As a species, Homo sapiens sapiens has only existed for around 200,000 or so years. Thus the claim that we were herbivorous at all is simple untrue.
I think the big problem of claiming that plant foods are problematic because so many contain antinutrients (and I really wish people who are going to make blanket statements about toxins and antinutrients would be more specific about what exactly in which foods they are talking about; for example oxidized cholesterol in cooked animal foods, etc) is that it ignores the fact that not one traditional hunter-gatherer society we have examined has ever completely shunned plant foods. It is very simplistic for modern humans in environmentally controlled structures, eating store bought foods, to make all sorts of claims; but I would bet top dollar that not many of you at all have suffered through extended famines where you were desperate enough to eat whatever was edible. Yet that is the overwhelming history of our species: feast and famine cycles. This choice of 0% carbs is just that, a choice.
Now, since I am bored, I thought I would argue with myself.

But really, I am finding that a very low carb diet is a very good thing for me, which is between zero and 25 g/day. (And this is with a winter workout schedule of weights, taekwondo training, and/or run/walk most days.) I think hunter-gatherers went for long periods of time without any plant foods. That time is generally called winter; but perhaps
certain places in the tropics were carb havens year-round. However, if we go back to Africa and look at the Maasai, who inhabit a tropical region of the globe, we see that they traditionally ate beef, drank blood and milk. Now they eat maize too, thanks to the wonders of agriculture. And really, all we know about are modern hunter-gatherers and their diets. We have no idea about nomadic people of the past, except we only find animal food remnants, not caches of nuts or fruit pits. It's just really difficult to look at all the conditions, but no doubt it was much cooler for most of our recent history. You know, the Paleolithic era; with glaciation, tools, and the die out of all but the modern human species?
Isn't this our most optimal diet? Yeah, have some fruit and veg in season, eat some seaweed (not a plant), eat some herbs. But we don't need these foods, do we? Do we need to go shop for fresh produce which has been shipped via petroleum all over the globe? Do we need to pay $5 a lb. for organic produce that gives us water, fiber, sugar, a bit of vitamin c and some plant toxins all for about 100 kcal? I can get 100% grassfed beef for less money which will provide most everything I need and about 1300 kcal. I am well off - the money is not an issue. It's just this place I have come to which will undoubtedly evolve over time. For example, I used to use both refrigerator crispers for plants - one for fruits, one for veg. Now I share one for both, starting this week. I don't have to buy all this leafy stuff that fills the frig and perishes within a week or so unless I ferment it. It's FREEDOM!
And here endeth the sermon.