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Messages - edmon171

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General Discussion / Re: Stomaching Raw Meats
« on: May 08, 2014, 07:09:16 pm »
see if you can find a grass-fed calves liver, the flavor is less intense. Also thin slices method worked well for me. Having  a salty side dish to alternate bites is nice to cleanse the palate. Prosciutto counts as raw, I think. I find that stomaching the new foods is very much mental. Its as if when you approach your food with hesitation, your brain tries to super-taste every detail of it and resist swallowing to ensure you are not eating poison. But once you approach the meal with confidence, you will interpret every incoming flavor as good.

General Discussion / Re: How do you eat raw bone marrow?
« on: May 06, 2014, 10:42:27 pm »
I don't have any professional butchering tools, I was just going to try some from the market before I ordered some. So, if I understand, they are soft and eatable when they are fresh, and then they dry out and become too hard? What is wrong with the frozen ones, do they become hard as well or just don't taste the same?

General Discussion / Re: Any Meat To Avoid?
« on: May 06, 2014, 10:30:57 pm »
Chronic wasting disease and encephalopathy from eating brains with prions? This disease is not a big deal or necessarily fatal. It has been around since ancient times and is where the idea of zombies originated. You can still live a full life, but you will need a continuous supply of meat which must include more brains to keep the encephalopathy at bay. The prion infection makes you become completely intolerant of all plant-source foods, they will kill you faster. Eating the flesh of living animals or freshly killed will buy you more time before you start wasting between meals, you could live an apparently normal life. Something about the glycogen in the muscles before rigormortis sets in. Otherwise you must eat huge amounts of dead meat constantly to keep from deteriorating. No joke. I didn't just make that up, but don't ask me for a reference. -d

General Discussion / How do you eat raw bone marrow?
« on: May 06, 2014, 10:10:12 pm »
This is next on my list to try. I always see those bone sections at the market. Is it soft enough to just spoon it out of the bone or is there some process I'm unaware of?

General Discussion / Re: New favorite organ meat
« on: May 06, 2014, 10:06:06 pm »
I notice a huge difference between grass fed and grain fed kidney. The grain fed ones have a clearly toxic taste and smell of foul urine. But the grass fed ones taste clean and have no odor.

General Discussion / Re: Where to get started?
« on: May 06, 2014, 09:56:16 pm »
The fats and animal foods being bad for you issue comes down to basically this:

Yes, they can be bad for you if they are cooked.

If they are grain fed, they are not optimal.

They can also contribute to weight gain if you are not in ketosis and prone to gaining weight.

So if you are on a high carb diet, the fat becomes bad for you in that situation and you should stay low fat if you must have carbs.

if you are on a low carb diet that is low enough to be ketogenic, animal fats are the healthiest possible thing to eat, especially raw, and you can eat them in unlimited amounts, if you were so inclined, and would find it very difficult to gain any weight unless you were having enormous amounts of protein as well.

Health / Re: HIGH Calorie?
« on: May 05, 2014, 07:09:50 am »
Are you sure the old injury is the primary factor here? I used to have terrible pain and stiffness in my back which I thought was an injury from when I had lyme and was only helped by accupuncture, and temporarily at that. I later figured out that keeping my cellphone on and in my pocket all day was disrupting the flow of my external electromagnetic energy along my proper meridians, leading to muscular problems as the minor meridians flow along your muscle fibers. The accupuncture was just redirecting the flow along a clean channel so it is not blocked. When I started keeping my phone off the problem disappeared on its own.

But in general, for building and repairing the most muscle, you need to eat enough protein to trigger an insulin response when the excess begins turning into blood sugar. Mostly muscle meats. Include liver, adrenal, and oysters if you are doing organs to support muscle growth. For fat calories I like to stick to animal fat and grass-fed raw butter clarified at body temperature.

General Discussion / New favorite organ meat
« on: May 05, 2014, 06:36:59 am »
I just tried my first raw beef lung. I loved it. Getting over the fact it cannot be effectively chewed or picked up with a fork, the taste was pleasantly bland, even a bit on the sweet side. The texture was what I enjoyed most, it was so fluffy and light. Like a meat version of the aero chocolate bar. The parts with bronchial tubes were fun to chew on. I also had a blast dividing up the 8 pound monstrosity into portions before freezing. Note: a very sharp knife is needed. I even found blades of grass that the beast had inhaled, a nice confirmation that my meat is certainly grass fed. Apparently the farm uses the throat method of slaughter as I found a couple small pools of blood in the lower section.

