Author Topic: Can You Still Eat Raw Meat if it's Turned a Little Brown?  (Read 33175 times)

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Re: Can You Still Eat Raw Meat if it's Turned a Little Brown?
« Reply #25 on: September 21, 2010, 03:54:25 am »
If it makes me feel good then it's ok in my book. I love science but do not spend time reading up on many studies so usually have no hard evidence to back up my anecdotal findings.  My feels about the protein issue is due to how I feel eating consistent brisket versus consistent ground. I do notice I have a small hit to performance (oftentimes mental) when eating solely ground but it's very small.

Reading and responding to one's own bodily reactions is wise practice Dan.  The science is important and certainly has it's place but when it begins to take precedence over listening to our unique bodies and acknowledging their individual needs then it has the potential to become a negative influence.

Absolutely. The last fruit I had were about a half dozen lingonberries, maybe a month ago, off of plants my mother planted this year. They were nice and tart which was nice. I also didn't notice an issue with my Candida afterwards but did have a small bit of joint pain so will not make it a regular occasion.

Good on you!  With berry season now reaching it's conclusion you have done well to abstain!  I must admit I have indulged in wild blackberries/raspberries on a number of occasions this season as it's been a nice thing to do when out walking in nature with my son.  He absolutely relishes them and, as he's given no other fruit/veg, I think they probably do him good.  Fortunately, these don't seem to have had much of an impact on me although they were probably partly responsible for my recent tooth problems.

I find that I will go for awhile eating one type of meat and then after awhile it starts to get unappealing so onto another. I suspect that it is an inborn need for some nutrient or another that is calling.  From my Ayurvedic studies I have concluded that eating one particular meal for very long periods is an invitation to disease. (This'll start a racket LOL )

Funny enough, I tend to do the same Alan.  I often eat the same thing for a number of days or weeks and then switch to something completely different.  But, it's all variation on a theme on my VLC diet!  I suspected, too, that you may have started a racket with those comments but nothing so far?!  :)  Certainly, Lex seems to be responding incredibly well to his mono-diet but, in general, that's probably wise advice.

1. When offered something that is too good to be true. It is.
2. Greed and fear are poor states of mind in which to make decisions; like shopping at the supermarket when you are hungry.
3. Exponential growth is mathematically unsustainable.


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