Author Topic: TV show (42mins) episode on Raw Animal Foods! (Bizarre Foods by Andrew Zimmern)  (Read 24267 times)

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I would suggest that Russians living in more rural communities probably(?) have much better access to decent foods.

Here is the thing.  Yes, home grown food in rural areas is by far the best choice.  But it is not a staple.  It is simply an addition to a staple which is commercial bread, cheap pasta, potatoes, all cooked in vegetable (and very often refined) oils.  Sweet pies and supersweet jams are very common.  Everyone puts lots of sugar in their tea, usually 3 tea spoons.  Sugar is valued more than meat.  While meatless days can be tolerated most Russians cannot be without their sugar.  Processed and canned food is very popular.  This kind of food is highly entrenched in Russian culture inherited from the soviet days.  It will take many decades to wean off of it.

All of these things highly negate the benefits of clean garden vegetables. 

There are so few natives remained in the far north who still live like their ancestors that it can safely be ignored.  Probably not more than a thousand.  As a child I remember I was reading stories about those people where once a year they would cull some of the rain deer herds and they would eat it right there on the spot and be covered in blood all over.

Pre-western Siberians definitely had raw meat in their diet, but since have been almost all westernized with packaged and processed food as a staple.

Salo is not fresh raw, it is salted (cured).  Dried fish (stroganina), salo, and other raw-ish foods are simply an occasional snack. 

On the other hand most healthy conscious people follow American fashion such as low animal fat, high carbs, whole grains etc.  Russian media simply reprints popular American "healthy" sites.

Big cities are the best places to find clean food but it will take lots of effort to track the sources since demand is virtually non-existent.  In smaller cities you are totally out of luck unless you grow it yourself.

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No, all I'm saying is I have absolutely no trust in produce shown in that video.  Knowing the culture of russian business (much like chinese business) where profits are above all, I would stay away from it.  All of it grown in conventional farms using chemical fertilizers and pesticides just like in the US.  Even if it is not GMO it is still full of chemicals.  I trust US organic label much more than commercial Russian produce.

Most Americans cant afford totally organic diets either....I will agree that people who can afford organic in America are likely much better off than those who can only buy conventional in Russia.

 My question is regarding commercially produced foods in Russia v.s commercially produced foods in America? Would you rather eat American Monsanto crops or Russian conventional Market Foods?

Believe it or not there are signs of a transitional movement in Russia, where they may not have the resources to go entirely "certified organic", but they are developing and implementing methods which are healthier than the conventional Big Agra Methods used in America?

Are you saying that you would rather eat GMO Monsanto produced over Russian conventional?
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Would you rather eat American Monsanto crops or Russian conventional Market Foods?

99% of GMO crops are corn, soy, cotton, and canola.  I don't eat none of it even if it is organic.  That makes all other green produce basically the same in both countries.

Believe it or not there are signs of a transitional movement in Russia
You are like that kid who keeps telling himself Santa is real.

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No need to be condescending....Perhaps you dont live in the same America I have Lived in?

It is now government policy to promote more organic based agriculture in Russia.....Putin himself is promoting and pushing for an increase in organic production....while in America the politicians are doing everything possible to prohibit the expansion of organics through legislation such as the Dark act...We are being Run by hypocrites like Obama who feed his own children organic, and the congress who has an organic cafeteria....while they pass bills to limit every school child in this country to a lunch that consist of a dollars worth of GMO slop!
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It is now government policy to promote more organic based agriculture in Russia

You know nothing, Jon Snow Sabertooth

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"Im not aware of too many things, I know what I know , if you know what I mean" New Bohemians
Putin has openly supported increasing Organic food production....Putin came out years ago against US chicken for Quality issues in an interview that was edited out by 60 minuets.
While our last administration passes the Dark act, and does nothing to increase organic food production. All the while there is increasing levels of roundup in our food supply, the government spikes our water with fluoride, our required vaccine schedule is insane. Hormones and drugs which are illegal in animal feeds overseas are being used by the largest american producers...

Im open to re-conditioning of my world view, please provide relevant info, besides anecdotal observations from decades ago, which would better educate me. I would be particularly interested in comparative studies regarding overall health and cognitive functioning of Russian , Vs American youth....I am out here screaming from the roof tops that something is going on with the Children of our Nation...... lower intelligence, autism disorders, autoimmune disease , allergies, ect, are fucking epidemic over here...we have a government that for the most part is ignoring the issue and will not investigate the causal factors responsible.....and I would like to know if people in other areas of the world are having similar observations.

