Raw Paleo Diet to Suit You > Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet

Omnivorous v. Carnivore


I'm just wondering what are everyone's thoughts on the trend of not eating any plant foods.  It seems there are so many people now who are saying that carnivore is the "human" diet.  Maybe they are just being extreme; I'm sure humanity ate some plants.  What do you think of a mixed diet for healing, like the Terry Wahls protocol? 

Humans are opportunistic omnivores that rely primarily on animal foods for nutrition, particularly large mammal hunting. We consume plants as a supplement or in case of starvation.

Some humans may do best on an entirely carnivorous diet, such as the eskimos. For most people, consuming a few plant foods is beneficial, as long as the contaminants from modern agriculture don't harm us more than the plant foods benefit us. Juicing vegetables and bland fruits (but not sweet fruits) can remove some of the detriments of fibrous foods, in case too much fiber is what concerns you. You can accomplish this with a juicer or using your teeth.


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