Journals / Re: 6 Month Zero Carb Experiment
« on: June 14, 2010, 07:39:53 pm »Re: raw comb honey, I recommend getting a free blood glucose test kit and then testing your blood sugars before you eat it and 1 and 2 hours afterwards. I noticed only small negative physical effects from eating raw comb honey, but when I tested my BG I found it spiked it terribly--so I don't recommend that you go by your own perceptions only.
That little glucose machine would tell me nothing about whether it's good for me or not. I'm sure it would say that my blood sugar spiked. But that's why I eat raw honeycomb, to get the pure sugar into my system. If there is no crash afterwards no harm is done. Here's what I mean. Way back when I used to eat a plate of pasta I always felt like I had to take a nap afterwards. I was also gaining weight with pasta/bread in my diet. Fast forward to the fruitarian period when I used to have 15 bananas for breakfast alone and NOT experience a crash afterwards or gain any weight even after months on 2000-3000 kcal of fruit daily. I can tell the pasta was causing harm to my body but the fruit wasn't. I have a magnificent body that has been fine-tuned over millions of years to know what is good for it and what is not. We should not rely on machines to tell us what is right for us. Instinct is king, always has been always will be.
You didn't spit out the wax, did you?
Nope, I crush the honeycomb with a fork, mix it with raw eggs and drink it.