On a lighter note, I just discovered that raw scallops taste about a million times better than the cooked ones. I expected as much, but this was really dramatic. And I loved the cooked ones, but they are certainly robbed of all traces of delicious flavor that is hidden in the raw scallops.

What are some of your favorite raw organ meats?

General Discussion / Re: Where to get started?
« on: May 05, 2014, 05:12:14 am »
There is no need to over-complicate matters with books and other people's ideas, but as far as books go, the closest thing to the complete unbiased truth about diet I've ever seen has been good calories bad calories by gary taubes.

I would start by looking at this diet from a different perspective. Forget everything you've ever heard about food and health and safety for a moment. Imagine looking to nature with a clean slate. What diets do you see being followed in the animal kingdom? Out of these options, which of these animals do you want to be more like? Or where would you like to be on the food chain, and what kind of diet is followed by those animals in the position you seek.

Presumably, you'd want to be highly intelligent, social, incredibly strong, and full of limitless energy. Enough energy to chase down an animal twice your size and wrestle it to its death. In that case you want to follow in the footsteps of a hunting carnivore and the feeding pattern you should strive to emulate involves eating large amounts of fresh raw meat, with preference for the organs, then fat and fatty muscle, and having a day or three of rest and fasting between meals or feeding days. - The hunt yourself or farm direct raw carnivorous full keto paleo diet with intermittent fasting. = ultimate health.

Maybe you're not so ambitious and the very top of the food chain is not for you, but you still want to be near the top and not be considered prey. You will need lots of energy to track down food and compete with others for leftovers. Then you might follow the ways of a hunting scavenger. You are left with the lean muscle meats and some fat and skin. Maybe some fermented plant matter or fresh greens in the leftover stomach contents. Sometimes your food is fresh, sometimes it has aged a bit in the open air. You would eat this whenever possible and if not available, maybe some extra berries or whatever you find. - The raw, sometimes keto, paleo diet. = excellent health.

Or maybe you don't want too much out of life, but still want to be strong and able to defend yourself and your family when needed. The ways of a grazing animal will suit you. Eat plenty of greens and other plant foods that may have fallen to the ground. Maybe even some small game that is easily caught. The raw near-vegan paleo diet with meats on occasion = Pretty good health.

Perhaps you want no more health than a captive slave or farm animal. Then you should follow the human diet. Cook the living hell out of your stale or spoiled food, microwave it if you can, eat plenty of grains, dairy, sugars, lean cuts of factory farmed beef, pork, and chicken, chemicals, and do whatever else your masters tell you to and provide for you easily. If you can't even recognize what plant or part of the animal your food came from, even better. The Standard american diet. = not being dead is all the health you can hope for, if you are young or lucky.

General Discussion / Re: Creamed (raw) honey OK ?
« on: May 05, 2014, 04:08:38 am »
I don't think stirring would damage the honey. I think it is just unhealthy to eat a lot of honey. It is high in fructose, which means it can't be burned for energy directly. It must be detoxified by your liver, much like alcohol, and causes damage along the way. Then it is stored directly into fat cells. Alcohol is actually fermented fructose and the molecules are quite similar. If you are anticipating a coming famine or period of hibernation, then loading up on honey might be wise. I just bought a jar of unheated honey myself, but I don't plan to eat it. I will keep it as a medicinal paste to seal wounds.

General Discussion / Re: Back fat/suet newbie
« on: May 05, 2014, 03:55:41 am »
I like to pretend I'm eating a very rich and extremely well marbled steak. Sometimes i find bits of meat or mystery organs in the fat, which makes it fun. Like the prize in the cereal box. I've gotten some very different textures of fat, I guess depending on what part they cut it from. It ranges from tallow-like to forget about chewing it just swallow.

