Author Topic: Dingeman's Journal  (Read 5358 times)

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Offline Dingeman

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Dingeman's Journal
« on: February 20, 2018, 11:05:17 pm »
Hello everyone,

I figured it was time for me to make a journal for myself, not only to keep track of my progress for myself, but also to inform other people looking into this way of eating.

At the time of writing this, I am 19 years old.
I've been struggling with my health for over 6/7 years now, all the way through high school and now during my time in university as well.
During my high school years I noticed that I was less interested and more quiet than I used to be. I would also not enjoy anything; movies, music, hanging out with people, everything was uninteresting to me. It took me 3/4 years to realise that this was in fact a depression of some sort. I tried a lot to get 'out' of it, so to say, but never anything diet related. I would not masturbate for months, I would skip the shower for weeks, I would even sleep in other rooms in the house because I was sure there was some sort of mold in my room that was damaging my sense of enjoyment somehow. Nothing changed of course, and I was still depressed and anxious around other people, I still am, although to a lesser degree.

A friend of mine, who also makes videos on youtube about raw meat and fat, Sv3rige, then told me that he was quite sure that my diet was making me depressed. Thanks to him, I decided to try a cooked zero carb diet around 1 year ago. This diet immediately decreased my symptoms a little bit. Still, everytime I would eat bread or eat something else that I couldn't tolerate, I would feel the depression kicking in, very quickly. I then decided that I needed to step up my game and really go all out to cure whatever is causing my problems. Subsequently, I went and tried raw paleo/primal.

I ran into a couple of problems and had some interesting observations while doing this diet so far. First off, whenever I ate a lot of raw fat, I would feel a pressure inside my head. I looked up the symptoms and I figured that it must've come from high levels of sodium in my blood/body. You see, when I did a cooked zero carb diet, I would eat bacon and eggs every morning for breakfast, sometimes even as lunch. Over time this must've clumped up in my body, brain and other organs. The raw fat that I consumed got rid of the salt, but didn't fully excrete it somehow. It felt like the salt would be stuck in my veins, as if my body had no way to detoxify it.

Eventually the pressure in my head got so bad, that I had a hard time standing up and I could feel every heartbeat in the back of my head. Luckily, I somehow decided to eat raw liver, which alleviated the pressure in minutes. This all led me to believe that my purification organs such as the liver and kidney, were actually full of gunk and toxins as well, hindering them in their function. Nowadays I don't get the head pressure as quickly as before, but it still creeps up on me slowly whenever I eat raw fat for a longer amount of time. To combat this, I make sure to always keep raw liver in my freezer so that whenever it gets too bad, I can eat some raw liver to get rid of the pressure.

Other health issues that I am facing are dry skin, dandruff, psoriasis and candida. These ailments pushed me more to the zero-carb side, since most of these symptoms seem to worsen whenever I eat a lot of fruit/vegetables.

As for my diet: at the moment I eat raw bio supermarket meat, without any fat supplement. However, I should be able to get my hands on more animal fat so that I can consume less protein and more fat. I also eat raw liver every two days and sometimes eat a mango or pineapple. At night I frequently eat a cucumber to hydrate myself a little bit, however this could also be a sign of not eating enough fat. I gotta do some testing to reach a conclusion for that problem.

That is all for now, I hope that I can cure myself with the help of this diet and with the knowledge of other raw paleo people.

Feel free to comment or give feedback.
My next update will contain some of my direct plans for now, diet-wise.

Offline Dingeman

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Re: Dingeman's Journal
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2018, 07:17:17 pm »
Time for a small update.

The pressure in my head went away after experimenting with lesser amounts of raw meat in my diet. I would eat around 1 kilo of ground meat a day, which was way too much, especially for my weight of 70kg. The protein that I would get from all this meat would give my kidneys a hard time by forcing them to turn all the protein into glucose. Anyway, since I've upped my fat intake I no longer seem to suffer from dizzyness and light-headedness.

I got 4.5Kg of raw beef suet from my butcher which is what I've been eating daily along with 450g of ground meat. The suet keeps me nice and full all day. Though I seem to get slight diarrhea when I overconsume on the suet. I thought it would be a nice detox food when taken in large amounts, but it turns out too much fat just gives me diarrhea. Another possibility could be that the suet itself is hard to digest, leaving me with watery stools. This is why I ordered the back fat from the cow this time, maybe that stuff will be easier for me to digest (and also easier to eat, seeing as raw suet is so bland and hard to chew.)

I felt amazing for 1 short week, but all my symptoms came back harshly afterwards. I'm beginning to think that it was in fact Candida that has been ruining my life for the last couple of years. Since eating raw meat and raw fat exclusively all my symptoms have gotten worse, leaving me to believe that my body is getting rid of the candida and aggrevating the symptoms in the process. I got some pimples on places I would only get pimples during puberty, my sex drive is totally gone, I have no confidence at all and struggle with walking/standing on my feet proudly/straight. In the absence of consuming fruit/carbs, there is no other possiblity than this being toxins released by candida, ruining me once more.

I'm moving out from my parents' place coming april, which means I can finally focus on my diet 100% because I can fill my own fridge with whatever meat I can find. I will start making high meat again to consume it once daily, feeding the healthy bacteria in my gut.

I tried looking for more information on candida on this forum but it's been very hard so far. There hasn't been a big topic that explained a lot into detail, so to say.

