Author Topic: EGGS  (Read 24175 times)

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Offline donrad

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« Reply #25 on: February 20, 2009, 09:27:05 am »
My sister raised jungle fowl, the precursor of our chickens. They were seasonal egg layers. There are egg breeds, meat breeds, show breeds, dual purpose breeds, etc. Kind of like dogs.

At the end of "Pottenger's Cats" by Pottenger Jr. he suggests eating "fertile eggs of hatching quality because they contain natural estrogenic substances." Pottenger did a ten year study on cats that showed cats fed cooked meat and pasteurized milk were destroyed physically, could no longer breed, and died early of all kinds of diseases by the third generation.

Just ask the people you buy your eggs from if they have a rooster with the chickens. Yes they should be fertile, no they are not.
Roosters are so noisy if your source is near a city they probably don't have one.

I raised ducks for eggs. They are richer than hen eggs. A Khaki Campbell ducks lay more than chickens in warm climates. Drakes don't crow.
The climate will effect the laying of birds. They get stressed out in extreme heat and cold. Egg factories are in the south. I was in one once. The chickens were in little cages with only enough room to stand up, two to a cage. The eggs roll down to a conveyor belt. The food comes in on a conveyor. They never see the light of day. The farmer has calculated just how little feed he can use and still get an egg. The chickens only last about a year in these conditions. The yokes are pale yellow, flat, and break easily. You can tell a free range egg by the orange yoke that stands up.

I eat egg nog every morning. 2 raw free range eggs whipped with raw milk yogurt. Cocoa powder and ground flax makes it more nutritious.

Naturally, Don

Offline Mincene

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« Reply #26 on: May 05, 2009, 05:49:12 pm »
I also rise hens for laying and we have a rooster too. One of my hens is laying eggs for 10 - 12 days, after that it starts to brood. And even if we take away all the eggs, it is still sitting in the nest for 3 weeks. Unfortunately the lady from which I bought that chicken did not know what breed it exactly was, but she told it was some kind of Australian hens (it has "curly" feather). And that "curly" hen is alrerady 6 years old! My grandmother told me that it is normal for hens to live 10 and more years, but it is only when you do not give them any supplements to increase laying, and if they are free range hens.

Offline LakeWorth33460

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« Reply #27 on: August 17, 2009, 12:44:48 am »
So far, have only been able to eat the egg yolks, fertilized or unfertilized... does not matter to me. I love them!!! When I eat the eggwhite too, I get a sick feeling in my stomach, I don't want to throw out the egg white, so I mix it into the dogfood. Of course, they are on raw food too. Seems, they prefer beef and turkey, but mainly beef.
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Offline DeadRamones

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« Reply #28 on: September 18, 2009, 01:57:55 am »
Do anyone eat the shell? I read on a raw-fed dog forum that it contains a balance amount of phosphorus & calcium. It just has to get baked so it won't cut up their mouth. I saw this youtube video of some guy drinking the egg, then throwing the shell in the cup & drinking that as well. Just wondering if anyone ever tried it.

Offline Python

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« Reply #29 on: September 18, 2009, 02:12:37 am »
I periodically eat the shell but not habitually.

If I add potassium and magnesium salts to the foods I eat I will crave eggshell though, I notice this.
Growth hormones are groovy.

Offline DeadRamones

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« Reply #30 on: September 18, 2009, 02:52:47 am »
weird craving. Kind of off topic a bit but. Since eating raw beef I always get crazy cravings for chocolate. I read about craving chocolate & found that it can be a magnesium deficiency. I'm thinking of trying salmon or red snapper. I read they're good source for minerals.

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« Reply #31 on: September 18, 2009, 03:10:25 am »
Sprinkle something with a pinch of epsom salts before you eat it?
Growth hormones are groovy.


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