General Discussion / Re: Meat safety
« on: May 02, 2014, 09:10:27 pm »
Is it ok to dry-age meat in the regular fridge with other foods around? I'm worried it will get contaminated with mold or something. Should I get a separate meat-fridge? Also, can organ meats be dry-aged in the same way or should they be eaten fresh only?

General Discussion / Re: Escolar (Butterfish)
« on: April 27, 2014, 08:15:37 pm »
I've never heard of escolar, but wax esters are produced by human skin cells as well. I can't imagine they would cause so much upset for a healthy person.

General Discussion / Re: Raw Bison
« on: April 27, 2014, 08:21:47 am »
When you start to expand your pallete, raw fat is an excellent deal and makes for a more balanced diet if you have it half and half with the lean. You can get it for dirt cheap, for sure under $3 a lb. Sometimes even free if you're cool with the butcher and he doesn't take it home for his dogs or something. Its a shame how much of this gets thrown away after it is trimmed from the lean cuts. I would recommend the grass fed beef over the bison, unless the bison is grass fed. I used to assume bison was all grass fed because its so lean, but it turns out they can be fed grains just like the cows.

General Discussion / Re: Water
« on: April 27, 2014, 08:06:24 am »
I drink about 2 gallons a day, which is actually less then I used to.  Any less and I feel thirsty, like my blood is thick, and get dehydrated pretty fast.  I try to drink all spring water but when I cant make it to fill up my containers I will do half well water or Reverse Osmosis, I try to avoid RO water as much as possible as I think it pulls minerals from the body and probably does something weird to the ionization of cells in the body, so highly unnatural but still better then drinking chlorine, fluoride (and aluminum as they put in the city water here) inundated water.  Most of the well water here is very high in calcium so I try to avoid that as well.
I get glass tanks of distilled spring water and regular spring water. I keep two coolers and just have whatever I feel like at the moment. I don't worry about the water being deionized because rainwater is naturally distilled. I'd be more concerned about particulates passing through the reverse osmosis or even pieces of the filter material itself coming off or dissolving in the water. I'd even take distilled tap water over RO but I'd run it through a plain carbon filter to polish it because VOC's will volatilize and condense back into the still with the water. But not a brita or other store-bought pitcher because those are all treated with triclosan to make them antimicrobial.
Lots of water every day.  I always add ionic minerals to my filtered water cause I feel we are all mineral deficient even on a healthy diet.  I do not force myself to drink lots of water but I am thirsty a lot.  Drinking to much water with a meal does give me the bloated feeling.  I do pee a lot and some times it gets on my nerves.
P.S. I just had to do a math problem to post. WTF
The amount of minerals in spring water does not even come close to approaching recommended intake. Raw food will contain all the minerals one needs and in a form that gets assimilated. I've heard the minerals in spring water don't even absorb properly and form deposits in the body over the years. Apparently it leads to a condition called "brain sand" when high concentrations are maintained for a long time. I don't recall a scientific study about this, and I may have seen this from a company selling distillers, but it sounds plausible.

General Discussion / Re: Water
« on: April 25, 2014, 07:00:27 am »
Does anyone else here avoid drinking water for a while before and after a meal? I think it helps alot with digestion and fullness by not diluting the stomach acids. Other than that I don't pay much attention to how much I'm actually drinking. If I'm not thirsty I'll make sure to at least drink one glass for good measure.

I wasn't aware you were underweight, in that case fasting is not an option. But the salt/c protocol has  nothing to do with fasting, it works on its own. Consider looking into it if your chosen therapies are not satisfactory. I don't know of any worm parasites that will not dessicate and dislodge on exposure to high ionic concentrations of salt.

Have you tried juicing your meat to get a bit more nutrition out of it. This would give your digestive system a bit of a break. Just throw the raw meat and fat in the blender with some water until smooth. Maybe add in some raw honey to encourage fat storage. Milk is natures original weight gainer so I would suggest raw butterfat as your fat source.

