Author Topic: Raw milk vs raw milks Kefir  (Read 15567 times)

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Raw milk vs raw milks Kefir
« on: April 21, 2011, 10:26:01 pm »
Many of us have serious problems with raw milk. I read that making kefir from it using kefir grains (not just sour milk) solves those problems and adds a whole lot of beneficial micro-organisms

I recieved my kefir grains today and will start making raw milk kefir. This stuff is supposed to solve many ailments includings skin problems. I thrive on a raw milk heavy RPD and seem to do less well when I cut out raw milk. However I do have some skin inflammation, have had all my life. Hope the kefir helps me.

Experiences anyone?
« Last Edit: April 22, 2011, 12:56:10 am by TylerDurden »
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Re: Raw milk vs raw milks Kefir
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2011, 12:53:02 am »
Just watch how kefir affects you.

It is sour and will aggravate certain things. Just eat it in moderation. For me when I eat too much, I first get a sore throat then it devolves into a cough or a cold. However in smaller amounts It is wonderful especially with raw honey.

It affects me that same way fruit or berries do.

The topic of making kefir with grains vs. honey has been flogged in other threads, but we use raw honey. It is quick and easy and consistant and requires no taking care of kefir grains. We tried them before.

Good luck!

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Re: Raw milk vs raw milks Kefir
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2011, 12:55:23 am »
No, it doesn't solve all problems. Plenty of RVAFers do indeed react badly to kefir, so it is not a cure-all by any means.

Oh, and raw-dairy-related topics really ought to be moved to the primal diet forum, or, in this case, the weston-price diet forum.
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Re: Raw milk vs raw milks Kefir
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2011, 03:47:44 am »
kefir made from healthy kefir grain has totally different properties than those made wih honey. kefir is a symbioses of more than 50 bacteria and fungi. It suposedly kills candida by taking its place.

I tried the honey-made kefir felt just like sour milk to me.

@raw-al did you also try "real" kefir?

@tyler thanks for moving to the right spot couldn't figure out where to post it.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2011, 05:44:35 am by TylerDurden »
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Re: Raw milk vs raw milks Kefir
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2011, 06:22:18 am »
kefir made from healthy kefir grain has totally different properties than those made wih honey. kefir is a symbioses of more than 50 bacteria and fungi. It suposedly kills candida by taking its place.

I tried the honey-made kefir felt just like sour milk to me.

@raw-al did you also try "real" kefir?

@tyler thanks for moving to the right spot couldn't figure out where to post it.
Just curious, where did you find out about the 50 bacteria and fungi and candida?

"Real" kefir sounds like an advertising term.

I used a kefir grain for awhile but eventually gave in up because it was a PITA. It requires a certain amount of tender loving care. We we thrilled when a friend in out cowshare wanted to try it. : )

The sour milk may have been because you don't really have raw honey. Aviaries may advertise their honey as such but really they heat the honey "a bit" so it will pour or to smoke the bees out of the hives.

There are various bacteria in all soured milk products. As to whether this bacteria or that bacteria is better........ sounds a little suspicious. Do you think the people living in Asia who purportedly "discovered" kefir had 50 bacteria?

I have made various milk products over the years from yogurt to kefir to cream cheese, hard cheese to paneer. Some batches work and some don't. Even the ones that don't are usually made edible.

If you don't like the kefir you get or the yogurt, just put it in a cheese cloth or piece of cloth and let it evaporate and voila you have cream cheese.

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Re: Raw milk vs raw milks Kefir
« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2011, 06:38:03 pm »
Had my first batch off kefir-grain made kefir. Taste's nice! No throat mucus as opposed to milk. Wil see how it goes.

My honey is proper raw, thick creamy with pieces of pollen. The kefir I made with the honey tasted simular to the taste of this kefir so that comfirms that it is raw I think.

I read a study about the many organisms in kefir. cant find it right now but check this website

scroll all the way down for the list
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“A man should be able to build a house, butcher a hog, tan the hide,
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“A man should be able to build a house, butcher a hog, tan the hide,
preserve the meat, deliver a baby, nurture the sick and reassure the dying, fight a war … specialization is for insects.”

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Re: Raw milk vs raw milks Kefir
« Reply #8 on: April 28, 2011, 07:01:24 pm »
Have been consuming kefir instead of milk for several days now. Skin inflammation seems to get less. Gut feels wonderful. Bowel movements are effortless and somewhat more frequent. I especially like combining kefir with raw meat. Makes raw meat digest even easier. Lost some weight over the last week. Probably because of the lowered carb content of kefir vs milk.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2011, 07:15:37 pm by TylerDurden »
“A man should be able to build a house, butcher a hog, tan the hide,
preserve the meat, deliver a baby, nurture the sick and reassure the dying, fight a war … specialization is for insects.”

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Re: Raw milk vs raw milks Kefir
« Reply #9 on: April 28, 2011, 08:51:17 pm »
Sounds like you found the magic key for yourself.

The bacteria predigest the milk, so it is easier for you to digest. For some people it helps to blenderize the kefir or yogurt to break apart the clots to make it more digestible, but you seem to be OK with it.

Ayurveda says that when milk is converted like that it loses it's qualities. It's normal qualities make it difficult to digest with a variety of things.


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Re: Raw milk vs raw milks Kefir
« Reply #10 on: July 29, 2011, 05:00:00 am »
I find regular raw milk to be very unappealing and it does not digest well at all, but when I make the milk into quark (which is using the natural bacteria in the milk to ferment it with cultured buttermilk as the starter) it digests beautifully, feels good for me and all that good bacteria sure does speed up the intestines.

Kefir for some reason I have never liked and it does take too much tender loving care for me. I got one bit of cultured buttermilk years ago and each round of milk every two weeks it has been used as starter to make more. Even when I did not make any quark for about 5 months or so my buttermilk was just fine in the fridge. Very easy.

With or without my fermented dairy makes little to no difference overall in my health. It just tastes good and is easy so I like it. I find the butter tastes good and the whey seems good for the chickens.

Maybe I should try going without it again - but right now my dog needs it to help reduce a tumor so I'm making it anyway. It's nice to have the variety of foods. I know - silly reason.... but..... OK - I'm nothing but a big baby!  ;)


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