Author Topic: Finally got my organs!!  (Read 7507 times)

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Offline marcuspaleo

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Finally got my organs!!
« on: May 27, 2015, 11:54:08 pm »
So I finally got my organs after nearly 6 months of trying! They are in my fridge right now, covered in shit, digested food and blood! Its beautiful.

Firstly, I already made a thread on hunting deer to obtain them; and what to ask the farmer who was providing them, so Tyler, sorry for starting a new thread on a similar topic. Please delete them if you want as they are no longer relevant.

My questions now are regarding safety and preparation.

1) Firstly, I got nearly all of the organs/glands of 2 organic deer. They killed them the very morning i picked them up. I left in the morning and drove to the farm which took me about 4 hours. They were in the cold room when i arrived. Unfortunately, the stomachs were so full it couldn't fit in my esky with ice. Neither them or I had done this before so i didnt know to just empty them there. What we did was just let out some air, jam it in the esky and try and get home quickly to get them refrigerated. Unfortunately, it took me about 5 hours to do this. It wasn't a hot day or anything but i wonder if this is an issue?

2) When i finally got home i started to cut and clean. Man its a big job. I spent about 2 hours and they are still not clean. I was very hesitant about where to cut so what took me 2 hours would probably take an expert 30 min. I was also tired after such a long day so i wasn't very thorough or motivated. The organs are now in the fridge, they have been cleaned but they are far from clean. I was going to clean them again in the morning. Is this ok to leave them like this over night or do i really need to clean them properly ASAP? Also, can anyone give me any tips or advice in cleaning the organs: do they need to be squeaky clean? Do they need to be cleaned properly before frozen? I found this video on how to clean a stomach:

3) Obviously i will be eating these raw, but id like to get some advice on how to eat them. Once they are clean, can I just freeze them and take them out when i want them, and eat them raw? Should I freeze them for 2 weeks to be safe like ive read elsewhere? Here is a video of Sabertooth preparing a stomach and blood shake:

« Last Edit: May 28, 2015, 12:03:30 am by marcuspaleo »

Offline dariorpl

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Re: Finally got my organs!!
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2015, 07:44:33 am »
Glad to hear you got them, though it's unfortunate you had to go through so much trouble to get them.

I personally would rather them go high than freezing them. I think they may lose a lot of nutrients by freezing. And as for the cleanliness, it's a matter of taste IMO. Chances are the less clean they are, the healthier they will be, but they may be less palatable. I don't know how to clean a stomach or intestines. But the heart, liver, brain and lungs may simply be a matter of slice and eat, depending on how you got them. Keeping them cold through the trip would again be a matter of palatability in my view. The more bacterial and mold activity there is, the healthier they will be, but the worse they will taste.

Although with some meats such as chicken, I'm learning that there is sometimes a middle point, after about 2-4 days in the fridge, where they become more tasty than when freshly slaughtered, and before they start getting an unpleasant flavor. This middle point may also have something to do with partial drying. Check out the "old shoe" thread by eveheart:

Or, a classic:
« Last Edit: May 28, 2015, 07:59:55 am by dariorpl »
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Offline jessica

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Re: Finally got my organs!!
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2015, 09:35:03 am »
i would clean them asap.  the bacteria in the guts and poop and such start to break down the organs pretty fast, also it gets harder to clean the longer you let it sit.  clean them by rinsing and rubbing stuff off with your hands then make sure they are nice and dry and then decide whether you want to age them or freeze them.

i dont agree with "the healthier they will be the worst they will taste"  even after years of eating high meat, stuff that bugs have gotten on, stuff thats rolled in dirt and poo and compost, there is a point where its just unpalatable, smells to ripe, has been to digested by other organisms to be healthful, etcetera and i listen to my body and just dont eat it.

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Re: Finally got my organs!!
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2015, 01:16:45 pm »
No shit for me either.
Follow Jessica's advice.
Clean clean clean.

If you want organs that are unwashed, you can always get oysters, clams, tiny fish, tiny shrimp
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Offline marcuspaleo

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Re: Finally got my organs!!
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2015, 02:02:24 pm »
Thanks guys. Great advice. Well I just spent another 2 hours trying to clean them. The intestines are so hard that ill have to have another go tomorrow.  If i cant clean them, ill just forget about them. The rest is quite clean now though. I think ill clean again tomorrow and they'll be right. I was a bit concerned that they aren't dry though!? I put them in bags after rinsing them and i wondered if i should dry them first as I know the Indians always dried immediately.

Offline jessica

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Re: Finally got my organs!!
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2015, 03:17:32 am »
dry them, use a clean cloth, dont put them in bags wet, they will start to break down really fast that way.  dry them and hang them or let them sit on clean dry plates in the fridge.  if they end up on plates, flip them occasionally and make sure you wipe up wetness on the plate.

