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Messages - majormark

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Ok, so it's been about 5 months since I sleep inclined and I noticed a couple of things:

- still cant get used to sleeping without the pillow (this was also before ibt)
- initially, I had intense visualizations as I was falling asleep and eventually they reduced, but dreams are more vivid than before anyway
- same thing is true about fat eating vs water drinking (if I dont eat fat, I drink a lot more water and go at least once per night to the toilet)
- resting and sleep time seems to be, mostly, the same as before
- going to sleep right after a big meal doe not seem to be so taxing
- it does seem to help me recover faster from injuries

Now another really interesting thing that I would like to measure is the brain activity/waves during sleep. If any of you have portable devices that can measure that and make a comparison it would be nice.

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Body by Science - 12 min workout a week
« on: October 17, 2012, 06:01:50 pm »

Has anyone here tried program described in the Body by Science book or a similar one? What results did you get?

I tried it for a month and it seems that my muscles have increased (at least in density) as the time under tension increased by just a few seconds in some cases.

For those of you who dont know about this style of training check out:
  and an excellent interview my Dr Mercola with the author: Dr. Mercola Interviews Doug McGuff about High Intensity Exercise

General Discussion / Re: How to cure insomnia?
« on: October 17, 2012, 05:47:30 pm »
I read that Tim Feriss in his "4 hour body" book mentioned something about falling asleep in just 7 minutes with a device called "nightwave".

There is also a free Android app called NightWave that has the same function. You just match you breathing pattern with the intermittent blue light, that's it.

Maybe you need to test that thing for a longer period of time or maybe there are some negative energies coming from the ground in that area. A simple way to take care of them would be to direct them into water or salt-water.

And, for me, the inclined bed works fine. I do feel somewhat better during the day and I drink more water when I'm not consuming milk or other fats.  It does not reduce sleep time too much in the short term, but maybe it will be different after a while.


After the first night at 12cm height, I can say it went pretty well.

* I only slept 7 hours, actually maybe only 5... because I kept having these really vivid visualizations/dreams for the first two hours while still being conscious (probably that milk and honey I ate before bed contributed to some extent).

* I felt really refreshed in the morning (despite the short amount of time in bed), all chackras were activated completely (but I will not jump to conclusions yet, because this is not the first time it happens).

* I did feel the need to drink some more liquids, but not so much as Dorothy reported. This is probably because yesterday I ate a lot of fat (butter and milk), which normally provides good hydration.

I will keep this height for now to see what happens in the next few days and will get to 17.4cm after that.

Thanks Al for the tips! If IBT turns out to reduce the necessary sleep time overall it's worth it just for that. I have a theory, that may or may not be true, but I think that at night some key brain cells get replaced and we can not be conscious during the process. Also if the metabolism is increased during this process, those cells should get replaced faster and less sleep time should be required (maybe even more food intake too). 

ook, I kept wondering how to elevate my bed, looked at inflatable balloons under the mattress etc, and today it dawned on me to just grab a few pieces of wood and stack them under the top. Really simple  :D . It's lifted 12 cm now, need to get more of those to have the right height.

Can you tell me why did you mention 8 inches (~20cm), was that calculated with the formula (mattress length*sin(5))?

Also, what's the link of that IBT forum? I'd like more testimonials about this.

Inclined Bed Therapy I.B.T. Andrew K Fletcher

wow, if this works for snoring I'm in. So it's about 17,4 cm for a 200 cm length.

I would like a system that progressively elevates the bed using a lever or something. But let's see how it works first.

Health / Re: Emotional/Spiritual Causes of illness
« on: April 06, 2012, 10:20:18 pm »
This is very interesting. Check out the German new medicine, that explains the emotional aspects of disease and also includes the Bechamp theory on germs/pathogens (Part 3: The Healing phase and the role of microbes), avoiding medication etc:

Another detailed article:

Hot Topics / Re: Flies manifesting on rock?
« on: February 14, 2012, 04:41:00 pm »
If bacteria can develop in a nuclear reactor.. I'd say that would be possible, but improbable. What if those flies were teleported there somehow? :D

General Discussion / Re: Marinating fish
« on: January 24, 2012, 01:14:25 am »

Does anyone marinate fish/meat here? How long and where should it be left to marinate?

By the way, the AV recipes book mentions this: "like the digestive acids in our bodies, citrus juices partially break down the components for proper digestion but they do not mutilate or destroy the nutrients, like in the case of coking".