Although I was never diagnosed, I often suspected lyme during my flare-ups of inexplicable illness. I know for a fact that I have chronic babesia, having seen the blood parasites myself during an analysis. Lyme, babesia, and mycoplasm often occur together( I often wonder about if the condition is a result of the experiments done on plum island,) though we may never know for sure 

You could spend thousands of dollars on these expensive test and possibly get a diagnosis, but from my own experience you would be better off spending that money on nutritional rejuvenation treatments. Because as far as I can see modern medicine is not capable of treating these conditions effectively. Treatments such as high dose long term antibiotics are only marginally effective at best, and often lead to much worse conditions down the road.

Its also important to note that not everyone who is exposed to the agents comes down with an illness, In fact 90 percent of dogs have antibodies to lyme disease without showing any symptoms. There must be other factors which contribute to the fact that only some people actually become ill from these pathogenic organisms. This ties into BeChamps theories of how microbial infection is most likely a symptom of an environmental imbalance and not the direct cause of illness.

The approach I would advocate is to nourish the body with optimal nutrition, and once the glands, organs, and other tissues of the body are cleansed and rejuvenated, the immune system will  re-activate itself and begin to clear out any chronic lingering pathogens.( This has been my own personal experience.)

I would say if someone's health is clearly declining then its important to find out for sure what he is up against. I used to have this attitude of invincibility, which is what got me in trouble in the first place. When I got the bite I just ripped it out myself, detaching the head in the process and not even bothering to swab it with a disinfectant. I didn't go to see a doctor. Several weeks later I became extremely sick, worse than any cold or flu I had seen. I could barely breathe enough to say the word "hospital" when I woke my parents at night. The doctor there told me I had asthma and an infection that was not the flu. They got me breathing and sent me home with an inhaler and a 3-pak of Zithromax. I never used the inhaler or the antibiotics because I did not trust the evil pharmaceutical companies and doctors just throw antibiotics at you when they don't know what you have. I figured it will be over in a few days, like every other cold and so it was. What I did not know was that the 3 pills would have remained in my system for 3 weeks and wiped out the lyme easily in that early stage. Several months later, I started having severe back pain without any previous injury, then a bee-sting somehow "activated"  my bulls-eye rash and made it clearly visible, whereas before it was just a bit itchy where the center turned out to be. When the rash appeared it was already the size of my entire back, maybe 24 inches in diameter. This was a very lucky turn of events, because had I not gotten stung, that would have been me complaining online years later that I keep getting sicker and I don't know whats wrong.

If I could do it over again I would not have done the long-term high dose AB, but with what I knew then that seemed to be the best option.

This infection has ways to shut down and screw with your immune response, so thinking you can beat it only by eating well when it has already become established is ill-advised. I agree there is an x-factor here to explain why some get sick and others control it. I think that x-factor is the emf exposure. This infection is extremely sensitive to emfs. Something about its size and shape picks up resonance in the microwave range and people experiment with rife devices to try and kill it without drugs. I think its more important to avoid aggravating it in the first place by being constantly inundated with non-ionizing radiation. This will probably put it into a more docile form that the immune system can more effectively deal with. Wild animals are probably all walking around with the bacteria and never get sick. But besides their natural diet, they are also not walking around with cell phones and vaccine-damaged immune systems. The diet is an enormous factor in health but it is not everything in every case.

Two drugless therapies that sound promising to me are bee-sting therapy and the salt and vitamin c megadosing as described at I think the rife devices have a sound concept, but will be worthless if you still walk around with a cell-phone in between treatments. Bee venom has been proven to destroy the bacteria safely as effectively as antibiotics. The salt/c thing is based on two theories. One is the old linus pauling observation that megadoses of vitamin c will boost the immune response. The other theory is that the infection hides out in the gut by infecting the parasites that live there (or becoming parasites that live there) and the salt will dessicate them and allow them to be expelled.

I would agree that the evidence strongly suggests this complex of infections has been genetically engineered and weaponized. But not the kind of weapon that sickens an army, the kind that weakens and demoralizes a population. Some geneticists have claimed that they isolated DNA from lyme that could only have come from a strain of bacteria that only lives in thermal vents many miles beneath the ocean floor and survives extremely high temperatures.

