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Re: Python's Journal
« Reply #25 on: October 21, 2008, 08:18:33 pm »
Well I cheat for the day, get horrible stomach aches after eating, and come down with nausea, body aches, dreams about oil and Brazilian martial artists, and feelings that I'm going to either vomit or shit myself.

I really feel like shit right now.
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Re: Python's Journal
« Reply #26 on: October 30, 2008, 02:09:37 am »
I've been diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome(after a week of diarrhea and severe abdominal pain) and have been told to eat a low-fiber diet and avoid stress. Since it started up the day that my new college classes started, I think that I should try to get a full-time job that will offer health insurance so that I can avoid college(truth be told, I'm only going to be covered by family health insurance).

I've lost ten pounds, mostly muscle, and cannot eat fruit without pain and diarrhea. I will probably base my future diet on eggs, milk, fish, and vegetable juices as soon as my stomach settles down a bit.
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Re: Python's Journal
« Reply #27 on: September 01, 2009, 08:44:41 am »
Ok, so my IBS(which was triggered by family stress) put me off of RAF diet since I couldn't very well continue it if my family still blamed my health issues on the diet given that it's hard to avoid stress when you're being forcefully nagged every day. I've been going through different dietary experiments before being able to formulate a diet that was best for my specific needs and for my family to forget about the whole RAF thing to begin with.

Right now I'm living on a poverty diet of raw eggs, garden vegetables, and sauerkraut. It costs me less than $2.00 a day to down a dozen extra large eggs, the cabbage is I think $1-2 and after shredding and fermenting will last me weeks, and I've got a never ending supply of tomatoes and basil in the back garden. The garlic, EVOO, and salt are pantry staples that don't add much on because they last so long or are cheep as dirt.

The big things for me this time around is to avoid fruit and milk and to restrict my carbohydrate intake enough so that I run off of ketones. I've really noticed lately how much carbs cause some severe mood swings and how calm and stable my energy is when in ketosis. I think that if I continue with that in RAF that I'll really thrive.

At any rate, raw eggs are really doing it for me right now in the sense that my testosterone levels have shot through the roof since I started eating them. It is impossible for me to eat 4 or more at any one time without getting really randy, 6 will give me a steel pipe in my trousers. I've gotten noticeably hairier in just a few days and whereas I used to be able to get away with shaving every other day now I'll look like a hobo.
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Re: Python's Journal
« Reply #28 on: September 02, 2009, 10:49:11 am »
My poos stink a bit though I'm inclined to think that could be the result of increasing the protein in my diet. Protein has smell when you poop, which I guess makes a high protein diet the opposite of the vegan "I'm so perfect my farts don't stink" effect. I'll add more fiber and see if that helps any.

I feel like I'm getting more muscular. Usually it's impossible for me to gain muscle mass so I think that this must be a combination of increasing the protein and increasing my testosterone levels(since the eggs are making me horny after consumption and, dare I say it, harder, longer, and thicker when aroused). My planche, handstand, and planche to handstand transition are making some wonderful gains and I am crediting this to the "grease the groove" type of daily training that I've been doing with the eggs improving my overall recovery.

I have a strong urge to join the military and fight to the death. I'm going to interpret this as a good sign for now.
Growth hormones are groovy.

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Re: Python's Journal
« Reply #29 on: September 02, 2009, 11:05:53 am »
Suet is a very cheap source of calories if you're short on money. You can feed yourself Lex style for about $10 a day, but for me that dog and cat food mix is a bit strong.

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Re: Python's Journal
« Reply #30 on: September 02, 2009, 11:22:28 am »
It's not for sale in the area. I don't know what it is with the suburbs and meat but all of the meat that we have is of really low quality. The only organ meat we have is conventionally farmed beef liver and the occasional chicken heart packaged with gizzards but the quality is really iffy and for the same price I can eat a dozen or more eggs.

I'm going to stick to the eggs right now but when I finally beat out all of the other unemployed in the area I'll be sure to treat myself to something a bit more substantial.

At any rate, maybe by then I'll be farming some small animals that I can eat whole. I have a strong urge to farm oysters and sardines.
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Re: Python's Journal
« Reply #31 on: September 29, 2009, 05:46:37 am »
So without any doubt now I've noticed that I can tell what hens have been eating by the flavor of their eggs. There's just no other reason that eggs would taste like either fish or flax.

In other news, I've gone up to 6 freestanding handstand pushups today. I will definitely be meeting my goal of doing 8 in a row by Halloween.
Growth hormones are groovy.


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