Does anyone have any idea what the healing process of candida looks like? I know that it can take up to 2 years to fully cure candida, but you should feel pretty good quite soon right? In around 1-3 months. I would like to know what your thought are.

Offline Susadele

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Re: Dingeman's Journal
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2018, 04:40:52 pm »
Hey you, I hope you're feeling better by now. And if not yet, you can be sure at least that going raw paleo was the most important step to do.
I have heard a lot about a so called candida die-off which is exhausting for the body and so one might feel worse at first. But feeling worse could also mean that your body is getting used to that big change. I think when the body heals it is so much work to do, it makes sense one experiences not so nice things as well.
Still I am always careful in just saying "well this kind of feeling bad is just a good reaction, meaning my body is healing / detoxing". I think one can only know what this "feeling worse" means from ones own experiences and gaining a feeling of the own body after some time (which most people lost in the usual kind of lifestyle nowadays). And then you could just act more instinctive, following healthy cravings through which your body shows you you need more of this or that stuff. The pimple problem at least sounds like your body is getting rif of some shit.
How much liver did you consume? Since liver is such a nutrient-dense food it might be that there was some nutrient/s missing when you only consumed raw meat & fat (which is quite probable), so the liver helped you balance it and that's why you felt better? But still,overconsuming liver can have adverse effects as well, that's why I asked how much you consumed.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2018, 04:46:16 pm by SueRaw »

Offline Dingeman

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Re: Dingeman's Journal
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2018, 05:13:10 am »
I haven't updated in quite a while, but I'm still healing and have done so for the last couple of months so I figured it was about time that I updated this journal.

At the moment I've changed my diet to eating exclusively raw ground beef + back fat, while eating 300-500g of chicken/veal/beef liver every other day. The reason why I started eating the liver was because I couldn't get rid of all the candida toxins swerving around in my blood in a normal way. The raw meat would get those toxins in my system (meaning my body is slowly cleaning up) but the fat didn't take care of the toxins enough that I didn't suffer too much from symptoms.

You see, the anxiety that I get when I am full of candida toxins is unbearable. I start to overthink everything and also have to take a nap because I can get very tired all of a sudden, this usually happens in the afternoon (probably because of my body being overloaded by candida die-off/toxins). Eating liver quickly alleviates these symptoms, which has probably something to do with candida-induced free-radicals being cleaned up by the raw liver that I consume. I found a source for organic chicken livers that is rather cheap and usually in stock, so I should be able to maintain liver consumption for the time being.

That being said, I have noticed some signs that I've healed quite a bit from candida (or whatever is causing my issues). The first thing that I got when I started the raw primal/paleo diet was shaking and wobbling all over my body. Lots of people on the candida diet forum attested to this saying they had the same bodily sensation when they started the diet. It persisted and still persists for months but has slowly been decreasing in scale. I now only feel like 5/10 wobbles when I eat raw meat whereas I would feel around 30/50 wobbles when I started this way of eating. I figured this is my body slowly being cleaned of the candida, as toxins are expelled.

Another healing sign has been the enjoyment of music. Somewhere around 2 months ago I reached a new 'level' of music enjoyment - and all art/life enjoyment, for that matter - making me come to the conclusion that what I am doing is working and worth it. The whole reason I started this way of eating/experimenting with diet was because of depression, so seeing results in that field is definitely a very important development in my journey to health.

I am not sure if other people that healed candida had the same problems as I had. With that I mean the idea that as candida dies, the toxins circulate in the bloodstream, resulting in my candida symptoms being very active and sometimes even as bad as when I started this diet. I hope that when I mostly get rid of excess candida, my symptoms will all be gone at the same time, that would support my theory of candida toxins constantly being released as you fight the disease.

I hope I can report back to you guys in some time with more positive results. Even though it sometimes the diet can seem pointless because my symptoms just seem to return, there are always other days where I feel better than I've felt in a very long time, reminding me that I am slowly getting better.

Offline Susadele

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Re: Dingeman's Journal
« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2018, 10:35:24 pm »
Great you feel improvements, especially the music enjoyment sounds recharging.

What do you mean by wobbling / shaking? Is it like muscle twitching?

Just a hint from my experience, I recommend to take care of symptoms that your body might miss something. I'm saying that because your diet includes just a few different foods, which for sure is ok for some time and seems to be ok for some people for a long period of time. But at least for my case I can say that I pretty fast had some nutrients missing when I ate only a few different things. And it took me some time to correct these imbalances / new problems that occured. Not saying that will happen to you as well, but just listen to your body and you will probably notice. Also I think that is why some people here recommend to eat the whole animal (or at least a variety of it).

And also watch out for too much Vitamin A symptoms from liver consumption. I got intoxicated and unfortunately noticed pretty late because I didn't know the symptoms. Some people are ok with so much liver, some are not and yeah some recommend not to exceed more than 100gr. a week (because of Vitamin a and/or copper). But here again I would just observe it. And since everyones bodies needs are different at a time and so one can tolerate more / less. I think my problem was that I was pretty low in zinc but the liver needs it to make use of Vitamin a, otherwise it will be stored and causes problems. Also Vitamin D plays a role in how much Vitamin a can tolerate.

Well, anyway, maybe that will help one day.
Best wishes.


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