Author Topic: Getting the Most out of Life (plus cool extras, like eye colour change)  (Read 11622 times)

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Offline jrawsychuk

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Hi there! My name is Jessica, I am a 30 yr old woman from Alberta, Canada, with auburn hair and (possibly) green eyes. I am moving to British Columbia at the end of the month and am looking for new ways to connect with others of like interests as well as further my involvement in a lifestyle that has completely transformed me over the past 6 years. Despite having eaten raw plant and animal foods for a long time, I have never felt prompted to join a forum before--I thought I could gain what knowledge I needed from books and then experiment about the rest. This idea was challenged for the first time when I noticed your thread about iris colour change. After several new acquaintances surprised me over the past year by complimenting my "green eyes" I noticed that my eyes, which have been a definite chestnut brown from childhood, have shifted to a distinctly greenish hazel. I was quite shocked when I searched "iris colour change" online and discovered that many other people have experienced a similar effect eating this way--when I first began eating raw foods in 2008 I had never heard of such a phenomena. I have always personally loved green eyes, so I am quite excited to see if my eyes will brighten any more, and I am curious as to how to maximize the effect through my dietary choices (especially whether meat intake is a significant factor in this). Overall though, my goal is to live the healthiest and most fulfilling life possible, with other neat side-effects remaining periphery--I would never choose green eyes over optimal health!

I grew up on a Ukrainian-heritage SAD diet (which turned me into a 200-pound perogy by my late teens). After struggling with an eating disorder in high school and fluctuating drastically in weight throughout my first stint at university, I decided to learn about how to feed my body properly and began working in the health food industry. I began to switch over to a cooked organic omnivorous diet with (so-called) whole-food supplements, which did make some improvements to my health, but the more I learned the more I began to gravitate away from supplements and toward the produce department. I started my raw diet in 2008 following the raw vegan principles that I learned about in the health industry, but added a few modifications from the macrobiotic tradition, particularly ferments (which I make at home) and fish (sashimi). At the same time, I began feeding my cat a raw meat diet.

In 2009, I moved to Vancouver Island and lost my source for my cat's locally prepared raw food. I began making my cat’s food from scratch out of fresh beef and elk, and also immediately began to experience strong urges to eat the raw (muscle) meat before adding the organ meats and bone meal powder, etc. when preparing it, which I did about once a month. I did some research online, discovered that other people eat raw meat and survive :O, and began to incorporate some raw meat into my diet (in 2010). I only lived on the island for about a year before returning to Alberta to go back to school, but I continued to make home-made cat food and consume raw meat myself.

I began by eating raw red meat (grass-fed anti-biotic-free or wild) about once per month and increased my sashimi intake from once every few months to 2-4 times per month. I now find that I feel best when I eat meat at least a few times per month. I have been adding an increasing frequency of raw meat and fish over the past 4 years, so that I now generally eat some animal food every 2-4 days. My experiments with raw dairy have been disappointing, generally leaving me feeling sick and phlegmy, with an immediately noticeable increase in ear wax production (within minutes) and a rash that develops all over my torso over the next 12 to 24 hours (if I consume more than a tiny garnish-sized amount). I have had better results with raw goat cheese, but eat it only rarely because of the high expense, difficulty to procure in my area, and my decrease in craving for dairy over time.

I used to get frequent and intense colds and throat infections but have only twice been sick for longer than a day in the 6 years since going raw (once with a cold that lasted 4 days and once with pneumonia, which lasted 3 weeks). I now feel that I am in excellent overall health, and although I am still working on toning my body, have attained a healthy and stable weight. I have no (or extremely minimal) lingering problems with self-esteem or making social connections, and I am not tempted to engage in any self-destructive eating behaviours as long as I stick to raw foods. I am also interested in and working on other areas of personal development in order to live a fulfilling life, but know that my diet is the foundation for living a good life for many years to come. I feel that it is part of my calling and social duty to live life well in all aspects, as I am a professional role model (elementary and jr. high schoolteacher).

I still eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, with some nuts and seeds, and I use raw honey as my sweetener. I have tried eating a primarily meat based diet for a few days at a time, but quickly feel too hot (I do crave and eat more meat during the winter months) and start to have skin breakouts and smellier digestion and body odour if I eat meat much more than once daily or every few days.  However, when I do eat meat, I usually eat a lot of it--perhaps if I ate smaller amounts more often I would also feel well. I definitely feel most energetic and clean-burning when I eat a lot of home-made fermented foods (several times daily): sourkraut, kimchi, and kombucha being my favourites.