Perhaps I have some misplaced optimism that the Russian federation scientist have indeed studied many western practices and have set thier own standards for their own people...I will be the first to agree that the official standards of all governmental entities on this planet will never meet raw paleo standards...but we have to deal with the world as it is, and use what little influence we have for the betterment of conditions for all people...

There are people in that part of the world who need positive encouragement, so I cant see what harm my message can do, even if it doesn't jive with your own world view.

« Last Edit: February 16, 2017, 01:54:14 pm by sabertooth »
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I would be particularly interested in comparative studies regarding overall health and cognitive functioning of Russian , Vs American youth....

Putin is a professional liar.  That's his job.  He has been caught lying countless times.  Please ignore everything he is saying.

I would never wish for my kids to grow up in Russia.  Things you've listed are peanuts compared with fundamental flaws of Russian culture. Daily smoking and frequent drinking starts at at early teens.  More than 60% of russian males smoke.  Men's life expectancy is only 64 years.  And they too have autism, very high rates of cancer, all sorts of autoimmune disease, etc.  I see these things daily.  Because I trade oil on the side I follow what's going on in Russia very closely.  I read lots of news and follow social networks.

Again, these ugly things are embedded in the culture which you do not understand. The only way to understand it is to live there for some time and I assure you, you would be very happy to be back on American soil.  A little organic food here and there will not make a slightest dent in the overall quality in people's lives.

And yes, your optimism is really puzzling to me.

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Perhaps if you were to visit some of the hollers in the backwoods of Kentucky, you would see that there are plenty of places in America that are equally dismal. My mother smoked cigarettes and her mother and father were hardcore alcoholics..and in general much of the negative assessments of Russia apply to many regions of the United States...Opiate addiction is raging like wild fire in my parts....perhaps my affinity for the Russian people has something to do with how they remind me of many of the rednecks back home. I have a kindred understanding of the Dark Russian Soul, and feel the pain of the folly that has beset those people for far to long.

If you're going to look for fault you'll find it anywhere.” "But I would rather light a candle than curse the darkness" Regardless of the dregs of Russias wasteland, it is still inhabited by millions of beautiful , strong and proud people who may have a chance of one day turning things around and are in need of words of encouragement. My optimism is not aimed at postulating that any immediate Utopia will emerge from Putins Federation...Instead its part of a far reaching vision , a prophesy focused on evoking the spirit of positive change without any attachment to outcome...Give them a Blessing and encourage those children of the new day who are aware and willing to break the cycle...I cannot say how long it will take or what the results may ultimately least i can say I tried.

I would be interested in your view on the subject of global awakening as it pertains to Russia....Ive been watching RT, and shows like the Keiser Report are being run by radical Americans who have been blackballed in American, but are given a Voice through the Russia State media Apparatus, as part of the world wide information war. According to Max Keiser the Federation is actually following some of his economic recommendations, which in the face of sanctions are generally improving their overall economic condition. Also it would at least it would appear like there are people in positions of leadership who are regular listeners to Alex Jones and other anti Globalist avaunt Guards of the Alt Media. They even gave me a very nice article in Russia Mens Health! With all thats going on in the world it would seem that the iron curtains that have separated the people of the world, is being circumvented by new information technology. As unpredictable as things appear to be right now, anything is very well possible that within the next human generation, it only needed people of vision to point the way.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2017, 01:25:44 pm by sabertooth »
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Perhaps if you were to visit some of the hollers in the backwoods of Kentucky, you would see that there are plenty of places in America that are equally dismal

I've seen depressed areas/ghettos plenty in this country including Detroit.  Those are relatively small in size and quantity.  In Russia the whole country is depressed except very few areas like Moscow, St. Petersburg, and handful of other big cities.  See the difference? Whole far east (equivalent of 2/3 US area) is insanely depressed. It is so bad that government is offering free land to anyone willing to relocate.  Very few takers.

Ive been watching RT

RT is a dump.  It is pure propaganda 100% financed by Russian government as you indicated.  It is not a news channel.  It plays with your emotions and tells you what you want to hear.

