Hot Topics / Re: Nicotine helpful for Ulcerative Colitis?
« Last post by goodsamaritan on July 16, 2023, 09:58:27 am »Tobacco plantations are plenty where I live now.
I've gotten interested in NICOTINE due to Dr Bryan Ardis explaining humans have nicotine receptors and he takes 2mg of nicotine patches daily due to some alleged aerosolized manufactured various poisons spread through the air by NWO evil entities in aid of the COVID scam.
Dr Ardis says nicotine neutralizes poisons.
He does nicotine patches.
Green tobacco leaves and dried tobacco leaves are plentiful here where I live.
How do you consume green tobacco leaves? Any tips?
The danger of natural tobacco is greatly exagerrated. Cigarettes generally contain no tobacco since they are half gmo tobacco and half poisonous chemicals.
That said smoking even natural tobacco is unhealthy.
A healthy way to consume tobacco is in its fully raw, non gmo state, green leaves. Lots of health benefits from that, especially for ex smokers. Most likely will need to grow your own.