Author Topic: What brought you to a Raw Paleo Diet?  (Read 19131 times)

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Re: What brought you to a Raw Paleo Diet?
« Reply #25 on: March 17, 2011, 12:09:36 pm »
I have had major medical problems for 10+ years that have left me disabled. I saw a video of Aajonus Vonderplanitz eating raw meat on youtube and he looked very strong, so I got his book from my local library and now I'm eating whatever raw I can afford(mainly raw organs and raw fat for $1.50/lb each). I had some improvements in the beginning that went away. I'm pretty sure that the less fiber in my diet the more energy and stronger I feel(since less water and energy needed for digestion) so now I'm going to try only beef blood and raw cow's milk - maybe also some raw fat, brains, and occasional bits of glands and other raw meats.

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Re: Breatharianism! Is it possible?
« Reply #26 on: March 17, 2011, 11:27:29 pm »
hey Löwenherz how old are you man?

Ya he's so mysterious lol!

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Re: Breatharianism! Is it possible?
« Reply #27 on: March 18, 2011, 12:52:20 am »
hey Löwenherz how old are you man?

Oh, I don't know, I lost my ID card while swimming from Lisbon to New York during my first Breatharian experiment. So, really nothing mysterious...


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Re: What brought you to a Raw Paleo Diet?
« Reply #28 on: March 18, 2011, 01:18:54 am »
Fortunately I never had any serious health problems or serious problems on SAD that led me through so many different diets trying to find something to help(I would never be able to become vegan or vegetarian, as I hate vegetables and love meat).  I felt like I was fine on a SAD diet, other than sleeping for 10+ hours a day and sometimes even 20 - 30 hours at once, and having a pretty bad case of acne.  The thing that more brought me to Raw Paleo is my love of nature and animals, mainly Wolves, as well as my love of eating steak as rare as I could get it, and always having wanted to try it raw.  I did want to try to eat healthier, and I'm sure I was looking up ways to eat healthy and stumbled across this website, where I found out that almost everything I felt about diet (that everyone told me was bad) was true.  Raw meat, which I have always wanted to eat, is actually GOOD for you, bread and grains, which I have always hated, are actually bad for you, and eating food separated, which I have always hated eating mixed foods or foods that have touched each other, is better for digestion, vegetables which I have always hated, aren't as good for you as people think they are.. I pretty much jumped from a SAD straight into Raw paleo, and that is what made me realize that my constant fatigue, my acne, and all the little problems that I never knew I had were actually caused by my diet.  I knew already that most health problems were caused by what you eat, but I never knew it was to such an extent as to even affect how you smell.  I thought humans were just stinky naturally! 

After finding this website, and realizing that raw meat won't actually make me sick like everyone thinks, it broke my fear of eating raw meat and I started eating it a lot more.  I had only eaten it about 3 times in my life previously, but I had been afraid of getting sick from it (though I never did) like everyone always says you will.. as if the meat itself is going to poison you, rather than the pathogens from sick cows.  I had always been harped on for eating my steaks cooked rare, people telling me how raw meat doesn't even digest, and many other lies, but I never cared because my rare steaks tasted divine, and made me feel amazing.  Eating raw meat makes me feel even more amazing, I've gone from sleeping 10 - 30 hours a day, down to 6 - 8 hours usually, or less if I eat more meat, with more energy than I ever had before. 

As for the fasting, and going off no food or water.. There were many times during my SAD diet that I went a day or two without eating, either because I didn't feel like eating or because there was nothing to eat, and I had always felt better when I did that.  I always seemed to have more energy when I didn't eat for the entire day, and hardly drank anything either, or even if I hadn't slept all night either..  But I couldn't do it all the time, because there were also times when not eating all day would make me feel light headed or give me a headache.  But there was a time, when I was severely depressed, that I went at least 24 hours without food or drink, not a single thing I consumed, and I felt fine, other than for my depression which was horrible.  I haven't fasted much after switching to raw paleo, but I did just fast for about 24 hours not too long ago, and had that same vibrant energy feeling that I had felt before when I fasted on SAD.  But going too long on a fast, I also start to feel weak, and I know I do need to eat something soon, but it does feel as if my body goes into some sort of starvation mode when I fast, where it runs off some stored energy source.. which is probably any fat I have left on my body now that I think about it, since I did seem to loose weight after my fast.  I did want to try fasting, and to break my fast with high-fat foods, thinking that would better help with a transition from a high carb diet to a high fat diet..
Hi, I'm 32, around 5'4" and ~124lb, no real significant health problems other than hyperventilating when running/exercising (that my doc said was because of the smog/asthma), fatigue, and really bad acne.
I'd preferably be a carnivore/very low carb, but I have had a very hard time finding grass-fed or even organic fats, organs, and marrow. I consume raw dairy, but I do not eat much vegetables.. however, I do love fruit.
I live with my dad, so I also have to sneak any raw meat eating.