I would be interested in your view on the subject of global awakening as it pertains to Russia

Russia has no future as long as it has lifelong autocratic presidents.  We are still witnessing crumbling of Russian/Soviet empire.  The process has not stopped.  I expect Russia will enter a new phase of ugly turmoil and further breakup.  I do not see a single bit of any awakening.

In fact, I do not see much awakening in the rest of the world.  I've traveled around the world plenty and see the same picture everywhere.  3rd world countries are grossly overpopulated and keep breeding clearing whatever forests have left.  Consumerism and gluttony have totally won because average person is greedy and lazy.  The only salvation in my view is another world war which will put a stopgap in population growth and overbuilding.  All other solutions are way too exotic for our simplistic human nature.

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Sounds like we are all DOOMED!!!!

RT is a dump.  It is pure propaganda 100% financed by Russian government as you indicated.  It is not a news channel.  It plays with your emotions and tells you what you want to hear.

Is all Propaganda Bad? also I seriously doubt host like Max Keiser and Jessie Ventura are agents of disinformation, like their counterparts in the Fakestream media in America. Keiser has had the same message, calling for insurrection against banker occupation for years, and he was blacklisted by all the major networks in the west who are actively censoring voices of descent...

Thomas Paine was an English born propagandist, whose radical works such as "common sense" and "the age of reason inspired" the founders to enact a revolution....Russian State propaganda is indeed infecting the minds of the westerner, and is countering the propaganda of the west quite effectively....I am not so sure that this is a Bad thing, considering that the corporations which control the major American networks have failed thier duty of providing the raw truth to the people. The mainstream news organisations are not elected representatives of the people, the majority are quislings of the corporate oligarchs.

The Russians in my view are doing us a favor with their counter propaganda programs.

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In fact, I do not see much awakening in the rest of the world.  I've traveled around the world plenty and see the same picture everywhere.  3rd world countries are grossly overpopulated and keep breeding clearing whatever forests have left.  Consumerism and gluttony have totally won because average person is greedy and lazy.  The only salvation in my view is another world war which will put a stopgap in population growth and overbuilding.  All other solutions are way too exotic for our simplistic human nature.
Exactly. Some of the things that prevented disaster in the past were the regular plagues that destroyed civilisations as they grew too powerful, plus things like gradually  overcultivated/oversalted agricultural areas helped  to slow down things. Now, only  a really big world war could make the world population drop dramatically. Even that may not save the total destruction of the environment. Already, the world is experiencing mass droughts in many areas. If there is no world war, I see a nasty, very slow gradual decline of humanity until extinction, whereby  humans in subsequent generations get ever fewer resources each generation after the next, live in places that get ever more and more polluted as time goes by.Plus, the number of human  birth-defects is rising inexorably as well, not a good sign.
"During the last campaign I knew what was happening. You know, they mocked me for my foreign policy and they laughed at my monetary policy. No more. No more.
" Ron Paul.

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99% of GMO crops are corn, soy, cotton, and canola.  I don't eat none of it even if it is organic.  That makes all other green produce basically the same in both countries.
You are like that kid who keeps telling himself Santa is real.

Russia has banned and also has less money for modern pesticides which are much more harmful and persistent than DDT which launched the whole environmental movement to counter it.

Even organic food in USA is generally of low quality, this is typical of America, produce food at a high cost lacking in nutrition, flavor and quality.

I know of many farmers in America who are nearly organic by default because they don't have extra money to buy chemicals. Chemicals aren't cheap and you said Russia is broke, sounds like a good place to move to whether I'm interested in building a home or business.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2017, 05:07:10 pm by RogueFarmer »

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Exactly. Some of the things that prevented disaster in the past were the regular plagues that destroyed civilisations as they grew too powerful, plus things like gradually  overcultivated/oversalted agricultural areas helped  to slow down things. Now, only  a really big world war could make the world population drop dramatically. Even that may not save the total destruction of the environment. Already, the world is experiencing mass droughts in many areas. If there is no world war, I see a nasty, very slow gradual decline of humanity until extinction, whereby  humans in subsequent generations get ever fewer resources each generation after the next, live in places that get ever more and more polluted as time goes by.Plus, the number of human  birth-defects is rising inexorably as well, not a good sign.