Thank you for taking the time to get to know me. I greatly look forward to sharing with and learning from all of you!

Have an amazing day!

PS. I have tried to attach a pic of me as a kid, one from 2012, and a close up of my eyes from a day or two ago. I'm not sure if the file sizes will be allowed, but I hope it works because the eye colour change is pretty noticable.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2014, 03:41:22 pm by jrawsychuk »

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Re: Getting the Most out of Life (plus cool extras, like eye colour change)
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2014, 11:53:22 am »
Wow, how about a picture of you at 200 pounds?
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Offline jrawsychuk

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Re: Getting the Most out of Life (plus cool extras, like eye colour change)
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2014, 02:45:23 pm »
Well. . . I did my best to avoid the camera in those days (and tried to use hair colour to distract from my size, as you can see), but here are a couple from around 2000 or 2001 (age 16 or 17). I had made quite a lot of improvements before going raw by eating an organic cooked diet, so I have also posted one from summer of 2008, taken just one week before I started eating raw (at age 24), and two from late 2013 (age 29), which is a good representation of my appearance today (the sweater has wrinkles, not my stomach! ;)). A vast improvement in both health and confidence!

PS. you may notice that my eyes look pretty brown in the photos from last fall. The green has definitely increased since these were taken, but they do still appear brown or khaki/muddy green in dimmer lighting.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2014, 03:03:04 pm by jrawsychuk »

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Re: Getting the Most out of Life (plus cool extras, like eye colour change)
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2014, 03:07:33 pm »
Welcome to the forum! Sadly, I never quite got the abrupt iris-colour change that I wanted. I just got a cross between brown and green, sort of.
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Offline jrawsychuk

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Re: Getting the Most out of Life (plus cool extras, like eye colour change)
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2014, 03:27:18 pm »
Thanks for welcoming me here :)

I guess since I only recently discovered that iris colour change is possible, I will be happy with whatever extent to which it occurs. It certainly would be a long and frustrating process if altering their eye colour were a person's only goal for adopting a diet like this. . . It took 5 years for other people to comment and another one before I started to really believe them. But not to worry, folks, the more immediate benefits of this lifestyle are well worth the effort of breaking old unhealthy habits, and the food is amazing! Overall health, well-being, and fitness are much higher motivators for me and now that my old cravings have disappeared, I no longer feel that I am restricted to a 'diet'. Lots of things that I used to love to eat seem quite gross to me now, or rather not like food at all. Those 'foods' are so devoid of nutrition that thinking of eating them would be like deciding to eat plastic or something. Why bother?
« Last Edit: August 18, 2014, 03:32:39 pm by jrawsychuk »

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Re: Getting the Most out of Life (plus cool extras, like eye colour change)
« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2014, 04:40:42 pm »
Wow, you're really pretty!  I wish my eyes would turn blue, but it seems more likely if they changed colour, they would become hazel like yours.  That would be crazy if my eyes became so green!  I know my parents would freak out too.  I don't know if I could stick to a 100% raw diet long enough to get an eye colour change though, but here's hoping!
Hi, I'm 32, around 5'4" and ~124lb, no real significant health problems other than hyperventilating when running/exercising (that my doc said was because of the smog/asthma), fatigue, and really bad acne.
I'd preferably be a carnivore/very low carb, but I have had a very hard time finding grass-fed or even organic fats, organs, and marrow. I consume raw dairy, but I do not eat much vegetables.. however, I do love fruit.
I live with my dad, so I also have to sneak any raw meat eating.

Offline JFetter

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Re: Getting the Most out of Life (plus cool extras, like eye colour change)
« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2014, 08:04:52 pm »
You are quite beautiful, and look happy!

Hmm... haven't heard of this eye color thing.  I started blue, so what will I change to?  -\

Offline jrawsychuk

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Re: Getting the Most out of Life (plus cool extras, like eye colour change)
« Reply #7 on: August 19, 2014, 02:03:19 am »
Thanks for the compliments!

