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Messages - Löwenherz

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Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: fat to protein ratio
« on: August 10, 2012, 11:17:09 pm »
240g of Fat = 2160 Calories
80g of Protein = 320 Calories
Total = 2480 Calories per day.

This would be about 85% of my Calories coming from fat.

Wow, that's a lot of fat.

Which fats do you prefer?


Off Topic / Re: Terrifying article
« on: August 02, 2012, 07:07:51 pm »

"This research was conducted over two seasons (winter and spring) and comprised a total of 71 samples of hares shot in the eastern region of Croatia, and was aimed at examining the quality and hygiene of the meat. The carcass dressing percentage in relation to the total average weight of the shot hares was 66.54%.

Chemical tests showed the following average contents in the meat of the hares: water 75.34%, protein 23.19%, fat 1.12%, ash 1.16%.

Of the 71 samples examined, as many as 44 (61.97%) did not meet the requirements of the rules on microbiological food standards. In 19 samples (26.76%) this was due to the high level of aerobic mesophilic bacteria, 2 samples (2.82%) contained Staphylococcus aureus and 37 samples (52.11%) were not satisfactory because they contained enterobacteria. In terms of heavy metals in kidney and meat samples, 17 (23.94%) did not meet the provisions of the rules on toxins, metals, metaloids and other harmful substances which may be found in food. Of these 15 kidney samples, 88.24% contained cadmium and 2 samples (11.76%) mercury in amounts greater than the permitted concentration. Tests on liver samples from the hares (n = 71) did not show organophosphorus pesticides nor organochlorinated pesticides or polychlorinated biphenyls."


Off Topic / Re: Terrifying article
« on: August 02, 2012, 06:52:22 pm »
I suspect that wild hares have a much higher percentage of fat on them than rabbits.

I have never seen a wild hare carcass with substantial amounts of fat. Maybe the wild hares in UK become fatter due to extraordinary pragmatic nuclear waste disposals or other wonderful benefits of our modern day living?

Let's assume a big wild hare has 30 percent fat by calories (which is not realistic, imo).
Let's further assume Tyler has a strong body physique and eats at least 2,400 calories per day.

2,400 calories from wild hares with 30 percent fat means 1,680 calories from protein.

That equals 420 grams of protein per day. Any comments?


Off Topic / Re: Terrifying article
« on: August 02, 2012, 06:37:16 pm »
From your experience? So did you subsist on only or mostly wild hare meats for more than a week?

Yes, wild hare meats plus other lean wild game meats like pheasant.

Results: Headaches, diarrhea, very depressive moods and lethargy.

Even one week on such lean animal foods without added carbs or fats is too much for me. Same results with lean raw beef and all other meats if the fat content is too low. But I have to say that I didn't eat organs with the exception of liver. Anyway, regarding fat content this makes no big difference. Liver, heart and kidneys are always very lean and the tongue of hares is not worth mentioning. Furthermore, nutrient deficiencies due to a lack of organs can't be an issue is such short periods.


Off Topic / Re: Terrifying article
« on: August 01, 2012, 01:23:01 am »
I know nothing about kilos, but I would eat a whole raw wild hare plus organs(no head or intestines or fur) once every 1 to 3 days. I would also eat 1-3 bananas or the equivalent at the end of the week. I could go on like this for weeks with no issues.


Is ANYONE else here REMOTELY ABLE to do such stunts?

My own experiences and believe system let me view these wild hare days just as a fasting period. Nevertheless: Fascinating!


Off Topic / Re: math question about FORUM STATISTICS CENTER
« on: August 01, 2012, 12:54:33 am »
...(eg:- cutting off a hand etc.)

Oh, that might be indeed very paleo!


Off Topic / Re: Terrifying article
« on: August 01, 2012, 12:44:36 am »
If you can get hold of wild hares and raise them, I think they have enough fat as I used to eat them alone for weeks with only a little bit of raw plant food as well, and I was fine.

Tyler, such reports from you are still a COMPLETE MYSTERY for me, even after 10 years of raw paleo eating.