Nature will find a way to put humanity in line with or without our interventions. When the imbalance becomes too great there will be a breaking point, and the prevailing order will be plowed under. We are far from the point of absolute disillusionment, and it is my belief that we must go head long into the whirlwind of catastrophe in order to reach the next plateau. By forestalling the inevitable by means of artificially culling and controlling the population though chemical sterilization, out right genocide and intellectual subversion, the best intentions of the misanthropic Malthusians will in all likelihood prevent humanity from reaching the critical mass needed to reach the escape velocity to reach the higher plains of evolutionary potentiality, that is humanities birth right.

People no longer have the heart to enter into a new world war, and with the destructive capacity of modern warfare, such a thing would be the most idiotic way to manage the human problem. People wouldn't go for it and so it would have to be a war of robot drones and mechanical bombardments launched by the most wretched and deranged of the Malthusian elite against everyone would not be a war, but an extermination...that would indiscriminately kill both the strongest along with the weak of our species....any benefits in such programs of mass population reductions would be offset by fact that it would only delay the inevitable , while at the same time not allowing the crisis point to be reached, by which our species as it has always been able to overcome by evolving dynamic solution's.... from the most primitive single celled organisms to our present form...the spirit of life will not allow itself to be subjected to restraint.

This is an age at the cusp, the Malthusians are dead set in the belief that we are all doomed, though they are forgetful of the fact that every age is rounded to a close by some form of apocalypsia.  Lucky for us humans who still have hearts full of hope and love, there are a few rare souls who have the vision of the age of Aquarius dawning, in which the world will come together, and in the span of the next thousand years of peace and prosperity, will take the next step forward, and God only knows where that will take us. Through the transition there will be great strife, while in the cocoon it would appear the Caterpillar is dead, when the Forrest gave way to the Savannah the monkeys left the trees and had to learn to walk.

 This is an evocation, in the spirit of the fish that had the dream of one day conquering the land.... and now the progeny of that brave fish has made that dream a reality.... it is now time for us to dream the impossible dream.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2017, 11:35:47 pm by sabertooth »
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After thinking about it, Maybe it wasn't necessarily a fishes dream to conquer the land, the pre amphibians faced conditions quite similar to modern humans in many respects. They were often crowed into small pools of water that would grow smaller and smaller, stripped clean of all nurishment.

These poor pathetic creatures were our most early land ancestors. Fish with fins adapted to traverse the shallows and eventually over solid ground....when times were good they eeked out a decent existence....but when the water began to dry out (because of nature caused climate change) they had to face hellish ordeals just to survive.  They would wallow around in muck desperately gasping for air through mud clogged gills...barley alive, some adapted quickly and were able to hibernate under the mud, eventually they evolved the lungs needed to breath the air and from then on the world belonged to them/US

Only a select few made it out of the shallow death pits, and not all of us will make it out of the tumult of the new era. This understandably is not what people would like to hear, and so the masses are easily lead by those like the Malthusians who claim to have a plan to save us from our selves. If only we utilize reasonable measures to limit the population and cull out unwanted human traits and behaviors, then it would buy us the time we need to perfect the mastery of technology, and then everybody who wasn't exterminated would live happily ever after.

The problem with the misanthropic Malthusian thinking is that it fails to take into account the X-Factor of the spirit of life. I profess that there is a living spirit embedded into the coding of our Micro RNA. It constantly reads the environment and makes the appropriate reconfiguration of the DNA code. In  our species, the mechanics of this evolutionary marvel, has reached a much higher level of complexity than is currently understood. In attempting to comfort and pacify the misery inherent in life through artificial means, and to cull out our innate human traits that do not fit into a technocratic society, they are in essence disrupting the feed back systems between the RNA functioning and the Conscious human mind!

The protocol being suggested such as chemical birth control, genocide through war, culling through poisons and well as the general out of sync with the natural world ethos of our day, will lead to increasing disharmony between Gaia and the human species, so that even those who make the Grade, may still suffer from even greater afflictions than if we would just let nature take its course.

Think of the Legend of Logan(Wolverine from the X-Men...Imagine People who live on the wild fringes and are not subjected to the sterilization, vaccinations, and environmental corruption....A quantity of humans who live unadulterated, and fully tuned into their own innate evolutionary capacity...Such People may indeed within the next few of generations, develop remarkable powers of rejuvenation and a greater capacity of the evolutionary machinery to creatively adapt. The Micro RNA of these Mutants would be able devise the solution for our problems without the need all these elaborate genocidal measures. If enough of Us can hold on and never surrender, just as those suffocated fish in the primordial pond, then by the grace of Gaia when all the vaccinated GMO masses are being culled off by the bio weapons releases, the spirit of survival will carry the X-Humans forward.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2017, 07:19:23 am by sabertooth »
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Sounds like we are all DOOMED!!!!