JFetter, I am still just learning about this myself, but so far I have only come across reports of eyes getting brighter and lighter in the raw community, with many people's eyes remaining their same basic colour. Some iridologists (and others) theorize that there are only two basic eye colour categories: 'true brown' and 'true blue', and that many people with brown, green, or hazel appearing eyes are in fact 'true blue' (those who were born with blue eyes that turned darker in childhood, which is quite a common phenomena in persons with some European ancestry). If true, this would probably be the case for most people of European ancestry with hazel or green eyes. Generally speaking, people in mainstream society do not experience significant eye colour shifts in adulthood, and it seems that the ruling scientific establishment believes it to be "impossible"--except darkening, which sometimes occurs as a side effect of using certain pharmaceuticals (generally the opposite effect, with blue eyes turning brown). This darkening effect from introduced toxins seems to support the idea that the brown in some people's eyes could come from toxic build-up rather than be the true natural colour of their eyes. Someone in this forum noted that the age where eye colour darkens in babies is usually around they time that they are weaned off mother's milk and given cooked foods (there is a thread about eye-colour shift elsewhere on the site).

I do not know what it is about the people whose eyes stay blue that causes their eye colour to NOT shift when eating a SAD diet, because I am sure that light eyes are not a fool-proof indicator of overall health. My maternal grandmother has very light blue eyes to this day, but she has struggled with severe obesity since before I was born and is now diabetic with a slurry of complications (cannot even stand up from her chair without assistance). So please use other more reliable indicators to tell you about your overall state of health! I wouldn't want to contribute to the promotion of misleading stereotypes. ;)

Reports like mine are generally from people who started out with brown or hazel eyes, and I have only come across one raw vegan on youtube who makes a claim of a dramatic and rapid shift from entirely brown to almost completely blue. Otherwise, all reports I have seen are of a more subtle change and generally over a longer time period--most are from those who follow a RVAF diet rather than vegan. I guess we are all still experimenting! I have no idea if my eyes will continue to lighten to a definite green or blue, go back to brown, or stay as they are from now on.

If you are starting off with blue eyes and your eyes do change in appearance at all, it is likely that they would shift to a lighter blue. Unless they go light enough to be called 'steel' or 'grey', people won't have a different category to put you in. However, if you stick with eating this way you can expect lots of compliments on your eyes anyway, since it seems to affect the way light is reflected off the eyes (they become glossier all over) whether or not the iris is affected. I have gotten eye compliments since the first few months, but only recently about the different colour.

Hope that helps (and sorry if it's too wordy, I am used to writing essays lol!)
« Last Edit: August 19, 2014, 02:23:46 am by jrawsychuk »

Offline jessica

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Re: Getting the Most out of Life (plus cool extras, like eye colour change)
« Reply #8 on: August 19, 2014, 04:35:40 am »
Congratulations on finding what works for you and continued good health. I am glad to hear you are using what you have learned about natural health to educate and influence others, especially Children.

Suiren and I have also reported eye color changes.  I also have auburn hair and my eyes have gone from brown to hazel, my right eye is  half green half brown at this point.  I doubt they will ever turn blue but I am sure they will continue to change.

Offline jrawsychuk

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Re: Getting the Most out of Life (plus cool extras, like eye colour change)
« Reply #9 on: August 19, 2014, 04:53:35 pm »
It is a neat phenomena, that's for sure, Jessica. It's nice to get the chance to talk with someone else who has experienced the same. I am always excited when something I had heard/believed to be impossible suddenly happens and proves to us all that we haven't uncovered every secret of the universe yet! The world is such a cool place :)

Offline BushTucka

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Re: Getting the Most out of Life (plus cool extras, like eye colour change)
« Reply #10 on: November 28, 2015, 05:19:33 pm »
Eating too much meat at once because of the purine content can have you produce excess uric acid and stress your kidneys, and too much protein at once (all protein) will lead to ammonia (protein metabolism byproduct). You may feel better eating a small amount of meat (one serving - 100grams with fat, 85grams lean) every day or whenever you feel like it :)

Offline thetasig

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Re: Getting the Most out of Life (plus cool extras, like eye colour change)
« Reply #11 on: November 30, 2015, 02:35:09 am »
Those of us familiar with Aajonus Vonderplanitz's iris photography and examinations/readings, understand that the eyes are truly a window on both the soul and the body. You can see the health of a person in the iris and the rest of the eye. So "good on ya" for helping your body clean out and restore itself.


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