Eating only wild hare meats? From my own experience: Impossible, not to say NONSENSE. Nevertheless, quite contrary: The idea still fascinates me.

You can really eat nearly exclusively raw wild hare muscle meats and organs for weeks WITHOUT getting any discomfort AND without loosing weight??

Please give me specific examples: How much wild hare per day in kg round about? Which organs? How much fruit in those days? What is a "little bit of plant food"? One banana? Two bananas? 15 bananas?

I'm open to learn and I'm willing to repeat such experiments, also taking into account that all such trials simply ended in protein poisoning in my case plus feeling really miserable. The amounts of carbs seem to be crucial as long as only super lean meat as wild hare is available. And I have never seen any wild hare with considerable amounts of fat. It's mostly pure protein.


General Discussion / Re: Bison/ELK/?
« on: July 25, 2012, 05:45:41 am »
ALWAYS, always buy only the cheapest cuts. Indeed, the cheapest cuts are generally the fattiest, which is ideal.

Tyler, which cuts do you usually prefer?


This has already been long debunked by Cordain who pointed out that grain-consumption was tiny in the palaeolithic era, even based on the new evidence.

That's good. Could you please provide us a with a link to the corresponding article from Cordain?

Judging from my own adverse reactions I'm pretty sure that MY ancestors never adapted to eating grains.  8)


"Grains might have been an important part of human diets much further back in our history than previous research has suggested."


Journals / Re: Lex's Journal
« on: July 21, 2012, 01:59:52 am »
I'm doing well.  After so many years on my VLC diet there is now very little change and nothing much to report other than my annual blood tests.

That's great!

I just got the book from Volek and Phinney. It's a real jewel in the low carb universe.


General Discussion / Re: cooked grain feed
« on: July 14, 2012, 08:30:05 pm »
Actually there is no debate about grains.

Grains in any form are the cause of countless diseases of humans and livestock.

I'm afraid that we need another 10k years to realize this.


General Discussion / Ketogenic diets and cancer
« on: July 14, 2012, 08:10:28 pm »
Here is a new excellent book about the benefits of ketogenic diets for cancer patients:

from University Hospital Würzburg


Journals / Re: Lex's Journal
« on: July 14, 2012, 07:47:30 pm »
Hi Lex,

good to hear from you!

Thanks for the (always very) interesting info. I just ordered the book from Volek and Phinney. Regarding ketogenic diets, I believe that most people (inlcuding myself in the past) underestimate the process of adaptation.

BTW: How is everything? Please tell us more about your current physical and mental health status.

Best wishes


Hot Topics / Re: grain fed controversy
« on: May 29, 2012, 03:29:07 pm »
Pure ignorance and sales palaver.

According to my body's reaction to grain-finished meat I would have to use much more drastic words.


Hot Topics / Re: Does ketosis accelerate AGEing?
« on: May 29, 2012, 03:19:49 pm »
Methylglyoxal production during ketosis is a very interesting topic!

Thanks for the links, PP.

Please let us know when you find further interesting infos.

Here is another discussion about methylglyoxal in the context of diabetes:

As always, the scientific complexity of the details may overstrain our intellectual capabilities.

I would say: Saturated fat FEELS better than sugar. Raw FEELS better than cooked. The remaining question could be: Is Raw Low Carb better than Raw Zero Carb? I have seen some amazing healing processes in deep ketosis which are inhibited by even small amounts of carbs. Nevertheless I'm still not sure if ZC is also better in the long-run, due to thyroid health, fertility, longevity etc.


Nonsense. At any rate, I have never had any problems during those times when I ate lots of raw animal fats and lots of raw fruits.

"Nonsense", "bullshit", "bullocks" and "rubbish" seem to be common words in your responses recently.

On such a level any further post would be a waste of time.


That's not true. Impaired glucose tolerance is likely caused by a problem with cellular energy production.

Present the Pub Med studies so we can discuss them.

So, please explain: What are the main reasons in your view that many people here experience blood sugar rollercoasters after eating high sugar fruits?

Our own experiences are more relevant than studies in PubMed, IMO.


