Author Topic: Tapeworms? Salmonella?  (Read 23656 times)

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Re: Tapeworms? Salmonella?
« Reply #25 on: October 30, 2009, 04:03:25 am »
;D I saw it on animal planet..


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    Thank you. Do you know Edwin?
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Offline redfulcrum

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Re: Tapeworms? Salmonella?
« Reply #26 on: January 03, 2010, 03:02:54 pm »
There's no reason to be scared of anything.  God didn't put us on this planet with a bottle of lysol.  He put us in the harshest environments around the planet.  Your immune system should be able to handle it if you're properly nourished.  Why do wolves eat grasses?  They only do that when they feel sick.  That's their medicine.  If you ever get sick from something, go find a some herbs or wormwood to take care of it.  Don't buy into this crazy germ theory.  Meds and bad food causes more problems than nature itself. 
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Re: Tapeworms? Salmonella?
« Reply #27 on: January 16, 2010, 05:09:52 pm »
Can dangerous parasites even live in the 0 carb environment ? Some parasites live on sugars. No carbs no sugars. No environment for the bad guys.

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Re: Tapeworms? Salmonella?
« Reply #28 on: January 16, 2010, 05:59:19 pm »
From my observation, I always hear people getting food poison from already cooked foods. Their claim was always that the meat was under cooked. I don't have any scientific evidence, just my experience to base off of. I strongly believe why people get "food poison" from cooked food is really because the fat went rancid. whether its the cooking oil being recycled,thawing & refreezing unused meats or poor handling.

My step-sister and her friend's brother both got sick from a chicken burger that was cooked (and not undercooked). It's the only time I've heard of someone getting salmonella, personally.

A while ago, my college was having issue with people feeling ill. It turns out that the cooks weren't doing their job at handling meat properly. They'd store already cooked meat with uncooked. A lot of the time, my hamburgers weren't cooked through. I had gotten sick, lightly, as a I tend to have a very good immune system, quite a few times from it. (Although I also get sick from the quality as well, another issue they were having. They tried to fix it--provide more healthy food, but now its under the pretense of healthy, but still extremely processed and now quite bland. I don't generally eat at the dining hall, prefer the commons area, where there's a food court, because the quality tends to be marginally better.)

I should check to see if my college's sushi is always cooked. They have tuna and some other raw fish sushi once in a while. I should probably check the smell as well. When I studied sushi a little (as a small hobby), I read that if a fish smells fishy, it has started to rot. Sashimi should not smell fishy. When I've had it, it's usually not.

This is something I've also wondered a little about--how to deal with parasites or illness. I'm frankly not too worried about salmonella. I have great luck with bacteria and viruses, as a rule. (When a lot of my friend and boyfriend got H1N1, I didn't. Subsequently, my bf got 3 colds and 2 flus, one being H1N1, over this past year, none of them he passed on to me.)

Also, what about E. coli?


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Re: Tapeworms? Salmonella?
« Reply #29 on: January 16, 2010, 07:41:41 pm »
Also, what about E. coli?
It's not as big a concern if our meat had eaten it's natural diet (i.e. grassfed).
Grainfed animals have a more acidic stomach which is much closer to the pH of our stomachs. This results in E. Coli strains (i.e. E. Coli 157) which are much more acid resistant than regular E. Coli. Our first line of defense is the inhospitable environment of our stomachs so this results in lowered defense against the E. Coli.
Feedlots, where more and more grainfed animals are being raised, also compounds this issue as the animals are kept in closer quarters which results in the animals standing in their own excrement. This can seult in contamination of the meat at processing.
If you're interested in learning more about the whole issue I really recommend Michael Pollan's The Omnivore's Dilemma. :)

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Re: Tapeworms? Salmonella?
« Reply #30 on: January 16, 2010, 07:57:47 pm »
Can dangerous parasites even live in the 0 carb environment ? Some parasites live on sugars. No carbs no sugars. No environment for the bad guys.
  Of course they can. Carnivores in the wild often have parasites in their guts.
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Offline extralizard13

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Re: Tapeworms? Salmonella?
« Reply #31 on: January 17, 2010, 04:28:41 am »
It's not as big a concern if our meat had eaten it's natural diet (i.e. grassfed).
Grainfed animals have a more acidic stomach which is much closer to the pH of our stomachs. This results in E. Coli strains (i.e. E. Coli 157) which are much more acid resistant than regular E. Coli. Our first line of defense is the inhospitable environment of our stomachs so this results in lowered defense against the E. Coli.
Feedlots, where more and more grainfed animals are being raised, also compounds this issue as the animals are kept in closer quarters which results in the animals standing in their own excrement. This can result in contamination of the meat at processing.
If you're interested in learning more about the whole issue I really recommend Michael Pollan's The Omnivore's Dilemma. :)

Thanks! I'll have to borrow that book from my step-mother. I bought it for her for X-mas last year (I was tempted to by myself a copy, I had wanted to read it really badly) and so we should have it somewhere in the house.

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Re: Tapeworms? Salmonella?
« Reply #32 on: January 23, 2010, 11:11:24 pm »
Uh Pretty scary

An anisakid nematode, identified as Phocanema sp. fourth-stage larva, was "pulled" from the throat of a 46-year-old Alaskan Eskimo.

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Re: Tapeworms? Salmonella?
« Reply #33 on: January 24, 2010, 12:03:22 am »
How'd he get that?

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Re: Tapeworms? Salmonella?
« Reply #34 on: January 24, 2010, 04:57:27 am »
How'd he get that?
Good ol' Wikipedia gives an answer in seconds:


"Anisakiasis is the disease caused by infection with Anisakis worms. It is frequently reported in areas of the world where fish is consumed raw, lightly pickled or salted. The areas of highest prevalence are Scandinavia (from cod livers), Japan (after eating sushi and sashimi), the Netherlands (by eating infected fermented herrings (Maatjes)), and along the Pacific coast of South America (from eating ceviche). Heating to 60 °C, or freezing to below -20 °C is an effective method of killing Anisakis."

Since Anisakis worms cannot survive in human hosts for very long and thus eventually die on their own, and since people prone to allergies tend to react more strongly to them, I wonder if they cause any symptoms at all in people who have been eating raw fish for many years? For example, no symptoms were reported in the following two cases other than high count of the white blood cells that fight parasites (a normal reaction):

Anisakid Larva from the Throat of an Alaskan Eskimo

Temporary Human Infection with A Phocanema Sp. Larva
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Offline redfulcrum

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Re: Tapeworms? Salmonella?
« Reply #35 on: January 24, 2010, 09:00:22 am »
Parasites are only a problem when your body is weak or malnourished.  Heck, I probably eat salmonella all the time, but it doesn't affect me.  Let me go lick a snake to see if I get sick.  :o
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Offline RawZi

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Re: Tapeworms? Salmonella?
« Reply #36 on: January 24, 2010, 03:04:28 pm »
    I'm not afraid of salmonella:
nor of tapeworms.  I was afraid of tapeworms and other parasites before I tasted RAF, maybe even a couple months in as well.  I lost all fear of those beings by that time.   
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