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Offline PaganGoy

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Pagangoyims Journal
« on: February 13, 2018, 11:31:07 am »
Cremini mushrooms are BASED at keeping you hydrated. I just found some of these in my fridge after having a really strange oddly carb related headache from switching to the mostly keto (RPD) diet and after having a few of these am already in love with these little things.  I dont usually get headaches but they solved them instantly and are apparently loaded with compounds and nutrients associated with cleansing like CLA and potassium, b vitamins etc.  I also had a crap ton of apple juice because of a liver cleanse im prepping for so that was probably what got me. 
These mushrooms apparently have chemicals that help in the digestion of meat and cholesterol as well as also being highly anticancerous which is exactly what im looking for right now.
https ://

Offline PaganGoy

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Re: Pagangoyims Journal
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2018, 04:33:24 am »
Body is in theory adapting slowly to RPD and craving beef and beef fat every other day.
Body continues to infinitely crave fatty fish like salmon/eel as well as all shellfish.
Experiencing odd chronic bouts of intestinal pain, especially concentrated in the center and inner hip bone areas associated with IBS pain previously thought to have been fully cured before back when I followed WAP cooked paleo that included the consumption of large portions of breads and pasteurized butter.
Cooked paleo (SAD) in hindsight probably just masked symptoms of chronic IBS and made it generally worse over time due to toxicity.

Body still craves wheat however regardless becomes sick upon ingestion (best avoided entirely). The same goes for lightly cooked juicy meat like rotisserie drumsticks and chicken skin.  Both events seem to be typical to adjusting to full raw.

Lasting and mysterious 9 month Issue of bladder urgency etc, which is the main reason of forgoing this diet has markedly improved, perhaps especially after drinking lots of apple juice and ACV however nowhere near fully recovered.  It could however just be that im barely drinking any water anymore as opposed to before when on cooked paleo where my body craved it and I forced myself to have tons.  In fact one of the other big reasons of starting RPD is for the first time in forever my body is and had come to reject even reverse osmosis, carbon filtered, oxygenated mineral water.

instincto fish, fruit, fruit juice, limited yolk, beef (fat/liver etc) along with fasting and detox advice/protocols is the way to go for now as long as my body allows it.

Offline Dingeman

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Re: Pagangoyims Journal
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2018, 05:51:46 am »
Could you give us a quick overview of yourself? The health problems you had prior to going raw paleo and what you hope to cure. Also a small biography would be very interesting.

Offline PaganGoy

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Re: Pagangoyims Journal
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2018, 10:12:34 am »
Sure, 18 years, 6 foot 5 150 pounds.
Have had IBS nearly my entire life starting out when I began drinking pasteurized milk which I believe totally destroyed my gut over time as I had it liberally and as a staple for at least 10 plus years.  As a half Italian I was given alot of pasta but couldn't tolerate it and just screwed me up further. Also had ridiculous amounts of nutella which I think screwed me up even further.

Two years ago I had an abnormally nasty case of chronic acid reflux/silent reflux which burned my throat to death at the time and when that passed for the next year I had what I thought was an intestinal blockage. I cured that at least partially by doing full scale enema series and stopping all legume, beans peas, corn, milk and nuts.

I got into this initially a month ago or so because of a strange chronic problem with my bladder/or pelvis (something is making me piss alot) which has been going on 9 months now and as a result of finding out how hydrating meat is without the need of water switched to RPD immediately for relief.  I believe this could be a problem with my kidneys or liver perhaps contributed by taking creatine when it started. 
It could be I still have alot of crap in me or just leftover toxins that is causing it, doctors do not know but that is a topic in of itself. Currently prepping for liver cleansing. 

When it comes to this forum I first looked into curing cavities and bought into the cure tooth decay book which worked for me and brought me into WAPF.  From there I found sv3riges youtube channel and the rest is history.
I used to also follow an interesting site called anabolic apex .com that has alot of articles I used to follow for increasing DHT production but in hindsight did alot more harm to me dietary wise than good.

As far as success, as of doing RPD last month I have so far mostly cured my chronic burping I had before since acid reflux days and should be on my way to hopefully cure my chronic bloating and some pain associated with stopping bread consumption. 