Sorry, I overlooked the part about hookworms, if you have hookworms, your body is probably just trying to flush them out and its not much to do with your food choices at all. I'm not an expert on worms, but I have a way of solving problems. From a quick scan of wikipedia, they tell you three important things. They feed off of the blood supply of your intestines, they die immedietely from exposure to sunlight or dessication, and their life cycle is about 6 weeks. So if I were in your shoes I would first prepare for battle by weakening them. You weaken them by removing their blood supply. If you starve yourself your body will move blood away from the intestines as they empty out and have stopped digesting. If you have a healthy amount of bodyfat you can water fast safely for up to 4-6 weeks. I don't think any more than two weeks will be necessary, were not trying to starve them to death. So for two weeks eat nothing, take nothing, and drink only fresh spring or distilled water or both. The next step is to stun them. If sunlight will kill them, then a small LED lightbulb will at least stun them, especially in a weakened state. So, after the fast, but before you resume eating go to your doctor and have a colonoscopy but make sure they don't use any staining, it is toxic regardless of how safe they say it is.  The two weeks should be enough time to secure an appointment. We're just doing this to have the doc run the flashlight up and down your digestive system, but as a bonus your system will be clean and empty and he will have a good view to be able to tell you what he or she sees in there such as other worms you were not aware of. I've never had this procedure, its possible they ask you to fast or be on a liquid diet anyway so find out. The final solution is to wipe them out by continued dessication for 2 weeks to make sure all hatched eggs have been eliminated. To do this, you will use the salt/c flush. This is where you megadose with salt and vitamin c twice a day. Take your first two flush drinks before you start eating, work your way up to the full dose in one week then continue it for the second week. It is safe, I have done this for weeks. When you find the right dose for you, there will be diarrhea, so be ready. I think buffered vitamin c will prevent the diarrhea, but they say you are supposed to use pure ascorbic acid crystals. The vitamin c will boost your immune system and help repair the tissue damage from the worms. What dessicates the worms is the salt. Go to for the original precedure and exact dosing for your weight and some gross pictures of parasites that came out when people did this. I was doing something like 15g of each twice a day, but I was a big dude then. If you cannot stand the taste of saltwater, there are salt tablets available somewhere and the buffered C will eliminate the taste of the acidity in the C. The procedure was originally intended to treat lyme disease so disregard the part about doing it for months on end. The author thought that lyme could not be treated when parasites were present and interestingly, he believes some worms are actually mutant forms of the lyme bacteria itself. The salt/C will likely work on its own if you want to skip the whole fasting and doctor bit, but in that case you should do it for longer, maybe 4 weeks because they will be hiding behind your intestinal contents and may not be exposed to dessicating concentrations of salt. Good luck, let me know if you decide to give this a shot, or if you have tried this already and I just wasted 30 minutes typing.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Starting raw meat!
« on: April 22, 2014, 06:01:28 am »
Welcome. This is a great forum, I'm relatively new here myself and I'm very impressed with the people and information here. I'm very interested in how the raw kefir changed your life. I've never tried this, can you tell us more?

I think you can figure this out, no need to go vegan just yet. ZC is worth it once you get it dialed in. One thing I noticed that causes abnormal digestion for me is switching from raw to cooked and vice versa. I think the body just wants to get rid of everything it was working on when the other form comes in so it can switch over to different enzymes or whatever it has to do. How strictly have you been doing all raw? Do you mix in the same day or same meal with cooked food? Do you go for a few days and then have something cooked for a meal or more? Is everything in your diet raw? You mentioned some supplements. I would be highly suspicious of those if you don't see anything obviously wrong with the diet. Try researching all the ingredients of those or just do a process of elimination to figure out which one is causing your issues.

General Discussion / Re: Raw Bison
« on: April 22, 2014, 05:31:57 am »
Try cutting thin slices like its a very rare roast beef or thicker slices like sashimi then eat it with your hands or some chopsticks. Or just eat it whole with your hands and tear pieces with your teeth like an animal would. Putting it into an appropriate form for raw food really helps your brain get over the squeamishness. There is just something about putting a fork and knife to raw meat that still makes me uncomfortable. I think its from all those scary movies like hannibal or hostel where they are eating human flesh with a fork and knife. I don't know what to tell you about salad, I've never eaten one. Maybe fine chop some herbs and use like a garnish if you want to be fancy about it.

