Author Topic: Mixing Differing Fats and Proteins  (Read 3910 times)

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Offline UntamedPete

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Mixing Differing Fats and Proteins
« on: March 11, 2018, 07:37:12 am »
How is it going! I am new to this forum, and I look forward to learning a lot from you all!

Currently, I am eating a very high fat diet, keeping my protein low to moderate, and no plant foods. The last few days I have been eating ground beef/lamb and tallow (or raw fat) only, and it seems to have been digesting well for me. For over 2 years, I have struggled with digestive issues; bloating, constipation, etc. I have narrowed it down to what I eat now.

I want to incorporate seafood because I can source it at a far cheaper cost for my protein and nutritional needs. And, I simply love sea food. However, I can not meet my energy needs with fish alone, and I would have to incorporate additional fat. Has anyone experienced mixing foods like ruminant fat with seafood regularly?

I do not find it optimal to be mixing things like this, as the fats and proteins do differ in these animals. I suppose I see it as an imbalance from natures intent, and my concern is having a diversified/unnatural fatty acid and/or amino acid ratios as I play with food combinations. I will still try it out, but I wanted to see if anyone does this, or has an opinion on this.
I hope this is not a dumb or irrelevant concern. Thanks!

Offline Dingeman

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Re: Mixing Differing Fats and Proteins
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2018, 06:22:40 pm »
You should be happy this is an irrelevant concern! It means that you have nothing to worry about.

I know lots of people that eat raw butter with everything they eat. Raw beef, raw fish, raw lamb, you can mix butter with everything to meet your daily fat needs. I myself eat raw suet (raw kidney fat) with everything I eat, otherwise I just can't get enough of it.

Some people have problems with raw butter so you might want to try raw suet first. As far as I know it's not dangerous or bad for you to mix different types of animal meat/fat. Seeing as your body no longer has to fight against indigestable/inflammatory foods, the digestion of these different kind of proteins and fats should be easy to do.

Let us know if you ever run into problems.

Offline DeanNewman

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Re: Mixing Differing Fats and Proteins
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2018, 01:45:40 am »
Great question. I thought I read somewhere: "Don't eat saturated fat with seafood." --- Like: maybe eat EVOO with fish instead. But I have no real clarity on this issue. I'll do some more research and see what I can find.


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