Yes, please! Löwenherz, could you please link a few (or at least one or two) of these studies?
For me, it´s just important not to combine fruit (i. e. sugar) and fatty foods in the same meal (and if necessary to separate meals by a few hours "fasting"). However, I don´t eat that much animal fat as some other forum members do.

Just use a simple blood glucose meter and make your own study of your own body. Eat a lot of beef or lamb suet for some days, then eat five bananas and measure your blood sugar 30 min and 120 min after eating the fruit sugar. As I mentioned many members here report IGT symptoms like blood sugar crashes after eating high sugar fruits.

Animal fats a very different. Beef suet can trigger IGT much more strongly than bone marrow, for example.


Utter b*ll*cks. All those studies you mention focus on COOKED saturated fats, not raw ones. Raw saturated fats are perfectly OK.

No, RAW saturated animal fats cause IGT in the same way as cooked animal fats do. There is not difference between cooked and raw animal fats in this regard, Tyler.

Everybody can check that this is true by simply using a blood glucose meter.

As you know many members of this forum frequently report blood sugar spikes and/or crashes after eating high sugar fruits.

That doesn't mean that saturated animal fats are bad per se. But it raises the question if it is advisable to eat fruits in the context of a diet that is high in raw or cooked saturated animal fats. Richard Bernstein, Nora Gedgaudas, Ron Rosedale and many others discuss this issue in depth.

Such blood sugar spikes and crashes are definitely not healthy.

Seafood and wild game meat don't cause IGT and MCFAs can be useful if you want to restore your glucose tolerance.


OK, those studies were not done with RAW fats.  Also, no animal fat is 100% saturated, or even very close to it.

Every fat contains SFAs, MUFAs and PUFAs.. Some are low in SFAs like wild salmon fat, some are very high like lamb fat.

Both, raw and cooked saturated animal fats cause IGT. The rate depends on the quantity you eat and your ability to digest these fats.


fish is my favorite vegetable. Actually wait, scallops is my favorite.

Tomorrow I go hunting, yeah. Animals like truly wild cauliflower are super nutritious, even for vegetarians!


General Discussion / Re: Effects of MCTs on Atherosclerosis and Aging
« on: March 18, 2012, 05:15:46 pm »
What about SCFAs? Those must be the real powerful stuff, if MCTs are already so much better than LCTs :)
There is some SCFAs in butter, and some are produced from fermenting fiber in the colon.

Yes, Nora Gedgaudas and many other "experts" believe that SCFAs in butter are very benefical. As long as you have zero problems with dairy (which is seldom) butter could be a convenient source of fat.

I get hay fever and 2.286 other problems from butter, unfortunately.


General Discussion / Re: Effects of MCTs on Atherosclerosis and Aging
« on: March 18, 2012, 05:12:11 pm »
where do you guys get your coconut fat from? Straight from the coconut or from a jar? If so what brand do you use?

Fresh mature coconuts are always the best option, IMO. Just put the white meat into a strong centrifugal juicer to make coconut cream.

Sabertooth eats raw coconut butter from Artisana, if I remember correctly. Be aware that most coconut products sold in jars or other containers are usually NOT raw.


Pineapples can be very sweet or high in fructose without you knowing it causing high blood sugar spikes and eventual crashes if you eat too much. That is why my guideline is just 1 or 2 slices.

GS, let me add a short comment for raw paleo beginners here:

You get blood sugar spikes and/or crashes after eating pineapple or other high sugar fruits ONLY if you eat saturated animals fats like beef and lamb on a regular basis.

If you eat coconut fat (which is even more saturated) instead of animals fats you don't get blood sugar problems, even after eating two or more whole pineapples (what is not recommendable, imo), because our bodies converts MCTs into energy like carbohydrates.

Saturated animal fats cause IGT, Impaired Glucose Tolerance. It's well documentated in PubMed. As long as you want to go very low carb, this is no problem. But as soon as you eat more than minimum amounts of carbs the blood sugar rollercoaster is a normal but very undesireable consequence.


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