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Re: What brought you to a Raw Paleo Diet?
« Reply #29 on: March 18, 2011, 06:27:22 am »
Re: the breatharian bit, I am no expert and can vouch for nothing on the subject, however there are a # of people that are, or claim to be breatharians.

There is reference in Paramahansa Yogananda's famous book "autobiography of A Yogi" that refers to a female Yogin or Yogini who abstains from eating.
Other Yogic groups (I forget which ones off hand) speak of a few people being in this category.

People in the last stages of enlightenment eat very little or nothing as there is no need to due to the cessation of the mind's wanderings.

HRM or Hira Ratan Manek of sungazing fame says that he was 400 + - days with just water under supervision in a hospital in India. Somewhere on the web is the article that describes it with a Doctor being the narrator. There is a medical description of his weight loss and then he stayed at a certain weight. His Pineal gland is enlarged which is unusual because it normally shrinks with age. He regularly just consumes liquids such as tea milk etc to be sociable.

Some people say not nice things about him and some say glowing things. I chose to stay away from all that gossip.
Essentially he says that he studied some ancient books on the subject of sungazing and tried various methods till he came up with one that is safe and easy. He sells nothing and is retired and spends the money he earned in his life to travel around spreading the gospel of sungazing. He will visit your area if you wish.

Regarding breatarianism he says that when you follow the method he devised you will gradually eat less and then at some point well into the process you will have less, to no desire to eat. So it's not like you wake up tomorrow and decide not to eat.

My GF and I are following his method and we are not far from the end of the process. Our food consumption has dropped quite a bit. That happens very close to the beginning and everyone who does the gazing reports the same.

He recommends eating raw BTW and does not specify vege, although being a Jane (religious group from India) he is a vege.

He says that water is essential for a breatharian.

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Re: What brought you to a Raw Paleo Diet?
« Reply #30 on: March 18, 2011, 06:39:29 am »
I stumbled onto the raw diet due to a sungazing yahoo group.

Someone was talking about raw paleo diet and eating dirt (had a fancy name like some kind of clay) and various other unusual dietary propensities.

I am a long term Ayurvedic practitioner and so I thought eating raw meant raw vege so I was surprised when somebody said something about raw meat. I knew raw vege would kill me so when they mentioned raw meat I was shocked. I had to read more so then I asked and was told about Aajonus Vonderplanitz.

That was a mind bender but we started following his recommendations about a year ago.

I was not driven to this by any illness or issue, just curiosity. It's an expensive diet. Requires a lot of planning when travelling.

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Re: What brought you to a Raw Paleo Diet?
« Reply #31 on: March 18, 2011, 06:43:32 am »
Sorry I forgot to add that it frees up my GF from cooking and cleaning.

I am shocked  :o that every woman who is a slave to the stove has not latched onto the diet.

It's a natural diet for a "young, not interested in cooking... period, male" such as I was a long time ago. ;D ;D

Might've even saved me from my not so good marriage.  ;D ;D ;D

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Re: Breatharianism! Is it possible?
« Reply #32 on: March 18, 2011, 02:52:48 pm »
Fortunately I never had any serious health problems or serious problems on SAD that led me through so many different diets trying to find something to help(I would never be able to become vegan or vegetarian, as I hate vegetables and love meat).  I felt like I was fine on a SAD diet, other than sleeping for 10+ hours a day and sometimes even 20 - 30 hours at once, and having a pretty bad case of acne.  The thing that more brought me to Raw Paleo is my love of nature and animals, mainly Wolves, as well as my love of eating steak as rare as I could get it, and always having wanted to try it raw.  I did want to try to eat healthier, and I'm sure I was looking up ways to eat healthy and stumbled across this website, where I found out that almost everything I felt about diet (that everyone told me was bad) was true.  Raw meat, which I have always wanted to eat, is actually GOOD for you, bread and grains, which I have always hated, are actually bad for you, and eating food separated, which I have always hated eating mixed foods or foods that have touched each other, is better for digestion, vegetables which I have always hated, aren't as good for you as people think they are.. I pretty much jumped from a SAD straight into Raw paleo, and that is what made me realize that my constant fatigue, my acne, and all the little problems that I never knew I had were actually caused by my diet.  I knew already that most health problems were caused by what you eat, but I never knew it was to such an extent as to even affect how you smell.  I thought humans were just stinky naturally!  

