Author Topic: Thyrotoxicosis from consumption of Thyroid gland.  (Read 2700 times)

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Offline TrichurisTrichiura

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Thyrotoxicosis from consumption of Thyroid gland.
« on: April 07, 2021, 11:19:11 pm »

Thyroid hormones are orally active, which means that consumption of thyroid gland tissue can cause thyrotoxicosis, a type of hyperthyroidism. Several outbreaks of thyrotoxicosis have been attributed to a practice, now banned in the US, called "gullet trimming", where meat in the neck region of slaughtered animals is ground into hamburger. Because thyroid glands are reddish in color and located in the neck, it's not unusual for gullet trimmers to get thyroid glands into hamburger or sausage. People, and presumably pets, that eat such hamburger can get dose of thyroid hormone sufficient to induce disease.

If eating raw thyroid gland of an animal causes problems then all we learn about eating glands to regenerate glands is not true?

Anybody here eats thyroid gland? How does it affects you

Offline sabertooth

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Re: Thyrotoxicosis from consumption of Thyroid gland.
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2021, 01:47:18 pm »
These claims are dodgy at best, there is no way to confirm the validity.

What other factors are involved?

The thyroid ground into the meat of sick animals may cause problems. The glands tend to concentrate the most toxic elements. Radiative and toxic elements can accumulate in the thyroid of toxic animals.

If the animal is pure then healthy thyroid tissue should not be an issue, unless you are just over eating it. I eat the entire thyroid of the sheep I butcher and haven't had any issues with it.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2021, 02:05:52 pm by sabertooth »
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Offline TrichurisTrichiura

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Re: Thyrotoxicosis from consumption of Thyroid gland.
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2021, 05:46:35 am »
These claims are dodgy at best, there is no way to confirm the validity.

What other factors are involved?

The thyroid ground into the meat of sick animals may cause problems. The glands tend to concentrate the most toxic elements. Radiative and toxic elements can accumulate in the thyroid of toxic animals.

If the animal is pure then healthy thyroid tissue should not be an issue, unless you are just over eating it. I eat the entire thyroid of the sheep I butcher and haven't had any issues with it.

How do you feel after eating a whole raw thyroid gland brother?

Do you feel an increase in metabolic rate?

I ask because I know people take dessicated Thyroid and Dessicated adrenals and it works so well then I can only imagine what raw glands can do for us.

Offline sabertooth

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Re: Thyrotoxicosis from consumption of Thyroid gland.
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2021, 04:58:22 am »
Yes I do feel an increase in energy and metabolism with eating raw glands. I usually ration the glands and will eat small portions throughout the first week after butchering an animal. Eating pieces of thyroid, pancreas, liver, kidney, adrenals, lymph nodes, spleen, etc. works synergistically to promote overall health.

A potent blend that gets my juices flowing after a fresh kill is a combination of thyroid, pancreases, liver, with a shot of raw creates an instant increase in metabolism and digestion.

Its unfortunate we live in a world where there is little interest by the scientific establishment to investigate the potential healing properties of raw organs and glands.

The only warning I give people is to make absolutely sure the animals are as pure and healthy as you can possibly source. There is a lot of sickly poor quality grass fed swill being sold on the market, and I cant vouch for anything I haven't killed with my own two hands and inspected with my own senses !   
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Re: Thyrotoxicosis from consumption of Thyroid gland.
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2021, 01:52:48 am »
I've been looking for freeze dried thyroid supplement if anyone has a link :D


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