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Offline miles

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Vegetable Juice
« on: April 10, 2011, 01:37:13 am »
Does anyone have negative experience using vegetable juice?

Is there anyone who had negative experiences with vegetables, but then had positive experiences with vegetable juice?

I would like to boost the micro:macro nutrient ratio of my diet, which ideally I would do by living off of only wild game, as opposed to domestic cattle. However in the mean time, I am interested in a way of adding extra micro-nutrients which should be in the meat, without compromising the benefits I get from eating animals only. I've already tried eating lettuce/herbs and that has caused problems.

So what are your experiences with vegetable juices?

« Last Edit: April 10, 2011, 01:38:04 am by TylerDurden »
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Re: Vegetable Juice
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2011, 01:44:34 am »
Does anyone have negative experience using vegetable juice?

Is there anyone who had negative experiences with vegetables, but then had positive experiences with vegetable juice?

I would like to boost the micro:macro nutrient ratio of my diet, which ideally I would do by living off of only wild game, as opposed to domestic cattle. However in the mean time, I am interested in a way of adding extra micro-nutrients which should be in the meat, without compromising the benefits I get from eating animals only. I've already tried eating lettuce/herbs and that has caused problems.

So what are your experiences with vegetable juices?

  My own experience with raw veggie-juices was dire. I would drink the stuff and , within half an hour or often less, feel the desperate urge to go to the toilet. Fortunately, I always drank the stuff within easy reach of a toilet. Anyway, it seems my body quickly  gets rid of any raw veggie-juices (or raw olive-oil or other raw plant oils if drunk in sizeable amounts) without properly absorbing the stuff.

In past RVAF diet forums,  problems with raw veggie-juice consumption figured 2nd-highest after raw-dairy-related issues re reports. Some people suggested that the reason for this was that juicing not only enabled the nutrients to become more bioavailable by shredding the cell-walls, but also made the antinutrients in raw veg more bioavailable as well.  The issues with raw veggie-juice, though, seem to have been mainly caused by drinking too much of it over long periods(I don't think people complained to any real extent, as I recall, if they only consumed less than 1 glass of raw veggie-juice a day).
« Last Edit: April 10, 2011, 08:19:14 am by TylerDurden »
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Re: Vegetable Juice
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2011, 02:08:54 am »
The standard given at least by vegan proponents (not sure about aajonus who obviously is big on juices) is that the non-juice-drinking person might experience a lot of negative symptoms prior to getting benefit from vegetable or wheatgrass juices. Whether we are meant to/should get nutrients through such methods is of course highly debatable so the dispute over symptoms being pretty debatable. I remember I would get lightheaded and diarrhea and stuff. After that I always felt pretty good, but of course even critics then can point out to sugar being present, even from non-starchy vegetables. About a year ago my juicer lit on fire and I haven't been doing it since. I've since had juices from friends with quality non-centrifugal models and felt fantastic drinking the stuff on my current diet. I think with AV stuff there is ways to make the juice more absorbable if necessary, like adding an egg or probably honey.

I never made sweet juices. I'd make straight celery or straight cucumber juices and these taste fantastic to me and are refreshing. Often I would add cilantro, parsley etc.. to get added minerals. The only juice I ever had that is pretty hard to take straight is pure dandelion put through a press. Tastes sort of like Swamp Thing's morning coffee. It's thick and dank. I would put things like dandelion and watercress and sometimes things I found in the my backyard or the woods at the time like lambsquarters. I think this helped a lot with my bones and a I made some progress (in x-rays) in that regard prior to eating any animal food.

Occasionally I would juice a single small beet or a carrot or two, but that was just for variety or minerals, not for taste.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2011, 04:12:25 am by TylerDurden »

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Re: Vegetable Juice
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2011, 07:34:29 am »
i recently ( maybe 3 months ago or so ) got a serious juicer and from time to time juice vegetables in it.  i haven't had a single bad experience.  and i would take a glass of juice then blend it with some fruit and spinach and toss in a spoon or two of a green superfood powder in the mix - and feel great.  like i said - not a single negative experience in any combination.

just today though my parents cooked some meatloaf and i had about two ounces of it and felt sick for 2 hours.  i wasn't so much sick in the stomach as i felt hot and i couldn't think clearly - it started almost immediately after i had it.  it was slightly charred on the bottom.  

