Can you just summarize the points he makes? So far you have some innuendo mixed with irrelevant facts. That does not add up to anything, so far.
Direct blood exposure is certainly possible without injections. Rabies is spread that way, for instance, through bites. What's the difference between a bite and an injection?
I was not aware that I was guilty of using innuendo or irrelevant facts. I am attempting to answer you as clearly as possible. Bruce Lipton explained in detail how the immune system of humans develop and mature under natural circumstances, its of paramount relevance, when discussing adverse immune reactions that may be implicated in conditions such as autism. The questions you are asking require a deeper understanding of the new science to even begin to answer, Even the most brilliant thinkers on the cutting edge are not yet able to entirely understand how everything really works. That being said, there are plenty of clues that shed some serious doubt on the established view of the biological sciences of genetics and immunology.
As difficult as these new revelations in the advancement of human knowledge may be to comprehend by those raised on the foundation of the old model, I will try my best to explain the jest of it, and answer your questions to the best of my knowledge.
Regarding rabies, and other infectious blood born conditions.... Rationally speaking newborn infants are not usually exposed to rabid animal mauling, or have some deep cut that could get infected, any mother who would allow such horrid things to occur would have their bloodlines weeded out through natural selection.
Yet we have the majority of infants born in the west today being injected with genetically modified hepatitis at birth ( sometimes only a couple of hours old) If you listened to what Bruce Lipton had to say, you would know that the immune system of new borns is not prepared to handle injections designed to stimulate artificial immune reactions.
The immune system of infants needs time to mature, and mothers milk along with a protective environment has naturally provided the optimal conditions for healthy immune development, since the beginning of mammalian history. Take note that the blood brain barrier in children does not become mature enough to effectively restrict viral infiltration of the brain, until at least age three. By that time the average child will have received dozens of injections. Around age 11 or so is when the immune system actual reaches maturity and the programing cells in the thymus begin to down shift. When you inject young children with live viruses before the immune system is prepared to deal with it, it is possible( especially if there are already underlying health imbalances) that the immune response will be inadequate to fully clear out the viral DNA, which can then ember itself into the tissue which can cause a whole host of chronic health issues.
Most people who advocate vaccinations against viral illness do not even know for sure what viruses are, nor do they realize the vital role they play in biological life. I challenge anyone to explain to me exactly what a virus is? Why are they Ubiquitous in nature?
I believe that they are essential for maintaining balance in nature, and when you artificially suppress viral cleanses, the acumualtion of biotoxins accumulate and lead to negative disease down the road. Polio for example, the majority of people contrated it, but only a few became crippled. Perhaps its function was to clean the signal cord from other accumulated toxins. For those who are extremely toxic or deficient the cleansing process can be damaging.....But what about those who go through the infection and are completely unharmed, could it be that childhood polio could be beneficial, and that by suppressing the viral outbreak you prevent the purging reaction which would cleans the spinal cord....When these people grow up and age, never haven gone through a naturally occurring viral cleanse, the accumulation of bio-waste could lead to degenerative conditions, such as the epidemics in degenerative back conditions, cancer, arthritis, etc.... we are seeing today. Vaccines by only stimulating antigen production, without causing the complete purging reactions, only do a half ass job, and there are many people who now believe that, in general, they do cause more harm than good.