I do like the idea of prepping very much. But I'm not doing much about it myself except a small arsenal of guns and ammo.

Is all Propaganda Bad?

Yes, yes, and more yes.  Anything government controlled is distorted and convoluted.  There is no need to turn to RT junk if you don't like mainstream news.  There are other much better sources.  I personally like among other things.

Russia has banned and also has less money for modern pesticides which are much more harmful and persistent than DDT which launched the whole environmental movement to counter it.

When I visited few years ago, industrial animal feeds was very popular, considered technologically advanced, as opposed to natural feeds.
And now, when severe economic turmoil is in full swing, almost no one cares about quality anymore.  It is all about quantity and how fast and how much can you bring it to market.  I do not trust Russian-made produce just like I do not trust Chinese-made.

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Talking about not trusting Russian produce... I recall when I was in Kiev in 1995, a whole load of women were selling these mineral-water bottles. The bottles had all quite obviously been previously  opened and refilled with tapwater, as they had no seal. Needless to say, I didn't buy any but was surprised that they even made the attempt to sell the stuff.
"During the last campaign I knew what was happening. You know, they mocked me for my foreign policy and they laughed at my monetary policy. No more. No more.
" Ron Paul.

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I just came back from Filipino supermarket and what I saw in there made me comment more on awakening.  Not only I do not see any awakening it looks to me that the world continues to degrade at even more pace.

In this huge place which was packed like sardines can I observed that all shoppers carts were full of packaged food.  I took few just to read the ingredients and sure it was either corn starch or corn syrup (most likely GMO) and usual coloring and other junk. 

There was also a food court filled with heavily grilled meats of questionable quality and there was a Filipino copy of KFC called Jollybee which servers horrible fried chicken and other garbage.  There was considerable lines to both places and not a single free table.  Everyone is sipping soda.

No one really cares about what they are eating as long as it taste good.  Sure they are probably going to die 20-30 years sooner but still gives them plenty of time to reproduce and their children will be just like them.

Those who do care are the tiniest tiniest minority.  All we can do is teach our children to pay attention what they put in their mouth and not be part of this global dumb majority.  And it is not even corporations fault.  They are simply giving people what they want.  They are not hiding anything, all the ingredients are listed in plain language.  People are just plain dumb and I don't think you can awake anything in dumb people.

And that's not even my pessimistic view.  Simply a reality check.

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The link is blocked in America(former home of the free internet)

Swiss banks (the most respected in the world) and many other banks worldwide will open international accounts for clients of any nationality or residence, except for United States citizens or residents. The US is the only country which taxes it's citizens on their international income even decades after they've left the country and never plan on returning. The US is likely the only country where upon arrival from another country or even while travelling in local flights, you will be irradiated heavily and/or have your genitals groped, probably by a homosexual. The US is likely the only country where you can be fined tens of thousands of dollars a day for planting the wrong kind of tree on your land, or for collecting rainwater, or changing the environment of your own property in any way.

The whole "land of the free and home of the brave " may have true a very long time ago, but certainly isn't the case today.

Disregarding racism and other State policies designed to eliminate minorities, the US is already more tyrannical than was the Nazi regime, and it's been that way for quite a while now, and will in all likelihood continue to move in that direction.

Regarding the video, the one that Eric posted is another episode altogether, if you want the one on raw foods, pm me your email address and I will send it to you
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Err, I can safely state from acquaintances' experience, that putting money in Swiss banks has been a disaster since at least 10 years ago or more. In the last 20 years, the US/Germany et al have forced the Swiss banks to release all details re account-holders via all sorts of dubious illegal means and sanctions.Plus, the Swiss banks also forced many account-holders to invest in worthless schemes c.2008 which lost them a lot of money. If you really want to invest money, then do so in Burma/North Korea, all countries with  no extradition treaties to the US but which are politically and economically-stable.

Incidentally, I have been several times extensively groped in a very homosexual way by British security at British airports. Austrian and French security at respective airports have left me alone. No doubt, the British security wanted to avoid being accused of racial profiling so deliberately targetted me as a result...
"During the last campaign I knew what was happening. You know, they mocked me for my foreign policy and they laughed at my monetary policy. No more. No more.
" Ron Paul.