After finding this website, and realizing that raw meat won't actually make me sick like everyone thinks, it broke my fear of eating raw meat and I started eating it a lot more.  I had only eaten it about 3 times in my life previously, but I had been afraid of getting sick from it (though I never did) like everyone always says you will.. as if the meat itself is going to poison you, rather than the pathogens from sick cows.  I had always been harped on for eating my steaks cooked rare, people telling me how raw meat doesn't even digest, and many other lies, but I never cared because my rare steaks tasted divine, and made me feel amazing.  Eating raw meat makes me feel even more amazing, I've gone from sleeping 10 - 30 hours a day, down to 6 - 8 hours usually, or less if I eat more meat, with more energy than I ever had before.  

As for the fasting, and going off no food or water.. There were many times during my SAD diet that I went a day or two without eating, either because I didn't feel like eating or because there was nothing to eat, and I had always felt better when I did that.  I always seemed to have more energy when I didn't eat for the entire day, and hardly drank anything either, or even if I hadn't slept all night either..  But I couldn't do it all the time, because there were also times when not eating all day would make me feel light headed or give me a headache.  But there was a time, when I was severely depressed, that I went at least 24 hours without food or drink, not a single thing I consumed, and I felt fine, other than for my depression which was horrible.  I haven't fasted much after switching to raw paleo, but I did just fast for about 24 hours not too long ago, and had that same vibrant energy feeling that I had felt before when I fasted on SAD.  But going too long on a fast, I also start to feel weak, and I know I do need to eat something soon, but it does feel as if my body goes into some sort of starvation mode when I fast, where it runs off some stored energy source.. which is probably any fat I have left on my body now that I think about it, since I did seem to loose weight after my fast.  I did want to try fasting, and to break my fast with high-fat foods, thinking that would better help with a transition from a high carb diet to a high fat diet..

Did your depression improve on the Raw paleo diet?

@Lowerhz LMAO you remain shrouded in mystery xD

Also hope breatheranarians have filtered water
« Last Edit: March 18, 2011, 03:06:31 pm by Techydude »

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Re: What brought you to a Raw Paleo Diet?
« Reply #33 on: March 20, 2011, 01:30:12 am »
I am shocked  :o that every woman who is a slave to the stove has not latched onto the diet.

It seems that many women enjoy being a "slave to the stove"... tsss... because theire mothers were also slaves to the stove (?)


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Re: What brought you to a Raw Paleo Diet?
« Reply #34 on: March 20, 2011, 10:18:10 am »
I'm a guy and I too used to be a slave to the stove. Cooking everything. At one point I wanted to go to Culinary School. But now I realize chefs are the unhealthies people on the planet next to SAD eaters and vegans/vegetarians.

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Re: What brought you to a Raw Paleo Diet?
« Reply #35 on: March 25, 2011, 11:45:19 am »
Hi everybody, I have always been fascinated with the idea of being self sufficient, so my long road to RPD actually started with becoming disillusioned with minimalist urban camping. I have decided to start a farm where I wil grow my own food, water and energy and I needed to know what my food needs were. I experimented with vegetarian but I didn't really like beans and, quite frankly, the idea of growing my own grains and harvesting them in a sustainable way made me want to break down and weep. My brother is an athlete and his trainer has him on a strange hybrid paleo diet, but that is what lead me on to the paleo diet. I had a really good experience with that re weight loss and muscle tone with minimal effort (I wasn't exactly heavy and I have an active job/lifestyle) as well as a huge improvement in energy levels. What made me switch to the raw paleo diet (besides making complete logical sense from how I understand the world to work) was sheer lack of time. I simply do not have time to cook and do dishes at this point in my life. Another plus is on my farm I won't need as much fuel to cook with!! Has anybody else had experience with paleo farming?
On a side note, I have been eating raw for a couple weeks and on the weekend my roommate made burgers and I thought, "What the hell?" and ate the (cooked) burger. Suffice to say, it did not agree with my digestion. I don't think I will be going back to cooked foods, as the transition from cooked to raw was painless but the first cooked meat I had after only a few weeks of raw meat caused extreme physical distress (well maybe not extreme, but deffinatly distressing :P). Two days after the burger, my raw meat tasted orders of magnitude better and I never had a problem with the taste of raw meat.