General Discussion / Re: Urgent: What to do in Appendicitis
« on: January 24, 2012, 12:04:01 am »

For Appendicitis, Aajonus recommends blending a glass of fresh tomatoes with 5 tablespoons of honey and 5 teaspoons of lemon juice every 4 hours. Also eating butter and cheese.

Hot Topics / Epic Caveman Meal Time - who wants to be famous?
« on: December 09, 2011, 04:39:52 pm »
so again... who wants to be famous?

If you do, here is a "paleo" way:

- get together with a gang of people that eat paleo food.
- make a youtube account called EpicCavemanMealTime or some other  catchy name.
- come up with all kinds of recipes based on raw meat and one particular staple ingredient (you can use Aajonus book for inspiration)
- film yourself making them (with an attitude, music etc) and than eat them.

... and you can have MILLIONS of views like these guys:

Slaughterhouse Christmas Special - Epic Meal Time

Let's face it, reasoning your way into making people accept paleo is the slow way.

Have fun :-)

Hot Topics / Re: Update
« on: December 06, 2011, 02:46:08 am »
Constipation or the lack of ability to digest raw meat is caused by a serious lack of bacteria in your gut => try some high meat daily. That's what Aajonus would recommend.
If you don't do high meat, try other solutions (like eating it with butter or eggs etc).

General Discussion / Re: wild fish
« on: November 20, 2011, 05:19:29 am »
GS, how do you identify them?

So far, I ate fish from the supermarket, but I think it's mostly farmed.

Hot Topics / Bad publicity or ...?
« on: November 20, 2011, 05:11:41 am »

Just found this on youtube, looks like it was made for a specific movie festival or something
The Primal Diet

Different people have different limits after which it's not good for them.

I believe it depends on conditioning, how healthy they are and of course the source.

Hot Topics / Is stopping menstruation good or bad?
« on: November 15, 2011, 03:55:07 am »
Hello all,

I recently learned that some vegans/people believe that stopping menstruation is somehow good. I always thought that was supposed to be a natural thing, but I'm not an expert anyway...

So, is there anyone who read "The Mystery of Menstruation by Raymond Bernard"? What do you think about that? Any experiences?

After a quick google I found the first chapters here:

General Discussion / Comparison Chart of RVAF diets
« on: October 03, 2011, 05:59:30 pm »
Do you know about this?  I'd like to see a column in there about RPD diet.

General Discussion / Giant Vegetables From Space Seeds
« on: September 11, 2011, 11:30:19 pm »
Looks like a trip to space makes the seeds grow giant fruits and vegetables:

Maybe some of you can repeat the "iPhone into space" experiment and send some seeds (or eggs!) to see what happens:

Off Topic / Re: Ron Paul for President of the USA
« on: August 19, 2011, 10:00:57 pm »
I dont think RP will win, but if actually does he would not be able to do much anyway. When will people wake up and realize that the ones that keep a government alive are themselves and not the one person called "president"? 

If you want better change, than change yourself first and than influence others to become better persons, to eat better, etc.

Well, I ate mostly nectarines, water melon and honey melon during the two weeks.

Grapes are not in season yet, but maybe I'll try grapes for a few days when they are available to see what happens.

It's interesting, last year I could eat a hand full of fruits and get sleepy and this year I just spent two weeks eating mostly fruits and rarely got that reaction.

At some point, this year, I switched from eating fruits alone with eating them in a smoothie (as in the AV recipes book, but most of the time without the egg or honey), and I noticed I could tolerate a larger quantity that way, without those "side effects". Maybe the smoothies contributed to this increased tolerance.

Anyway, I'm back to smoothies now, because they are very hydrating.

Off Topic / The universe - explained
« on: July 07, 2011, 04:15:22 am »

Looks like Nassim Haramein managed to bring together the physics theories, religions and a lot of other things, into one single presentation that explains what's up with our world:


Off Topic / Re: Biophotons
« on: June 07, 2011, 08:01:53 pm »

ok, how about high meat? any biophotons in there?

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Zero Carb and Menstruation
« on: April 19, 2011, 04:54:03 pm »
Now i was told i should get more acupuncture done to get my body back in balance but I was out of $$$ from all the other stuff i tried before.  Not following the complete time i needed (7 sessions) my cycles got off again  :(
It's been 5 years of mostly no cycles.  

Are you aware there are free alternatives to acupuncture?

You can check out the work of Donna Eden, get one book or dvd and do the exercises daily.

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