Author Topic: m and my experiences  (Read 11440 times)

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Offline Raw Kyle

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Re: m and my experiences
« Reply #25 on: February 23, 2010, 06:49:42 am »
Kyle, I thought I read recently you were trying some AV principals in your diet again, were you once again doing dairy recently?

Yes that's correct, and is why I'm saying what I'm saying now. After a year or so sometimes I forget how something worked and try it again, and also the great flavor of cream and butter blended with eggs and honey helps with selective memory. Maybe I should give myself more time to get used to it, but after a week of trying to drink a cream or butter AV drink a day I think it's safe to say that at the very least they aren't as good for me as meat. Whenever I eat meat I feel very good after wards, no indigestion of any kind. And I don't have to get used to it, which is why I think the dairy won't work. If you have to "get used to" a certain food, while others digest perfectly and give you good health right away, I'm betting the latter is healthier overall.

If you have any specific questions I'd be glad to field, either here or in my journal. I've tried pure AV before, and many incarnations of that with more paleo principles.

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Re: m and my experiences
« Reply #26 on: February 23, 2010, 07:08:29 am »
Ah, yeah I certainly have fonder memories of the AV drinks myself. Perhaps because I've removed honey from my diet, but I made one with 4 oz of butter and a few eggs, and it was really hard to get down. I think your logic about "getting used to it" makes sense. It doesn't seem to cause me as many physical problems, but I've never really found raw dairy to be very appetizing other than cheese, which I am not eating now. Its always strange to me when paleos or even vegans talk about dairy in terms of addictions or taste, I have to force it down, and would prefer meat/fat myself. Eating it with meat is preferable, but still more of a project then a joy. I feel the same about cooked meat, I get very little joy out of it, and since I only eat meat I make myself, its certainly not exciting or more social than eating raw meat.

do you eat your animal fats from frozen or fresh sources?

Offline Raw Kyle

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Re: m and my experiences
« Reply #27 on: February 23, 2010, 07:39:52 am »
My animal fats are always frozen. The only place I've been able to get suet and other body fat is from Slankers, which ship their meats frozen out of necessity. One chance I might have is in the warmer seasons to get lamb shoulder from the Reading Terminal Market in Philadelphia. I get that frozen now, but sometimes in warmer seasons they have more fresh meat available. Also I sometimes get food from a co op I belong to, which sources from Pennsylvania Dutch farmers. They have more fresh in the Spring and Summer as well, but don't have suet on their list of items. I may ask them about it some day, they do have lard and tallow they make themselves, so they should be able to sell the raw material for that. Between those 3 sources I get 99% of my raw meat, and they're all grass fed sources. I should inquire at Whole Foods because sometimes they have grass fed cuts. Maybe they're throwing some fat out that I could get for free or discounted. I personally feel fine on frozen meat, but then again I never tried eating 100% fresh for a while to see if I felt better on that.

Offline KD

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Re: m and my experiences
« Reply #28 on: February 23, 2010, 07:50:35 am »
I asked in another thread about places like WF discarding fat, and the consensus seemed to be that they ship the muscle meats as is and maybe just divide into smaller portions. that real butchering is becoming a thing of the past.

I can get grass fed muscle meats from WF - and the fattier cuts like chuck and shoulder are actually quite cheap - but not consistently
I used to eat some grain fed WF meat raw, but now cook it.

Slankers was what I was considering, I'll mull it over some more in the next few days, thanks for sharing your experience.


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