Author Topic: Bulking with animal products versus carbs?  (Read 4544 times)

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Offline Gatsuri

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Bulking with animal products versus carbs?
« on: October 14, 2018, 05:24:41 pm »

Do you guys think that a a bulking (keto) diet which consists of +- 95% animal products would result in more lean body mass gain and less fat gain when trying to build muscle in caloric surplus ?

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Re: Bulking with animal products versus carbs?
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2018, 12:52:22 pm »
Definitely! Though I wonder if you will bulk as much as you would with carbs there's no doubt in my mind you will be leaner. I just started working out heavy again. I find organ meats work particularly well for bulking and are superior over muscle meats. I been taking one or two each of: liver, thymus, bulls balls and tripe each day. Each smoothie contains about 4 oz. of meat meaning I consume one to two pounds of raw organ meat daily. I eat equal to slightly less muscle meats consisting mainly of beef, salmon and shrimp, in that order. A week or two ago I was eating less than half that much meat and lots of veggies. I feel so much better lately, both mentally and physically. Was concerned of developing body odor on account of all the meat but I don't think it's any worse, maybe even better. Anyway I researched all kinds of ways to get rid of body odor. Been using essential oils but trying to get away from them and discovered a few tablespoons of borax in a quart of water makes a great deodorant spray that is enough to last for quite a long time. I'm surprised that it works even better than the oils and is a zillion times cheaper. I am also amazed that you can use it for hair and even get it in your eyes. I read you aren't supposed to but then I remembered when I was a kid they used boric acid as an eye wash. As an experiment I intentionally put a spray of borax in my eye and it actually felt soothing. I read that some countries, including Australia have banned borax but here in the states it's really cheap and available.

For years and years I have always used a ton of herbs and spices on my meat but after hearing Jordan Peterson rant and rave about how he only eats beef and salt and water I decided to try only seasoning my meat with (Celtic sea) salt and was surprised to find it tastes great! Perhaps I am onto something and all those spices (instead of helping me) were putting unnecessary stress on my kidneys and liver. I think the essential oils were doing that too. Only started this a couple days ago but I feel noticeably less back pain. Am getting the feeling that vegetables aren't as good as everyone thinks they are and starting to believe that they produce poisons intentionally to help keep us from eating them and that we can cope with them but that they are not the ideal food for man. Still doing wheatgrass and lemons and am going to try this for a while and see how it goes.

Getting back to meats it's been my experience that organ meats allow you to cut fat and add bulk at the same time.  It just doesn't get any better than that!

Offline Gatsuri

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Re: Bulking with animal products versus carbs?
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2018, 04:43:57 pm »
Awesome, yeah I have the same reaction to spices maybe even salt it does not really give me any benefit just adds more taste to the meal I guess. That's a lot of organs :p I try to get 1 to 2 livers or so in per week, I think my vitamin stores are pretty good now after eating this way for a while. I find it's way easier to get in the calories with the raw animal products, the cooked animal products fill me up quickly and I have to stop so I do a mix of raw and cooked.

Offline thehadezb

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Re: Bulking with animal products versus carbs?
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2018, 05:35:47 am »
Carnivores are naturally lean and constantly active. Some of them accumulate fat such as humans. To develope muscle you need optimum you don't need more than 2.2 grams of protein per. That is the maximum upper limit. Then what you will need is a caloric surplus which consist on pure animal fat. Eat fat to satiation after completing your protein goal. If you eat too much fat it's going give you nausea, vomit or diarrhea.
I think organ meats is better for bulking. First because they are more complex tissue than muscle meat. They have special compounds that are adaptogenic, similar to maca, ashawanda, Reishi, etc.
Protein is a goal, fat is a lever.


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