That's interesting. What do you mean by "the standard test"? Do you mean the presence of a bulls-eye rash or the blood test that doctors usually use? My doctor already tested me for lime and it came back negative - are you suggesting that lime patients usually show a false negative and it requires a lime specialist to pinpoint?

The standard test is outdated and checks only for a few most common antibodies and all antibody tests may miss the case if you are tested too soon after exposure before your body had a chance to develop an immune response. Some people with weak immune systems may not show up on the test until they have taken antibiotics. Specialists will at least send for a lab called igenex which tests for a much wider variety of antibodies that have recently been associated with lyme. They will also check for the common coinfections such as babesia, bartonella, mycoplasma, etc. If you have the money, they can do more advanced testing, such as polymerase chain reaction which will prove by dna what infections are present

2) My symptoms are very complicated and seem to rotate from one set of symptoms for a period of time to a new set of symptoms or things stay the same and some new symptom gradually creeps in. I wouldn't really say they get better and then worse - more like it stays constantly about the same and then changes to something new that's equally annoying/debilitating. For example maybe one month the main symptoms are throbbing headache, sharp shooting pains in my armpits, constipation (although this symptom is always there), insomnia, drilling pain in my joints, etc. and then the next month the main symptoms are tingling pain in my feet, dull migrating pain in my ears, sharp chest pains, radiating jaw pains, itching all over, constipation, etc.

Yes, that is exactly what I meant. Now I'm nearly 100% sure its lyme. When my dog had it the vet knew it because he would be limping on a different paw every couple weeks, then his skin would break out or he would start acting sick or throwing up for no apparent reason. You just described the effects of chronic lyme. The infection will sequester itself in your joints, brain, nervous system, and intestines to hide from the immune system. Basically as far away from your circulatory system as it can get. It also steals the "skin" of your cells to mask itself which sensitizes your immune system to your own tissues, causing various autoimmune reactions. Then it has a life cycle of 3-4 weeks where it is spreading and causing symptoms before it goes dormant into a cyst for a while before multiplying. Different locations may become activated at different times, or they may go dormant for a while and you think you are fine then bam something comes back maybe next month, maybe 2 years later, and its worse than last time. If you take antibiotics, but they weren't strong enough or you didn't take it long enough to nearly wipe it out it will go into "defense mode" and you will enter into a rapid decline in health. This happened to me, my primary gave me 2 weeks of pills and I was eating junk food the whole time with a cell phone in my pocket 24/7 and didn't take a probiotic after. When I told him the symptoms came back as soon as I ran out of pills he told me to take some tylenol because he wasn't prescribing any more. When I started getting worse than I was before I sought out a specialist.

What the infection is doing is it is corkscrewing itself through all of your tissues and dumping neurotoxins everywhere. Especially in your muscles, nervous system, and intestines. This will leave the sheathing of your nerves looking something like swiss cheese or a lamp cord that a mouse thought was lunch. You can probably feel this effect when you stretch or twist your arm or wrist the "wires" will get crossed and you will feel like you had an electroshock shooting up your arm as you lose your grip and drop things all the time. The cartilage in your joints will be eaten away. When its in your brain, you will have anxiety and depression, you will begin to wonder if you are not half autistic and why you have the short term memory of a goldfish. I used to walk out of a room and have no clue where I was going or what I wanted to do. I'd be driving and suddenly be lost and have no idea where I was or where I was going until I saw the next sign. Scary stuff, but god forbid it goes into your heart muscle, then your very life may be at risk. Let me not say what happens here but its only a short google away.

This is the fastest growing epidemic right now and that's with less than an estimated 10% of cases are being reported. There is a huge controversy surrounding chronic lyme. Some dare even say conspiracy to keep people sick and taking drugs they don't need.

The longer you go untreated, the harder it is to get rid of. Most people who progress to stage 2 or 3 have an extremely hard time getting better. I was in stage 2 and I don't think I would have made a full recovery were it not for committing myself to being healthy through ketosis, paleo style eating, and raw animal foods. You seem to be late in stage 2 which is lucky for someone who had it for 3 years, but you are still young. Another thing is that the lyme can make you sensitive to emfs when it eats away the myelin that shields your nerves. This is different than the skin rash I got from doxycycline. This is felt as muscle pain and stiffness, and tingling in your extremities, or severe sharp headaches when making cell phone calls. Also getting sleepy during the day and having insomnia at night.