Offline PaganGoy

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Re: Pagangoyims Journal
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2018, 01:10:33 pm »
Just experienced sharp pains in liver for first time ever after having some coconut butter.  Something is definitely out of wack here.  It now makes sense why im craving bread and arent fully tolerating fat every day.  Will get a flush ASAP, hopefully as soon as a few days from today.  Apple juice has way too much sugar though im done with that stuff as flush prep.

This could help explain miscellaneous chest pain I have had over the last two years, throat soreness, acid reflux, mid back soreness, high levels of fatigue lately as well as bladder urgency as a way of clearing the body of bad toxins. 
Interestingly my chiropractor last year has told me that the ribs around my liver were open more than usual without explanation as to why...

Offline Apani

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Re: Pagangoyims Journal
« Reply #5 on: February 14, 2018, 08:02:54 pm »
As a fellow Italian, yeah, pasta is everywhere, luckily as a child I was extremely put off by its smell and would always refuse it. But I still ate tons of nutella, bread, and sugar, which gave me lots of inflammation until I went Paleo at 19 (1 year from now). I was making so much mucus, I could consume three tissue packs in a morning!

Offline PaganGoy

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Re: Pagangoyims Journal
« Reply #6 on: April 28, 2018, 10:44:33 pm »
The backfat im buying has a very acrid sour tasting/smelling top layer to it.
The rest of the fat is fine but it sucks that I have to waste the top layer, its just too repulsive for me.
I think it might be a chemical used in processing but can't confirm.  Otherwise good

Offline Dingeman

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Re: Pagangoyims Journal
« Reply #7 on: April 29, 2018, 07:03:14 pm »
Maybe it's just rotten? Mine rots if i let it sit for a week and starts to smell like you described.
Perhaps you can ask your butcher to cut off the top layer, because you find the smell repulsive.

Offline PaganGoy

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Re: Pagangoyims Journal
« Reply #8 on: August 20, 2018, 06:54:49 pm »
Just woke bursting with energy after having half org grain fed chicken half 100 percent pastured beef the other day as opposed to solely beef or and fish.  Will continue to experiment with grain fed chicken but so far results have been instant and undeniable.

Offline PaganGoy

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Re: Pagangoyims Journal
« Reply #9 on: September 04, 2018, 09:06:09 am »
I am finding Ajanous primal diet guidelines to work best for me and have thoroughly read, watched and searched through nearly every interview, radio program, article and video on the guy (except of course for the paid stuff).
Otherwise I have also read through both we want to live and the recipe.. without disease many times.

I am finding the weight he puts on things like certain unripe fruit, real unheated (not raw) honey, a "lube formula", raw dairy as well
as the general focus of prioritizing fish then fowl then read meat especially important.  That guy was an absolute genius.
I am still however in need of raw dairy in Canada and find all forms of raw dairy the single most energizing and enjoyable food to eat bar none.
Currently, I am experimenting with sv3riges idea of ignoring vegetables for juicing entirely vs ajanous who uses them in very small percentages excluding celery of course which is what he predominantly juiced.  I still cannot fathom why Ajanous never mentioned juicing cucumbers in percentages above 10 percent when they along with tomatoes are the most hydrating of anything.
I have personally found digestive success equal to cucumber/tomato juice with juicing celery, as well as small amounts of carrots, parsley and pineapple mixed in very small percentages.  I am finding the potential beneficial effects of juicing certain veg (carrot etc) can only be properly utilized by me with the addition of some of the unripe pineapple which acts as a digestive aid.
It is important to note that light paleish white celery to me feel to have the least anti nutrients and inflammatory effect.

Ajanous once stated you can get vitamin a from carrots and plants which isn't exactly correct so I will have to continue long term to get down to any conclusive benefits from juicing non bland fruit like some kind of detox for example etc.   

In terms of fully unheated honey I find the more I can eat the better for healing and detox and this can only be accomplished for me by eating it with a "white" meat as well as more importantly having it mixed as unfiltered as possible with a ton of bee pollen or with the honeycomb which both reduce sweetness and increase your ability to consume more.

« Last Edit: September 04, 2018, 09:39:30 am by PaganGoy »

Offline van

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Re: Pagangoyims Journal
« Reply #10 on: September 04, 2018, 10:34:56 pm »
many don't consider him a genius, but more of someone who did what it took to garnish clients.  he hasn't written a bible. try finding your own way and see what your body responds to.  For instance many can not tolerate milk.  Hence, an example of how a bible doesn't work for everyone.   

