Author Topic: Why Doesn't Fruitarianism Work? (80/10/10) - I felt great after 1 Week  (Read 5427 times)

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Offline jmonkey

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So I recently did 9 days of raw fruitariansm. Basically it consisted of papaya, pineapple, mangoes, watermelon, cucumbers, tomatoes, avocado and about 3-4 leaves of lettuce per day. I also added in barely any nuts. This was right after completing a 26 day water fast, so I figured that my gut was quite clean.

To be honest, I was feeling quite incredible. However, I noticed that my tendon injury in my shoulder wasn't really improving. Then I added in a tiny amount of raw meat one day, and noticed that my injury was "craving" the necessary protein.

So I started to slowly add in more meat, and I'm probably getting about 70% of my diet to raw carnivore (I make sure that about 65% of this is fat and 35% of this is protein, a mix of muscle and raw organs, mostly beef). Other things in my diet include fruit still, I added in some kefir lately, raw butter and raw cow/goat milk.

I've been on this new trend for about 10 days, but the clarity of my mind slowly descended as soon as I added in raw meat. I have to admit, it hasn't been a straight line, as I was trying to figure out the protein to fat ratio.

But since I felt so good on a fruitarian diet mentally, and my body felt clean and energetic, why wouldn't that be the optimal diet for the human body? I could've kept going on it, and honestly I would have kept going had it not been for my injury. I had lots of energy.

Does anyone have experience being on a fruitarian diet (similar to the food items that I mentioned above) and eventually burning out of it due to lack of energy? I'd rather save myself the time by trying it and by hearing stories/anecdotes. I still think fruit is important, but maybe that meat is also necessary... for the first time in 18 months I finally feel like my shoulder injury is healing, and that only usually happens after a water fast. But this time, the healing is taking basis almost daily, and that's after I started adding in lots of meat. For my mental state, the 80/10/10 diet was fantastic.

Any response, appreciated, thank you!

Offline tonyvee

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Re: Why Doesn't Fruitarianism Work? (80/10/10) - I felt great after 1 Week
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2022, 05:38:17 pm »
I have done the fruitarian thing for some years - I was vegan for about 6 years in which I tried various versions of veganism eating like fruitarian, rawtill4, whole plants, you name it...

It was a few years ago now, but I remember that during my fruitarian phase, I was feeling hungry a lot, no matter how much fruit I ate (basically my stomach was full, but I felt hungry). I also remember needing the toilet a lot (compared to a more ZC carnivore approach that I am on now).

After 6 years of being vegan, I felt really sick, having flu symptoms all the time, feeling depressed, having wild mood swings. I have blood tests and there is a lot of detail about all the ways eating this way made me sick, but this is all I care to disclose right now.

Offline jmonkey

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Re: Why Doesn't Fruitarianism Work? (80/10/10) - I felt great after 1 Week
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2022, 09:09:38 pm »
I have done the fruitarian thing for some years - I was vegan for about 6 years in which I tried various versions of veganism eating like fruitarian, rawtill4, whole plants, you name it...

It was a few years ago now, but I remember that during my fruitarian phase, I was feeling hungry a lot, no matter how much fruit I ate (basically my stomach was full, but I felt hungry). I also remember needing the toilet a lot (compared to a more ZC carnivore approach that I am on now).

After 6 years of being vegan, I felt really sick, having flu symptoms all the time, feeling depressed, having wild mood swings. I have blood tests and there is a lot of detail about all the ways eating this way made me sick, but this is all I care to disclose right now.

Awesome, thanks for sharing.

Offline dair

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ex fruitarian here (ca 2012), has become a huge trend, lots of fruitarian paying retreats, including paying durian retreats/workshops... So this is really a money maker.
I still eat lots of fruits and love it, my body does not thrive on carnivorous diet, and nor on vegetarian/vegan (which I was for MANY years  from early-mid 90's9 . I am really an omnivore and also for me, the monomeal thing was not good in the long run (might be for others).
But, people need to understand that the short term and the long term effect of diet/food and other can sometimes gives opposite effects.
Fasting or eating only fruits can be detoxing. And I have noticed that eating a variety of ingredients, and/or have different meals/food everyday (not getting stuck in a habit of eating exactly the same stuff) is for me good.
Plus, herbs, roots and spices are an important part of my daily food intake, even if in small amounts. I do need some meat everyday, but the amount varies.

Offline Conor

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Im happy it worked for you. For me fruit makes me really over emotional and feel weird. I have tried many fruit and just can't tolerate any of them.

Offline dariorpl

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ex fruitarian here (ca 2012), has become a huge trend, lots of fruitarian paying retreats, including paying durian retreats/workshops... So this is really a money maker.
I still eat lots of fruits and love it, my body does not thrive on carnivorous diet, and nor on vegetarian/vegan (which I was for MANY years  from early-mid 90's9 . I am really an omnivore and also for me, the monomeal thing was not good in the long run (might be for others).
But, people need to understand that the short term and the long term effect of diet/food and other can sometimes gives opposite effects.
Fasting or eating only fruits can be detoxing. And I have noticed that eating a variety of ingredients, and/or have different meals/food everyday (not getting stuck in a habit of eating exactly the same stuff) is for me good.
Plus, herbs, roots and spices are an important part of my daily food intake, even if in small amounts. I do need some meat everyday, but the amount varies.

Keep in mind even if you eat a high volume of fruits, that could still be mostly water and add up to little sugar. Depending on the fruits you eat. So there are defintely people who eat "a lot" of fruits and still maintain a mostly carnivorous diet as far as energy sources go.
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