Offline marcuspaleo

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Re: Finally got my organs!!
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2015, 07:04:51 pm »
dry them, use a clean cloth, dont put them in bags wet, they will start to break down really fast that way.  dry them and hang them or let them sit on clean dry plates in the fridge.  if they end up on plates, flip them occasionally and make sure you wipe up wetness on the plate.

thanks jessica. Done all that. I have to freeze them hey? Will doing so affect its quantity and digestibility? if so i might try and each as much as i can this week

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Re: Finally got my organs!!
« Reply #7 on: May 29, 2015, 09:43:14 pm »
you can just leave them in the fridge, either on plates but be sure to flip them, or even in a colander or best, to hang them and age them as long as your fridge remains dry.  you are talking about just the offal right?  did you also get cuts of meat?  i would assume freezing affects quality and digestibility, but i am not sure to what degree, all i know is it certainly effects taste and texture.  its really up to you to decide what to do, if you let them go in the fridge and something goes awry to the point where you arent going to eat them(putridity, questionable molds), then it would have been better to have chosen to freeze them and at least preserve some of the quality. 

Offline marcuspaleo

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Re: Finally got my organs!!
« Reply #8 on: May 30, 2015, 07:01:20 pm »
you can just leave them in the fridge, either on plates but be sure to flip them, or even in a colander or best, to hang them and age them as long as your fridge remains dry.  you are talking about just the offal right?  did you also get cuts of meat?  i would assume freezing affects quality and digestibility, but i am not sure to what degree, all i know is it certainly effects taste and texture.  its really up to you to decide what to do, if you let them go in the fridge and something goes awry to the point where you arent going to eat them(putridity, questionable molds), then it would have been better to have chosen to freeze them and at least preserve some of the quality.

Hi Jessica,

Yes, just offal. Ive left about a weeks worth on a plate in the fridge to eat unfrozen, and froze the rest to consume later. I actually havent cleaned and frozen the intestines yet either. I just haven't had time. It will be nearly 5 days after the kill before I get that done. They have been chilled the entire time but they are still covered in shit in an esky with ice.

I ate some of it last night for dinner and felt fine. I felt light and they digestive pains werent bad at all. However, I got a really strange feeling this morning. I woke up early feeling terrible. I got slowly worse for an hour and I thought: "damm, ive got some sort of food poisoning"; however the feeling eventually passed and I never threw up. I was wondering if it was some kind of detox reaction? Or maybe just my body not used to this food. I ate about 150grams of raw intestinal fat, among other things.

I mentioned in another thread that I have terrible pain in my midsection. There is clearly something wrong within my digestive tract. I was reading Ramiel Nagels' "cure tooth decay" today which recommends animal organs, raw dairy and seafood organs to cure tooth decay and tooth pain. The diet isnt anywhere near as strict as Derek Nance's (eating nothing but raw animal) as it allows some grains and cooked food, and yet it is still incredibly effective at reducing pain. How do I go about finding the best diet for me? Is it a case of perhaps starting with a weston a price type diet and then keep removing things until i get to eating nothing but raw animal? To me eating every part of an animal raw is the purest of diets, but incredibly hard to implement. Or in my case is it best to jump straight into nothing but raw meat to get things moving? Im just a bit concerned because ive tried many diets in the past: some have helped, others have made me worse. The most damaging diet was a cooked paleo. All that meat made me feel like shit and damaged my digestive tract/organs

Jessica, can you please outline your diet, why you chose it, what symptoms were you trying to address and how long it took the work? I watched the interview with Derek Nance and we share very similar symptoms: crushing fatigue and incredible discomfort after eating. I think he said it took him 2 weeks to feel better.

« Last Edit: May 30, 2015, 07:11:28 pm by marcuspaleo »

Offline jessica

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Re: Finally got my organs!!
« Reply #9 on: May 30, 2015, 09:55:39 pm »
did you eat fat very close to going to bed?  its possible your digestion isnt up to par and it just sat in your stomach and the pains in the morning were your gallbladder.  if you felt nauseous, like you were going to possibly barf or even diarrhea or had any pains in your back then gallbladder stress was likely the cause.  just dont eat so much fat in one sitting and make sure to give yourself quite a few hours between your last meal and sleeping, and possible a nice walk or gentle exercise in between.  what else did you eat?

Offline marcuspaleo

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Re: Finally got my organs!!
« Reply #10 on: May 31, 2015, 12:26:28 pm »
did you eat fat very close to going to bed?  its possible your digestion isnt up to par and it just sat in your stomach and the pains in the morning were your gallbladder.  if you felt nauseous, like you were going to possibly barf or even diarrhea or had any pains in your back then gallbladder stress was likely the cause.  just dont eat so much fat in one sitting and make sure to give yourself quite a few hours between your last meal and sleeping, and possible a nice walk or gentle exercise in between.  what else did you eat?

Yes, that's quite possible. It probably did just sit there in my stomach. I also think that food is escaping into my blood stream through intestinal/stomach permeability. I ate some intestinal fat, some liver, some stomach and some really nice "mousse" like fatty cut near the heart.

Also, i cleaned the meat as best i could before freezing it, but some parts, like the stomach, are near impossible to clean. Is it ok to freeze it as is, then take out, clean again as best as possible before eating?
« Last Edit: May 31, 2015, 01:03:01 pm by marcuspaleo »

Offline marcuspaleo

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Re: Finally got my organs!!
« Reply #11 on: June 01, 2015, 01:37:16 pm »
Unfortunately it appears I wont get a chance to clean and consume the intestines and much of the surrounding fat. Am i missing out on some valuable nutrition?


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