Author Topic: I'm making high meat for first time  (Read 7905 times)

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I'm making high meat for first time
« on: June 15, 2017, 12:51:35 pm »
I'm making high meat for the first time. And then I'm gunna eat it for the first time. This shall be interesting. Thanks for all the tips everyone gave each other in all the threads!!!

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Re: I'm making high meat for first time
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2017, 07:04:18 am »
I had no idea you were that hard core. Good luck. You must be very brave!

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Re: I'm making high meat for first time
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2017, 07:07:46 am »
Have you figured out why they call it high meat yet? Is it because it's supposed to get you high? That's the only thing that makes sense to me.

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Re: I'm making high meat for first time
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2017, 08:11:05 am »
The more I read about high meat the more it sounds dangerous. All I can find about it's name is that it came from the Eskimos. No idea why they would call it that.

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Re: I'm making high meat for first time
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2017, 08:18:03 am »
I would never recommend for anyone to try it but if you are determined I would say to not wait three weeks and eat it. Rather to eat some every day from day one as it is aging so that your body gradually has a chance to adapt and become used to it. 

Offline Robinlove

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Re: I'm making high meat for first time
« Reply #5 on: June 16, 2017, 01:47:30 pm »
Yah, supposed to get you high and do all sorts of other things. I've been aging my meat in the fridge and eating it just fine. Before I was raw or primal, I'd hate to waste any good so much that I'd eat meat that was wrapped for like a week or two. It wouldn't be like high meat, but it would be slimy and nasty. Id just cook it and I was always like " well, this MIGHT suck..." And it never did. Funny thing is quite a few years ago, I had food poisoning for like five months straight, but that was from rotten fruits and veggies. Ah man, life is weird. I'm fascinated by high meat. I love a good fish sauce, and apparently high meat can go for so long it turns into a sauce. Then there's the whole mycotoxins thing. I dunno. I'm alive and didn't die from 5 months of straight food poisoning? Let's see how this goes!

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Re: I'm making high meat for first time
« Reply #6 on: June 17, 2017, 12:50:42 am »
Food poisoning for 5 months straight? I never heard of that. I am the complete opposite of you. I hurry home from the store and freeze my meat as soon as possible and unless I am making jerky I eat it just as soon as it thaws out before it gets a chance for any bacteria to grow on it. To each his own I guess. Or rather hers in your case! Sounds like your used to it already but that it would probably make a normal person sick.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2017, 08:45:25 am by surfsteve »

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Re: I'm making high meat for first time
« Reply #7 on: June 17, 2017, 11:36:34 am »
Just came across this video and thought you might like it.

Offline Robinlove

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Re: I'm making high meat for first time
« Reply #8 on: June 17, 2017, 12:47:29 pm »
Hahaha epic video!!! I'm really... Nervous to try this high meet stuff. Let's see how it goes? I've been fine with meat I've been air curing in my fridge for two weeks. But that's totally different!!! That's like a young salami. I mean... Salami. Salami is similar to high meat in ways. Well, let's see how this goes.

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Re: I'm making high meat for first time
« Reply #9 on: June 19, 2017, 11:26:16 pm »
I did high meat for about a year. I did not really notice too much. but the king of high meat is TylerDurban.

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Re: I'm making high meat for first time
« Reply #10 on: June 19, 2017, 11:29:55 pm »
I should add that I was not ill when I did the high meat.

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Re: I'm making high meat for first time
« Reply #11 on: June 20, 2017, 02:24:07 am »
Seems like high meat is only eaten by people in small quantities just a bite at a time. But the availability of it in paleo times must have been the exact opposite.

I imagine fresh meat from larger animals was a rare treat and that the vast majority of big game meat was probably consumed spoiled long after it was killed. Think about it. It makes no sense at all to risk your life hunting a woolly mammoth for enough meat for one lousy day. Only if you plan on eating it for a very long time and unless you lived in Eskimo climate it would have spoiled long before it's consumption.

This is not a recommendation from me for everyone to go around consuming high meat. Merely an observation.

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Re: I'm making high meat for first time
« Reply #12 on: June 20, 2017, 02:31:51 am »
Ha! The saying comes to mind. "What doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger!" Perhaps the saying should be wiser instead of stronger though.

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Re: I'm making high meat for first time
« Reply #13 on: June 22, 2017, 05:06:29 am »
Does anybody know if eating high meat gives you bad breath?

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Re: I'm making high meat for first time
« Reply #14 on: June 22, 2017, 05:59:07 am »
Bad breath is a function of your digestion. Poor digestion, whether that means that it is too strong or too weak means bad breath. Digestion that is too strong makes you have sour breath and too weak and you get the smell of feces.

So all that to say that if you eat high meat the odds are that your breath should improve.

Offline Robinlove

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Re: I'm making high meat for first time
« Reply #15 on: June 28, 2017, 10:26:24 am »
Accidentally ade hgh liver pate  it seems to have ferented overnight from the raw acv and heat in car from yesterday, I was driving around for a bit with it
I'm not getting nauseous so there's that
Sorry leypad not working properly

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Re: I'm making high meat for first time
« Reply #16 on: July 16, 2017, 12:10:49 am »
What ever happened to you from eating high meat? Are you still with us?

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Re: I'm making high meat for first time
« Reply #17 on: July 16, 2017, 04:53:50 am »
It seems to be agreed that cooked meat is not the same as eating raw high meat. Cooked from what I understand makes the meat bad news.


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