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Re: Breatharianism! Is it possible?
« Reply #36 on: July 13, 2011, 11:29:10 pm »
Did your depression improve on the Raw paleo diet?

My depression was caused by incidents that happened in my life that had nothing to do with diet.  It was not spontaneous depression, it was depression from a cause, and changing what I ate would not have changed how I felt in those situations.
Hi, I'm 32, around 5'4" and ~124lb, no real significant health problems other than hyperventilating when running/exercising (that my doc said was because of the smog/asthma), fatigue, and really bad acne.
I'd preferably be a carnivore/very low carb, but I have had a very hard time finding grass-fed or even organic fats, organs, and marrow. I consume raw dairy, but I do not eat much vegetables.. however, I do love fruit.
I live with my dad, so I also have to sneak any raw meat eating.

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Re: Breatharianism! Is it possible?
« Reply #37 on: July 14, 2011, 08:44:35 am »
My depression was caused by incidents that happened in my life that had nothing to do with diet.  It was not spontaneous depression, it was depression from a cause, and changing what I ate would not have changed how I felt in those situations.
If you get depressed from an event it doesn't mean that you ever had depression. It just meant that you responded to an event.
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Re: Breatharianism! Is it possible?
« Reply #38 on: July 14, 2011, 12:15:49 pm »
If you get depressed from an event it doesn't mean that you ever had depression. It just meant that you responded to an event.

    I was on a high dose of antidepressant which I needed up till I went on the primal diet.  I had tried so many diets including fasting for weeks at a time on nothing but a little water, no diet before did anything noticeable for depression as long as I needed.  Mind you I wasn't severely depressed long that time, and it was due to actual rl circumstances too, like Wolf, and it was the only time I needed antidepressants.  Once I started pd (and I started it fully from the start, starting with only food grass pastured cultured butter) after maybe two weeks my depression fully abated.  I went in to see my prescribing doctor, really good doctor and human being, and he told me it was fine to go off the medication and I continued to see him till all my other medical problems resolved.  I had no withdrawals this time.  I have not been on antidepressants since.  An extremely high fat RAFD is so instrumental in dealing with living when really feeling bad due to apparently unchangeable hopeless tragic etc circumstance.  How do you think humanity survived the ice age? Can you imagine?  That's what I think anyway.
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Re: Breatharianism! Is it possible?
« Reply #39 on: July 15, 2011, 09:23:21 am »
If you get depressed from an event it doesn't mean that you ever had depression. It just meant that you responded to an event.

They were events which caused me extreme sadness, which in my book means I was depressed.. since it was painful enough to cause me to be unable to eat, painful enough to make me go from taking all the stairs every single time, to feeling too weak to even walk from my car to the elevator, in one day..
Hi, I'm 32, around 5'4" and ~124lb, no real significant health problems other than hyperventilating when running/exercising (that my doc said was because of the smog/asthma), fatigue, and really bad acne.
I'd preferably be a carnivore/very low carb, but I have had a very hard time finding grass-fed or even organic fats, organs, and marrow. I consume raw dairy, but I do not eat much vegetables.. however, I do love fruit.
I live with my dad, so I also have to sneak any raw meat eating.

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Re: Breatharianism! Is it possible?
« Reply #40 on: July 15, 2011, 08:15:04 pm »
They were events which caused me extreme sadness, which in my book ... all the stairs every single time, to feeling too weak to even walk from my car to the elevator, in one day..

    Sorry about your sadness.  Many of my blood tests changed greatly in a two day time period to much worse after an event that was too hard for me to bear.  Actually I think it changed within a half hour, but I had the lab work two days apart.  I couldn't eat feeling like that either, but that wasn't much of a change, as I had not been able to digest much for a couple years before that either. I was vegan then too.  I don't know what was sustaining me.  I guess it was that I kept trying; because I had faith and patience to go for and eventually wait for answers.  You know what they say, that when you aren't even out and looking, it comes to you, or something like that ..

    When in mourning I didn't eat for a week and I felt fine and energetic.  I didn't consider myself breatharian at the time.  I just didn't feel like taking anything in.  I guess I felt if I ate, with my body's reactions, that eating could put me in danger.  I slept fine during that time, very refreshing, good timing etc.  I feel good while fasting anyway, since food makes me have reactions.  I was a cooked vegan at the time.  When starting food again the first day I only ate a half a tangerine.  It's all I wanted.  It was very good though.
"Genuine truth angers people in general because they don't know what to do with the energy generated by a glimpse of reality." Greg W. Goodwin


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