Author Topic: anyone in ONTARIO?? southwestern specifically. ty  (Read 2377 times)

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Offline the PresiDenT

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anyone in ONTARIO?? southwestern specifically. ty
« on: September 13, 2010, 09:11:59 am »
i have become a paleo guy after a few years of hard drugs and selling green. Left all my loser friends and became a "health freak". i personally only know one other guy my age(21) and my chiropractors do it (30's). as i said i left most my friends, and its hard finding new ones as i don't drink/drug or do most stuff/talk about most stuff kids my age do. This lifestyle is like taking the red pill, you cannot go back. But i love it, and i feel like i am on an exclusive elaborate drug that most people don't even know exists. now I'm just ranting, but just wonderin if ne one else in london does this, it seems we r like vampires and hide out. cheers
The price is wrong Bob


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