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Re: Pagangoyims Journal
« Reply #11 on: September 05, 2018, 01:03:13 am »
Hmm, I too experienced really invigorating emotions after consuming raw dairy, BUT I finally realised that these were highly unnatural cravings and a sign that the opioids in raw dairy were affecting my brain in a negative, highly addictive way. Lots of people doing Aajonus' Primal Diet would constantly talk about experiencing detoxes after every time they consumed raw dairy. These so-called "detoxes" were obviously signs of allergy. Real detoxes do NOT happen soon after always consuming a specific food, with the exception of edible clay which itself causes detox of various poisons.
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Offline sabertooth

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Re: Pagangoyims Journal
« Reply #12 on: September 05, 2018, 10:57:19 am »
God love what AV has done for the Raw Food community, his theories regarding the nature of bacteria and viruses are ingenious, and not given the attention which they deserve under the germ phobic medical model....As insightful as some of his revelations were many of us never were able to follow his dairy and veggie juice protocols, without negative side effects.

Dairy and veggie juice is good for inducing dairy and veggie juice detox symptoms for many people.
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Offline PaganGoy

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Re: Pagangoyims Journal
« Reply #13 on: September 06, 2018, 11:43:56 am »
Depends on if its a bland fruit too or not
In my case I believe I have acquired some kind of bladder dysfunction either from undetected kidney stones that are hiding from medical scans or while getting injured at the gym a years back so juicing can significantly improve my day to day functioning.

Moving on I am seriously considering hard about trying ajanous moldy berry juice vaccine detox from we want to live but warns that it can have a "lethargic" effect for up to 30 days afterward.
I have to wonder how serious this effect would be for the 30 days...  It looks quite tempting for me to give it a try but I have never heard of anyone who did it and what their experience with the aftermath was.  It sounds a bit of a stretch to wait all the way till next summer just for downtime, decisions decisions.

« Last Edit: September 06, 2018, 12:16:13 pm by PaganGoy »

Offline norawnofun

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Re: Pagangoyims Journal
« Reply #14 on: September 07, 2018, 06:37:01 am »
In terms of fully unheated honey I find the more I can eat the better for healing and detox and this can only be accomplished for me by eating it with a "white" meat as well as more importantly having it mixed as unfiltered as possible with a ton of bee pollen or with the honeycomb which both reduce sweetness and increase your ability to consume more.

How much honey and how much bee pollen do you eat when you want to heal and detox properly? And what white meat are u talking about? Fish or things like chicken?

Offline PaganGoy

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Re: Pagangoyims Journal
« Reply #15 on: September 07, 2018, 06:51:24 am »
Both fish and chicken are considered white meats. 
As far as fully unheated honey, the body can handle quite alot of that stuff without causing crashes, or tooth/gum sensitivity and I have found that honey needs to be eaten instincto.  I may have 8 tbsp or more one day and then only 2-5 or none another.

I calculated how much honey Ajanous ate daily based on one of the conversations he had in we want to live and it comes to 5 tbsp daily.

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Re: Pagangoyims Journal
« Reply #16 on: September 08, 2018, 06:15:18 am »
Chicken only the breast, not parts such as the tights, that´s considered red as far as I know due to the muscle content. But anyhow. I read both of aajonus books too and im sure he ate a lot of honey. It was an important ingredient in many of his recipes. I ate quite a lot of honey at one point and i found it very cleansing. I have also eaten bee pollen for several weeks, but i never combined it with honey. Main problem is to source bee pollen that´s raw, organic and stored in the fridge. Many of them get mouldy when not refrigerated. Where do u source ur honey and pollen from? Honey combs would be best, but to find some which were not separated with heat is hard, unless you know where it´s coming from.

And it would be interesting how the mouldy berry juice would do you. In one of his podcasts he said: "Get rid of heavy metals: Eating coriander juice (a bit) and dark berries- raspberry? blueberry and blackberry, mulberry with coconut cream and dairy cream."

So if dark berries are good for detox then "high berries" must be an incredible cleanser. Allthough I can´t afford to have 30 days feeling like crap :) But if u do it pls report back!

