Holy crap!
I've never had a welcome like that from joining a forum. I think this may be my favorite already.
Anyways, thx for the welcome. Here's a little bit about me:
I've been fooling around with RAF since last May. Unfortunately literature on eating cute animals raw is pretty lacking, so AV's two books were all I could find. Needless to say, raw dairy and honey and what not just don't work for me. Its cool if they work for others and I'm not gonna bash AV or anything, but I need something more I think. Plus I never could reconcile the hunter-gatherer diet with milking cows, aggravating bees, etc. I'm pretty sure our distant ancestors had better things to do lol.
I've had some major digestive issues that I believe have spilled over to other parts of my life since 2003. I went on deployment (navy) in that year and was forced to eat some seriously crappy food. Well, I guess I chose too, but the alternative was to starve. Screw that. Oh yeah, they made sure to inject my ass full of anthrax and smallpox on that deployment--for my protection--and I'm sure that wasn't good for me either. Since then I've had sleep problems, distended abdomen, acid reflux, dry skin, lack of focus and concentration, anxiety, depression, panic attacks, eye floaters, spider veins ... yada yada yada. Each year seems to get worse, although as of yet these problems only seem to be minor. I'd like to keep it that way and possibly reverse some of these others. Which brings me here.
I've tried fruit/veggie diet, cooked paleo, blood type, and raw a`la AV diet. My body appears to be getting pickier and pickier about what I eat, so I'm not sure what I'll do if raw paleo doesn't pan out lol. Here's to hoping that you guys and this forum are what I need! Thanks again for the awesome welcome, guys!
@boxcarguy07, my screen name is not related to FF, actually. Just something new that sounded kinda cool