For those who've gotten the amalgam removed, what if anything did you replace them with? I'm thinking of replacing mine with nothing. Is this a bad idea?
I don't know. It's well known that it's a bad idea when on SAD but maybe that's not true on a RP diet. My amalgam fillings when removed 15 years ago and replaced with polymer which also contains possibly questionable chemicals though by far less harmful than mercury. Recently I lost one of these fillings and, it's funny, as you do, Paleo Donk, I'm thinking to replace it with nothing leaving things as they are now, just to see what happens.
Alpha, thanks for the response - Any reason you chose not to go with ALA after reading the Cutler book. I think I've seen him post online that DMSA and DMPS are not necessary and that ALA will chelate most of the mercury on its own.
I didn't experiment with ALA because my symptoms have essentially disappeared now with cilantro and DMSA.
I'm very concerned about making matters worse. Do you have no fear when you take the cilantro tincture about redepositing the mercury in other more dangerous places? Culter seems to go the extra length to make sure that this does not happen. Other people on youtube seem pretty lackadaisical about treatment and make it seem like its pretty easy. I'd really like to avoid waking up in the middle of the night for more than a year...just to follow procedure.
DMSA and DMPS may indeed redeposit mercury in more dangerous places and should be used as described by Cutler (frequent minidoses) and not in the form of single 250mg shots as usual with DMPS. Cilantro seems harmless in this respect, doses are small and as pointed out by majormark it can be used simply as an herb in daily food (for instance in the form of a pesto
Also don't use DMPS or DMSA as long as the amalgams are in your teeth. Also don't worry excessively about this mercury poisoning if you don't have unambiguous symptoms because a fraction of the population seems capable to excrete more or less completely the mercury released by their amalgams and maybe you belong to it (those people with APO 2 or 3 gene variants)