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The US is likely the only country where upon arrival from another country or even while travelling in local flights, you will be irradiated heavily and/or have your genitals groped, probably by a homosexual.

Please stop spreading lies.

I travel internationally several times a year and never experienced these things.  I was frisked once and by far it was nothing like groping. I also never observed it with other travelers. 
Not only I can collect rain water, my village gives away rain barrels for free.
I can plant any tree I want on my property.

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Err, I can safely state from acquaintances' experience, that putting money in Swiss banks has been a disaster since at least 10 years ago or more. In the last 20 years, the US/Germany et al have forced the Swiss banks to release all details re account-holders via all sorts of dubious illegal means and sanctions.Plus, the Swiss banks also forced many account-holders to invest in worthless schemes c.2008 which lost them a lot of money. If you really want to invest money, then do so in Burma/North Korea, all countries with  no extradition treaties to the US but which are politically and economically-stable.

Incidentally, I have been several times extensively groped in a very homosexual way by British security at British airports. Austrian and French security at respective airports have left me alone. No doubt, the British security wanted to avoid being accused of racial profiling so deliberately targetted me as a result...

Yes, Swiss banks are not what they once where, but they retain the respect they gained in their time of glory. The respect part is all that really matters here. Also, yes, the UK is pretty bad too in this regard.
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Please stop spreading lies.

I travel internationally several times a year and never experienced these things.  I was frisked once and by far it was nothing like groping. I also never observed it with other travelers. 
Not only I can collect rain water, my village gives away rain barrels for free.
I can plant any tree I want on my property.

Please stop saying that I'm lying when I'm not. If you live in the US and you're not aware that these these happen all around you on a very frequent basis, I suggest you take off your pink eyeglasses and look at what's actually happening in reality, and not in your tiny 2x2 world whereby you think all is sunshine and roses until something bad happens to you personally. There's 300 million people in the US, plus many more who travel in and out every year.
We now live in a world where medicine destroys health, law destroys justice, education destroys knowledge, government destroys order, the press destroys information, religion destroys morals, and banking destroys the economy

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After reading through this thread, I get the notion that ys either grew up in the soviet union, or had relatives who grew up there, and it could be pointless to try to talk with him about this. I've seen this phenomenon before in people who grew up under the horrors of communism. They shut down anything good that could potentially be associated with the same place. So while Russia has a lot of good things going for it, they refuse to admit any of them and continue to cling to western nations as the beacon of freedom that they once represented when compared with the USSR. They even fail to recognize that more and more western countries are increasingly becoming more like the USSR was, while the former USSR countries are mostly moving towards freedom and capitalism.

While it could certainly happen for Russia to break up into smaller parts in the next few decades, and I would ultimately see that as a good thing, no matter what happens, I think Russia and other ex-USSR areas will continue to improve as this century unfolds, and I would not be surprised if within the next 50 years, Russia became the most relevant economic power in the world, with China being in the second place. I suspect many of us, our children and grandchildren will have to learn to speak russian and chinese in order to to stay relevant within the new worldwide economy.
We now live in a world where medicine destroys health, law destroys justice, education destroys knowledge, government destroys order, the press destroys information, religion destroys morals, and banking destroys the economy

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I just want to add one more point. A female Indian friend of a relative of mine stated that she would never travel to the US again after being "intimately" searched/groped for the umpteenth time by US security, post 9/11,  just because she looked "Middle-Eastern". OK, so, I, personally think that racial profiling is essential if one is going to have even the tiniest chance of  thwarting terrorism from the Middle-East, but I draw the line at targetting other non-Muslim-like  ethnicities purely for sexual kicks etc.
"During the last campaign I knew what was happening. You know, they mocked me for my foreign policy and they laughed at my monetary policy. No more. No more.
" Ron Paul.

Offline dariorpl

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I'm sure many RPDers will LOVE this! Probably a good idea to show friends/family that rawpaleo isn't so weird after all...

Great show btw! Thanks a lot for posting :)

I'm surprised I hadn't seen it to this day, given that it was uploaded 2.5 years ago
We now live in a world where medicine destroys health, law destroys justice, education destroys knowledge, government destroys order, the press destroys information, religion destroys morals, and banking destroys the economy


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