i also never experienced any "detox" or whatever.  i NEVER had ANY negative experience ( not counting sugar rush ) eating fresh fruits, vegetables whole or blended or juiced.  at worst i feel NOTHING.  sometimes i feel energy.

so basically i feel sick from cooked meat and from hard nuts ( almond, hazelnut ) when eaten whole.  i don't feel sick from nuts when they are blended.  i would probably feel sick if i tried to eat like a whole cabbage ... but i have never tried.  

the one downside to juice is the sugar rush - you can get a pretty well defined sugar rush from a big glass of juice.  it feels a little like being drunk and lasts for about half an hour.  that's why i prefer green smoothies to straight juice - smoothies have more fiber and nutrients and less sugar than juice - and they are more of a timed release than juice.

« Last Edit: April 10, 2011, 07:45:29 am by proteus »

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Re: Vegetable Juice
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2011, 07:51:54 am »
also miles if you want more micronutrients i use these two:

it has more nutrients and less sugar than most juice you can make.  tastes like a bunch of grass blended with a bunch of algae because that's what it is basically.


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Re: Vegetable Juice
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2011, 09:20:47 pm »
I never made sweet juices. I'd make straight celery or straight cucumber juices and these taste fantastic to me and are refreshing. Often I would add cilantro, parsley etc.. to get added minerals. The only juice I ever had that is pretty hard to take straight is pure dandelion put through a press. Tastes sort of like Swamp Thing's morning coffee. It's thick and dank. I would put things like dandelion and watercress and sometimes things I found in the my backyard or the woods at the time like lambsquarters. I think this helped a lot with my bones and a I made some progress (in x-rays) in that regard prior to eating any animal food.

this is what i do as well...although i havent had a juice in a while and mostly use it for redydration, chlorophyll, and to sooth a sore belly.  i will add zucchini as well, and in the past have had red cabbage(it is somewhat sweet and thick and frothy, like a purple milk shake i think, but feels great on the stomach to me, id juice between a quarter and a half of a medium sized head, making sure it was good quality, crisp and looked as though it was coated in natural yeasts...definitely organic, local if possible) mostly its just a pretty watery base of cucumber, zucchini, aloe if i can get it, a few stalks of celery, a handful of greens and herbs because they do get thick and then cabbage, sometimes a clove of garlic or a chunk of ginger....

be sure to CHEW YOUR JUICE!!! drink it slowly, they taste wonderful to me and i could slug them down but like anything they do need those enzymes from your saliva to properly digest and absorb:)

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Re: Vegetable Juice
« Reply #6 on: April 10, 2011, 11:55:57 pm »
a chunk of ginger....

do you feel like your head is swelling up with blood after ginger juice ?  i do.  weird sensation and frankly kinda scary - that's why i don't use ginger.

but then it's not a "side" effect, its actually supposed to be the desired effect if i understand correctly ?  kinda like when you take niacin and get red that's supposed to be the desired effect, not a side effect ?  improved blood flow ?

a handful of greens and herbs because they do get thick

what do you mean by thick - pulpy ?  do you strain your juice ?  straining juice makes it much more palatable to me, which is odd because i have no issues with very thick smoothies - as thick as yogurt.  basically as long as the consistency is even i have no problem whether it is pure liquid or thick paste.  it's when you have separation with liquid on the bottom and stuff floating on top that my taste buds revolt - a strainer / sieve solves this problem for the most part.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2011, 12:04:14 am by proteus »

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Re: Vegetable Juice
« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2011, 05:37:25 am »
ever since my health issues have started - vegetable juicing makes me feel better (of course i consume a lot it makes me feel worse). so in moderate quantities its great, same is true of non-veg.

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Re: Vegetable Juice
« Reply #8 on: April 11, 2011, 07:45:52 pm »
ginger generally gives me a soothing warmth in the belly and body, but no sensation of swelling
i like it best with red cabbage and cucumber or zucchini, this is healing to the intestines to me

the greens coagulate. like really rich dark green herbs....

i am not a big juicer, i have just had much access to one(and free produce) in the past so i definitely capitalized on the experience, now often i grab a handful of greens, celery, fibrous veggies and chew and spit

my advise still is to avoid or use in extreme moderation high carbohydrate veggies and fruit and to always chew your juice


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