Hello I'm from Brazil 
, i'm new here, and I've been reading about raw paleo, I've been in places like myhealthblog, primal parent ...
4 years ago, I developed a kind of heavy mental illness that broke me, I had many panic attacks, paranoid thoughts, and severe depression, I managed these symptoms for over two years and continued living (without drugs), they decreased slightly. Until two years ago, after a period of stress, they returned 4x worse, and this time I had a brutal fatigue that left me very weak, I was practically a zombie when I began to associate what I ate to my problems, I started to eliminate the food that made me sick ... so I could have a great control of mental health problems (75% I would say), and also quite improved fatigue, but the diet I am currently, although restricted is not enough.
First, I am very thin, since young I could never gain weight, and as I was sick I lost more weight in the past I ate in a very large amount, and I was a slave to food (I should be fat)
This diet I got rid of most of the problems, but I am not healed, I consume cooked meat, eggs, some leafy vegetables, some good fats, and fruits 2 per day. It's been three months and some days I'm on this diet, my weight remains the same.
The meat I consume is of poor quality, I do not have much choice, just want to feel good, my family thinks I'm crazy, they do not understand how this diet helped me out of the hole, although not the ideal yet for get rid 100% of the symptoms.
I can not digest fats, if I consume a significant amount of fat, have almost diarrhea, and also a serious problem with carbohydrates that affect my mind, I can not eat fruits that have a lot of fructose, and only 2 per day in distant periods, but still the ideal would be only 1 per day to feel good.
I think that RPD would be perfect for me, I could finally get rid of 100% of mental problems, fatigue and weight gain and digest food ..
I found that 80% of Brazil's cattle is grass fed, so I could eat the meat I have a good raw consumption even with antibiotics and hormones? I have a source of organic meat and eggs 2 hours from home ... but will hurt in my pocket right now.
Help as you can!Bonus: Supplements I have ever used or I use:
Probiotics: Lactobacillus GG, Acidophilus, Saccharomyces boulardii and Bacillus clausii
Coconut oil
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Omega 3
Himalayan salt
Rodhiola Rosea
L-Glutamine (I could not take because it gave me horrible symptoms)
And Some anti wormers
Srry for bad english