Pottenger and Price researches had been done long before, at a time when no one ever suspect milk and dairy since they were considered "natural foods", as white as angels!

You have GCB's book, since I send it to you in pdf. Why don't you read it?   

See also this paper:

Both, Pottenger and Price, compared diets of cooked various foods including cooked milk or dairy against diets of various raw foods including raw dairy. Of course, they found out that populations (of cats and humans) having a raw diet had a better health than those having a partly or completely cooked diet!

They didn't compare populations having a raw diet without dairy against populations having a raw diet with dairy.   

In his studies and writings Weston Price didn't identify dairy as a cause of bones weakening. But other authors did. I referenced some of their articles available online here:,8.msg15.html#msg15 (scroll down for English ones).

Yes ok, but genetic engineering is a different technique, even worse.

Off Topic / Re: How often do you bathe and whats your routine?
« on: August 21, 2017, 02:05:07 am »
Everyday in summer, with water... Lake or sea water!

Hmm... did I mean that??

PS: It looks like you misread what i wrote!

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Poultry
« on: August 20, 2017, 08:30:30 pm »
I have heard that chickens can eat up to ten percent of their diet on greens, and thus unless there are bugs, the rest will come from grain.   
It depends which grains they are fed. Millet, shorgo, oats, rice, barley, rye or corn are not as troublesome as wheat. Birds are granivorous and if we want to raise poultry, a limited amount of unheated grain is necessary unless they have access to a very large green, fertile area and even if you grow maggots (on rotten fish or meat) for them.

Ducks on my land. There are about 30 of them and as many hens.

From your first link above:
But after thousands of years of farmers selectively breeding them, peaches are now 64 times larger, 27 percent juicier, and 4 percent sweeter.
So next time someone tells you we shouldn't be eating food that's been genetically modified, you can tell them we already are.
I understand that genetic engineering is not the same at all than artificial selection, the latter being only an acceleration of natural evolution — and especially co-evolution — a process that has always occurred, long before humans started agriculture. Plants and animals have always evolved in response to interactions between species and environmental changes. 

General Discussion / Re: What kind of water do you drink?
« on: August 18, 2017, 03:52:19 pm »
I brush my teeth with sea water every evenings and mornings and I drink a bit of it sometimes — when I like its salty taste. I also wash the fish in seawater before cutting it and eating it.

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Vegetables Overrated?
« on: August 17, 2017, 04:21:04 pm »
What's the right fruit, veg, nut/seed, egg, meat ratio to eat in your opinion?
The concept of "ratio" is unknown by animals and was certainly also unknown by hominids and even humans in paleolithic times! Follow your instinct and you'll probably find out that this "ratio" fluctuates according to your state at the moment.

General Discussion / Re: What kind of water do you drink?
« on: August 16, 2017, 02:18:34 am »
Yeah, we are mammals and mammals drink water! 

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