Author Topic: Anyone in the Metro Detroit area interested in some free beef marrow bones?  (Read 3418 times)

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Offline magnetic

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I have 32 lbs. of grass-fed beef marrow bones and 2 pounds of pastured pork kidney, still wrapped and only a few months old (in the freezer). The marrow bones will yield about 6 lbs. of marrow fat. If anyone wants to meet me in the Metro Detroit area you can have them free, just send me a private message.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2011, 05:57:37 am by magnetic »


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Why are you up and giving all that stuff away?

Offline magnetic

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I don't want it to go to waste. If no one claims it soon it is going in the dumpster, but I would rather someone make use of it, as it is perfectly good meat.


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I knnow, but I'm saying why aren't you eating it?

And don't waste it anyway, take it to your local forest or park and give the animals some winter sustenance.

Offline magnetic

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I did give some pork kidney to the stray cats, but I don't think they will be able to make use of the marrow fat. I feed my own cats nothing but raw grass-fed meat but they won't eat pork or bone marrow.

I am not eating it because I am not eating meat. Since this is a raw paleo forum and my present diet is not a raw paleo diet, it isn't the place to discuss what I am currently eating, though I did mention it in my journal in response to a question:


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