Author Topic: Message from AV: Re Swine Flu  (Read 3565 times)

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Offline Raw in Florida

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Message from AV: Re Swine Flu
« on: October 04, 2009, 09:35:48 pm »
is in the newsletter archives at The main topic is of
utmost importance in which Aajonus gives the full story on one of the
most spoken of health concerns of our time: the swine flu hoax. Also, he
reveals his Survival Kit and how to prepare it, that so many people
requested. Additionally, proof that chubby people live longest.
Aajonus constructed a viable 6 pages 'Forced Vaccination - Acceptance of
Responsibility' form that all subscribers have access in 'articles and
essays' section. [note: In this newsletter, Aajonus refers to this
document at which will be live in a few days; you
can refer anyone to this site once it is running.  It is free, requiring
anyone to enter name and a password.  It has a welcoming letter from
Aajonus before the form.] There are many links in this 'Forced
Vaccination' form to objective sources.  Please also see the last page
telling you how to use this form to prevent forced vaccination.
Some more BIG NEWS:  In, search for 'wildandraw' to see
some video testimonials from people on the Primal Diet.  These have only
been posted for four days and Google/you tube has given two of them 5
stars already!  Once you see these, you are invited to send a link to
friends, family and/or anyone who needs or wants better health. Your
viewing and your participation in this will help because once Google/You
Tube sees a lot of people checking these out, Google/YouTube may
additionally post them in other prominent places.
Highest regards,
Jim Ellingson

Offline Roselene

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Re: Message from AV: Re Swine Flu
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2009, 11:15:42 pm »
Not that I don't want to share, but is that the one that came in 3 AM this morning starting off-

This one is definitely for subscribers only because it gives the full story on one of the most spoken of health concerns of our time: the swine flu hoax.

It was the first time he wrote to me from that address.

Have you ever stored the meat the way he says to in this newsletter?

I do recommend getting a subscription to the newsletters.  I have found very valuable information in them over the pasts years.


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