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Offline Guittarman03

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RAF and children
« on: February 16, 2009, 03:33:09 am »
Do any of you out there have children that eat RAF (whether RP, primal, etc)?  Did you/you partner eat RAF during pregnancy?  Did you start afterward?  How do they like it?  Can you tell any distinct differences between them and non-RAF kids? 

Just curious in general how children respond, and curious about what I don't know.

My sister complains that if my neice (2 years old) eats too much fruit she gets the runs.  I try to tell her it's b/c her body is using the good nutrition to detox from the other crap she feeds her.     
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Re: RAF and children
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2009, 05:26:56 am »
Eating lots of fruit on its own always causes the runs. I doubt it has anything to do with detox as I've sometimes been forced to eat lots of fruit for 2-4 days at a time, due to unavailability of meat, and I always get very loose, liquid stools.
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Offline DameonWolf

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Re: RAF and children
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2009, 06:56:36 am »
Yeah I second that, only a few fruits seem to not have that affect on me. Apples being one of them.

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Re: RAF and children
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2009, 12:31:12 pm »
I feed my kids raw milk every now and then when it's there, but it is not a staple.
Fruits we always eat raw at breakfast.
Raw animal food yes I always offer it to them when I'm with them at meal time.
My kids are 7, 5 and 4.  They tend to like raw beef, raw bone marrow, raw liver, raw squid, raw tuna, raw blue marlin, raw dilis (2 inch fish) in vinegar, raw eggs yolks, raw oysters, raw honey, raw pili nuts.
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Re: RAF and children
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2009, 10:16:35 pm »
I had kids in my 20s, and I am happy I did because 1) I have been young and active enough to really enjoy them, and 2) the mother's health is enhanced in many ways by giving birth and nursing during this 3rd decade of her life (google it and see).

So I don't have "children" any more (yippee!).  We learned about raw paleo only a year and a half ago or something.  My kids have always liked sushi and sashimi and rare steaks.  They really enjoy now having raw sliced beef in whatever sauce.  They eat raw animal foods daily now.  They don't like raw ground meats.

But my husband has been fiercely resistant to raf.  He will eat a bit of something as an appetizer, but he does not care for it really.  This has, in some ways, dragged me down in attempting all raw, cuz it's just a major pain in the ass to prepare 2 separate meals all the time, especially if the cooked meals are elaborate (containing many different foods).  And I am home so it is fair that I make meals.

Recently, however, my younger son, whom we will call Nomad, has been really keen on what he is eating.  He has read all about Andrew, Keith, Kyle and Lex on this board, and he has seen Charles' remarkable transformation photos on the zero carb forum.  Being a young man (and a new black belt), he is very interested in his athletic performance and his looks.  He has seen a direct correlation between raw, organic pastured dairy consumption (in the form of cheese, butter and cream) and acne development.  My other son is completely dairy intolerant and will not eat dairy ever (and hasn't for like 9 years).  Nomad also has wanted to get ripped, and so he has dropped any grain or other starch (which the guys did like having a few times a week in the past).  So he won't eat any added sugar at all.  His fruit consumption is down to every other day.

However, Nomad felt a bit weak in martial arts training yesterday (probably adapting to lower carb).  He has lightning fast reactions, and he is getting really good.  Makes me sick to see how much he has improved while I kind of float along (but I am damn proud too).  So I don't think he will want to completely cut all carbs, but he might.  We workout 6 days a week - 3 weights, 3 martial arts, some walking, racquetball, swimming on occasion.

So now everyone is semi raw and all paleo, FINALLY!  No more sticky starchy carb pots and pans to clean!  This has enabled me to increase the percentage of raw foods in my diet to about 70-90%.  I now eat raw beef, raw seafoods, raw or semi-cooked eggs; and to a much less extent avocado, onion, garlic, lemon, salad greens, herbs and spices.  I might have a teaspoon of raw honey or a few berries once a week max.  The only cooked food I am eating for the last few weeks is home made bone stock soups and a bit of meat.  But I feel indigestion on the cooked meat.  Soup broth is fine.  I never crave carb foods, and I feel great!


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Re: RAF and children
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2009, 10:38:10 pm »
I might have a teaspoon of raw honey or a few berries once a week max. 

I never just eat honey though.  I only include it in teriyaki sauce or something.

Offline primaD

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Re: RAF and children
« Reply #6 on: March 18, 2009, 03:13:11 pm »
I guess I'm the opposite here.  I eat plenty of fruits everyday.  Apples, oranges, tangelos, blueberries, blackberries, raw banana ice cream, etc.  I'm 100% RAF (tomorrow will be my 5th day consecutively and I feel good!) but I'm an "instinctive child eater".  I say this because I eat what I feel like eating just like a little child.  In the past four days, sometimes I've eaten 2 apples, 3 oranges, blueberries, banana ice cream, blackberries, and a mango all in the same day.  :P  I do try to exercise quite a bit everyday.  I love soccer.  I feel like since I'm 100% RAF I can do what I want as long as I stay 100% RAF. 


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