Offline PaganGoy

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Re: Pagangoyims Journal
« Reply #17 on: September 12, 2018, 09:04:26 am »
Unheated honey is surprisingly common in my area, we have a store called natures emporium here that has their own store brand of never heated honey that I usually buy.
Interesting about the dark berries though, I am currently registered in holistic nutrition and am trying to get people to give me free ajanous recordings and q and a...
Honestly with how much sense and knowledge that guy had it wouldn't surprise me if I felt superhuman after doing the moldy berry detox, I just have to find the time.

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Re: Pagangoyims Journal
« Reply #18 on: September 13, 2018, 10:28:30 am »
Both fish and chicken are considered white meats. 
As far as fully unheated honey, the body can handle quite alot of that stuff without causing crashes, or tooth/gum sensitivity and I have found that honey needs to be eaten instincto.  I may have 8 tbsp or more one day and then only 2-5 or none another.

I calculated how much honey Ajanous ate daily based on one of the conversations he had in we want to live and it comes to 5 tbsp daily.

 I think if you look closely at what AV ate day to day, I believe you'd notice he didn't source out much animal fat,, besides butter which he ate with honey.    You can look at this combination two ways.  One, that it was healthy for him. Or two, that he had a little bit of an addiction ( one of my favorite TASTING combos ) and might have been better off health wise without mixing sugar and fat and simply including more animal fats in his diet to fuel his energy needs.  He wrote he always traveled with this mixture.  And he traveled quite a bit. Again,  the danger of thinking everything he says is Gospel.

Offline PaganGoy

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Re: Pagangoyims Journal
« Reply #19 on: October 03, 2018, 01:29:09 am »
I am now mostly doing dairy when available as it with the butter and cream/coconut cream especially is significantly helping with the nerves in my bladder.  In fact 100% grass fed a2 cream is by far the lowest histamine food I have ever eaten.  For anyone that is interested in healing nerve damage I highly recommend doing AVs dietary suggestions for ms and ALD.
I also find high eggs and pine pollen powder to be somewhat effective supplements for nerve health.

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Re: Pagangoyims Journal
« Reply #20 on: December 09, 2018, 01:17:46 pm »
up to a full chicken
AV smoothies
AV lube formula
AV fruit smoothie
AV cottage cheese
cucumber/celery/tomato juice
rotten egg.

« Last Edit: December 09, 2018, 03:40:27 pm by PaganGoy »

Offline PaganGoy

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Re: Pagangoyims Journal
« Reply #21 on: January 19, 2019, 06:06:10 am »
-Now using a food processor to pate all my meats, this is going incredibly well and is allowing me to eat more red meat where I could only eat the juiciest of select cuts before or suffer pain/fatigue.

-I am also using some meat sauces borrowed from the recipe for living without disease which I spread over meat meals.
This is also increasing my digestive ability what feels like ten fold.

So far since incorporating both high quality Dairy and also juicing into my daily diet I have successfully gained 27 pounds 15 of that coming almost entirely as a result of dairy.
Soon after I ditched all cooked food and started eating raw (in the very beginning) I lost 5 POUNDS of non digesting cooked foods stuck throughout my digestive tract.

Offline PaganGoy

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Re: Pagangoyims Journal
« Reply #22 on: August 27, 2020, 01:08:19 am »
When in doubt of diet look to tradition and follow the Germans.
Went off dairy because of some intolerances.
Incorporating Weston a price in absense of fat with traditional German foods.
Incorporating boiled yellow potato, sourdough white bread with flour from non fortified countries (list available online) green sauerkraut made soley with water, yellow corn, a little brown lentils and olive oil heated under 95 degrees f.
Supplements bee pollen and left out and evaporated pine pollen tincture.
Still eating raw meat***

With proper sourcing I easily consider these the best cooked foods and highly reccomend them to anyone in absense of good fat.
They have been chosen from experience and with phytic acid in mind
The elites have also given these foods on average the highest pesticide count as well because they know there were the staples in the past so watch out.

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Re: Pagangoyims Journal
« Reply #23 on: November 12, 2020, 05:07:59 am »
Don't sound like nourishing foods. Why would you eat these? I mean of the vegetables, roots like potatoes are more nutrient-dense but still. And why eat the meat raw, do you notice any difference? And how did you prepare the meat when cooking it?


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