Author Topic: Monsanto - Here is your chance to do something  (Read 5171 times)

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Offline jessica

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Re: Monsanto - Here is your chance to do something
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2011, 08:52:39 am »
yeah we have a rally in town tomorrow....ifn yall are at all interested there are plenty of chapters around the states that will be demonstrating tomorrow...good times,  they will probably crop dust us!


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Re: Monsanto - Here is your chance to do something
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2011, 09:12:27 am »
they will probably crop dust us!

lol    ???  l)  :o  O0

Offline raw-al

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Re: Monsanto - Here is your chance to do something
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2011, 12:06:15 am »
The Europeans have it right. They demanded that something be done and it was. We in North America are fools for letting our food system be taken over by corporate.

Offline BakeyMan

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Re: Monsanto - Here is your chance to do something
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2011, 10:50:32 pm »
The  rally in NYC was pretty pathetic..  we were only allowed to stay at City Hall for an hour.  Cops were on either side of us with metal detectors so passers-by stayed away.  Most of the speakers were just scaring everyone about how we're all going to get cancer and how evil monsanto will end life on earth.

It seems like it was more about coming together to embrace fear than accomplishing anything.  The whole point of this was to promote the labeling of GMO's, but that wasnt even brought up until a letter from Dennis Kucinich was read at the end.  

How did it go in other parts of the country?  

Afterwards, me and afew others went to a WF's and labeled a bunch of products ourselves.  Direct action! :)

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Re: Monsanto - Here is your chance to do something
« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2011, 11:22:39 pm »
ours was small but i was suprised we had one in my town anyway
definitely scare tactics are really ridiculous, fear and money are the two worst ways to try and convince someone to do anything, they are the most disingenuious concepts.  i really do feel like at this point it is necessary to make as many people aware of what they can do, and how that will benefit their lifes and work each day towards living righteously and making all decisions and interactions as beneficial as possible to creating better ways for us humans to actually create sustainable and conscious lives here on earth. you hate monsanto? fuck buying food from anyone who sells from them, buy seeds and join a community garden, grow for your neighbors, invest in a CSA program in your area, if you arent into farming learn other skills that you can share with people so they can be more self/community sustainable instead of relying on destructive should be about empowering the people and i think there needs to be a good deal of time both empowering by educating as well as by doing and creating

Offline BakeyMan

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Re: Monsanto - Here is your chance to do something
« Reply #7 on: March 30, 2011, 04:54:39 am »
Seriously, people at the rally were congratulating each other on which signs were the most fear inducing.  Only crazy homeless people that hold up signs about the apocalypse would pay attention, everyone else sees us as conspiracy theorists.

Yes!  it's just like the anti-war movement, they blame everybody but themselves.   Even though they don't morally support wars, their lifestyles support the oil industry and isolation from each other, which inevitably leads to seeing others as non-humans.  Most of the anti-Monsanto crowd don't realize that if they were billionaires they would be trying to maximize profits and destroy the competition as well, because that's part of the American way of life. 

I don't believe the OCA will do much good unless the movement becomes locally based and off the Internet.   Despite what the media says, the revolutions in the Middle East did not come about from online social networking.  Without the vibrant, educated communities in the physical world, organizing  and informing on Face book wouldn't have been enough.

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Re: Monsanto - Here is your chance to do something
« Reply #8 on: March 30, 2011, 04:59:44 am »
Thanks you'all for making the effort. We owe ya. Has to start somewhere.


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