I'd say the most important things to speed your recovery, after getting your diet in order, are getting rid of wifi, bluetooth, and cordless phones, and keeping all cell phones in the home forwarded to the house line and in airplane mode. This can be hard for a young person, just get a computer that can be hardwired to your modem and learn to talk to your friends over the internet instead of texting. Its especially important that all the phones are off overnight. When you are out try to keep the phone off and just check your messages periodically or better yet just let the home answering machine get it. If the phone must be on, never ever keep it in your pocket and try not to hold it in your hand. Wired headsets and speakerphones are key. Also be aware of your proximity to electrical wiring and cords, especially overnight. Try to stay away from walls in general. Switches and outlets are a good guideline, but if you are not in the basement, consider the lighting fixtures in the floor beneath you. Never use any lighting with a dimmer switch or fluorescent tube if you can help it. Replace them with standard switches and LED if possible. I just keep the circuit breakers for the lights and outlets in my bedroom shut off and open the shades and use an led lantern or flashlight at night. If I lived alone I would just shut off the whole panel at night.

About the organ meats, I can find most of them online in mail order or can have them delivered from a farm co-op. Whatever I can't find at all I supplement with raw dessicated capsules. Try they have the widest consistent selection I've seen online. Or to find a farm you can go to or get deliveries from.

I apologize if I am being too thorough in my recommendations and some of this stuff is over your head. But I think you have a unique opportunity to get better, having found this forum. Some of the wisest conversations on the internet happen right here. Before I joined here, for years it was like every smart and interesting health topic  I would type into google to research would pop up as a topic here or at least be mentioned.

General Discussion / Re: How to grow a beard?
« on: April 21, 2014, 12:25:43 pm »
testosterone. Genetics will only determine what your levels are supposed to be and how much beard you could grow as a result.

If you want to get more of it through diet, include raw adrenal glands and testicles.

Much more important than adding it is avoiding things that will lower it. That means avoiding all xenoestrogens, i.e. phytoestrogens and synthetic endocrine disrupting compounds.

So for synthetic estrogens, avoid all liquids stored in plastics, wet foods stored in direct contact with plastic wrap, composite plastic tooth fillings, medical drips from plastic pouch and tubing, swimming pools with chemical oxidizers (chlorine, ozone) that are lined with vinyl or have flexible pvc piping in the pump system, touching shiny magazine pages and shiny receipts with your bare hands, the shit is pretty much everywhere, good luck avoiding it all without everyone thinking you are nuts. If you can get lab-grade polyethylene or silicone these are the safest polymers, even polypropylene is pretty good but the commercial grade plastics are always combined to some extent with plasticizers or conditioners that will leach and bind to estrogen receptors in the body.

For phytoestrogens, try to stay away from plant foods that come from female plant parts, which means stick to leaves, stems, and roots over beans, fruits, grains, seeds, nuts, or vegetables with seeds or that are supposed to have seeds. Also smoking female flowers (pot) will give you large amounts of the phytoestrogens as well. Soy is like the king (or queen) of phytoestrogens so be sure to avoid anything having to do with soy if keeping testosterone up is your goal.

There are also certain lifestyle changes that will keep your levels up. I read a study that showed that testosterone levels dropped significantly after a climax and did not return to baseline for at least a week.

Hot Topics / Re: Another reason to avoid junk food!
« on: April 20, 2014, 08:03:57 pm »
mcdonalds puts synthetic polymers in their deep fry oil to "stop it from foaming" but the chemical is actually the active ingredient in an over the counter medication called gas-x to control flatulence and gas pains. At least they are looking out for the comfort of their patrons, but you are basically eating plastics and drugs when you go there.

When I was a broke college student I went on the McAtkins diet. They were having a 2 for $3 special on double cheese burgers so I knocked off the buns and ate nothing but these for a month and lost 30 pounds. Looking back, I was probably just wasting away from malnutrition because I could've lost as much had I eaten nothing at all. But I must say it was fun to eat junk food every day and lose weight for a change.

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