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Easy low-alcohol mead

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--- Quote from: sorginzorrotz on December 19, 2021, 10:46:16 pm ---I had the same problem.
I really enjoy warm water with salt.
Sometimes I add lemon juice or vinegar.
For me it does the trick and my milk cravings are gone.

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I would prefer to not eat salt. But indeed making a drink with lemon juice or vinegar is very refreshing. Also making watermelon puree with eggs is very nice. Just get a seedless variety, else you have to take out hundreds of seed before making puree..


--- Quote from: MarkR on December 20, 2021, 09:13:51 pm ---How is it cooked? I'm brewing up some right now. Indeed, just make some tea with sugar and add the 'mushroom'. It is now eating the sugar and making it 'vinegarry'. It is taking a long time though, but that is probably due to the lower temperatures here.

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When you make tea do you not boil water ... is that not 'cooking' it if you expose it to heat ?

Aajonus suggests the same, see https://aajonus.online/qna/2000_05_21

Q: What about kombucha tea?

A: It is all garbage – you have to cook it to make it. It is not a real mushroom.

Yes, of course you cook water to make the tea. But i do not really care about destroying the possible 'nutrients' in tea, i do not think there are any anyway. It is very likely that the toxins from the tea leaves will be in the tea, so i do not have the idea that Kombucha is a healthy drink. I am not making it with that in mind. Just experimenting with a variety of stuff, and i'm also interested in how food is made in general, you never know when it might be handy to know these things.

It is indeed not a real mushroom, but i never thought it was. Just a collection of bacteria and yeast that eat stuff and poop other stuff. I renamed our Kombucha 'poop-drink' to give my girlfriend more understanding of what is actually happening with the Kombucha haha


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