Author Topic: Phenix's onboard  (Read 8775 times)

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Offline Phenix

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Phenix's onboard
« on: November 22, 2024, 06:28:28 pm »
Hello raw-paleo world.

I'm a middle-aged French guy, living in southern France.

I'm on a raw-food diet since more than 2 decades, including animal products (mainly meat, and fish, seashells, eggs). 99% raw.
I'm close to "instincto" or sensorial raw diet : I know well the theory, and rather well the practice.
I spent time with the people practising it, from France (mainly), but also Belgium, Luxemburg, Switzerland, and some from Germany too.
I met a few French primal dieters also.

I am/was interested in other models such as (raw) paleo, keto (HFLC), primal diet, etc. But also fruit-based and HCLF diets.
I used to read this forum (as a lurker), long time ago (more than 5 years).

I come (back) here with the intent to
1/ exceptionnally answer a question about Iguana ;
2/ mainly exchange ideas and infos with you, in order to improve my diet and health.

In fact, my health weakened progressively since a bit more than 10 years, and notably these last years, particularly after a probably Covid-19 illness during the summer in 2021... I had for two years some heavy chronique fatigue and metabolism problems : unability to digest fat, problems with sweet fruits too, etc.
I'm a bit better now, but not completely healed.

So I need to, and will, make some changes to my diet in the near future, either small tweakings or maybe radical changes.

Looking forward to exchange with you guys...

Offline Jion Jion

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Re: Phenix's onboard
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2024, 01:54:22 am »
Dear Phenix,

I feel delighted to see your post ! I also live in France (in Rambouillet, near Paris).
I have been eating raw meat for 5 years and would love to connect with like-minded people who understand the point of eating raw animal foods !
Would you like to meet some time? Or do you know anyone interested in raw foods in Paris region by any chance?

Regarding your health, what are you eating these days precisely ?

Best regards.

Offline Phenix

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Re: Phenix's onboard
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2024, 06:37:13 am »
Hello JJ.
Sorry for the answer delay ! I was quite busy.
(I hope to be able to check this forum at least once a week.)

I feel delighted to see your post ! I also live in France (in Rambouillet, near Paris).
Then I suggest that you update your request in that other thread.
(I hesitated to answer, due to your mentioned location. I would have done it, after a while, in any case.)

I have been eating raw meat for 5 years and would love to connect with like-minded people who understand the point of eating raw animal foods !
Well, that's understandable !  ;)

Would you like to meet some time?
Sure, but I very rarely go to Paris area. If I would, then I'll keep you informed.

Or do you know anyone interested in raw foods in Paris region by any chance?
Not directly, but I know a guy living there that could help you connect to some people (but they're probably old)...
Oh wait, 2 former friends of mine just installed there. So I will ask them. Please send me your coordinates by PM.

Have you tried to look at the French primal diet, or keto/carnivore groups/forums, on FB for examples ?
The (French) primal dieters eat raw meat. Among keto/carnivore folks, it looks rarer.

BTW, last week I stumbled upon a video by the (in)famous Sverige/Goatis, where he explains why raw meat is better than cooked.
Regarding your health, what are you eating these days precisely ?
Well, since 10 days I'm giving a try to pure (raw) carnivore diet... but failing to practice it rigorously !
(I understand, while writing now, that I should keep a journal.)

I eat lots of (salted) fatty beef meat (either once, twice or thrice a day ; generally twice a day).
I was able to eat only (salted) fatty meat (and nothing else) for one day or two in a row, not more.
Then some fruits, mainly oranges and clementines again (in addition to fatty meat).
Then again just meat... and fruits (+meat)... and just meat... and fruits/honey+meat...

So I'm not yet in ketogenic state. I wonder if I'll be able to switch completely... I hope so, because I'd like to give it a try !

But I'm not yet well organized for that. I would need a dedicated fridge.
And to go to the mountains buy some high-quality meat. (I know a good butcher and cattle raiser, but far away.)

Also, my preferred local butcher (who sells good-quality beef) had a shortage of fatty beef meat last Saturday, so I ate only fruits for one day and a half, and then I had to go to an hypermarket to find some beef meat. (I hope I'm not poisoning myself, eating that !)

BTW, I got sick (sinusitis) on Sunday, after a long walk with a friend on Saturday. Probably not the famous "keto flu", as I'm not yet in that state.
This kind of symptoms, a "detox", could be either the sign of a good cleaning thanks to the great amount of meat/fat, or the sign of an intox because the quality is not perfect... always difficult to say !
« Last Edit: December 05, 2024, 08:29:45 am by Phenix »


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