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Re: Total proof that USA is a lapdog of Israel
« Reply #25 on: March 27, 2012, 10:01:38 am »
Iv seen some of this guys other videos before and turns out hes a "jew" not that it means anything racially speaking. Hes an ashkenazi so hes probably one of them khazars.

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Re: Total proof that USA is a lapdog of Israel
« Reply #26 on: March 27, 2012, 10:54:13 am »
I'm not convinced that the real underlying driving force of Turkey is Sunni Islam, though it is A force.

it is very very real. Erdogan is die-hard muslim follower and muslim principles are above anything else.  that was one of the reason for israeli provocation and burning bridges. he longs for days of the Ottoman empire when they dominated large part of the muslim world.  that's what he is after.  he does not care about Europe.  his face is turned to the East.  he also would love to take back lands they lost to Russia.  he knows it is not possible but the feeling is still bitter.

Iv seen some of this guys other videos before
who are you talking about?

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Re: Total proof that USA is a lapdog of Israel
« Reply #27 on: March 27, 2012, 10:57:59 am »
Iv seen some of this guys other videos before and turns out hes a "jew" not that it means anything racially speaking. Hes an ashkenazi so hes probably one of them khazars.
Again, being a Khazar/Turk is a GOOD thing, worthy of praise. Hurrah for Khazars and all Turks and horse peoples!

it is very very real.
Of course it's real, but it's not the true core underlying driving force of Turkey, which like all peoples is survival of their people. If they think the Christian West is against them, then they will turn to whoever will be their friend, such as other Islamic nations, as would anyone seeking survival. How sad it is that for decades the US has been the friend of Turkey and now a few incendiary words from the Neocons can set some Americans against the Turks, despite the Turks only response being one of peace, fellowship and understanding that these are the heated words of a political campaing.

The Neocons love the radical Islamists, because the radical Islamists promote the Neocon objective of endless war, with the publicly stated short-term objective being hegemony over the entire Middle East. Vote Ron Paul to stop this insanity! Please, don't condone the killing of a single Turk until you have spoken to at least one! Don't let the Neocons turn us against our friends and eventually all mankind.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2012, 11:23:09 am by PaleoPhil »
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Re: Total proof that USA is a lapdog of Israel
« Reply #28 on: March 27, 2012, 09:40:07 pm »
the question is about those who follow the talmud, who self identify as "jews". It is a racist religion. Many "jews(turcic-mongol khazars) are talmudists but not All. Many non "jews" are talmudists. The religion centres around the veneration of the "jews" as the master race everyone else is "goyim"(animals/cattle/unclean). They are the racists not myself or ALL khazars

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Re: Total proof that USA is a lapdog of Israel
« Reply #29 on: March 27, 2012, 10:37:33 pm »
then they will turn to whoever will be their friend, such as other Islamic nations, as would anyone seeking survival.

they are not looking for friends among Islamic nations.  they want to spread their influence over Islamic world.  it is a 3-way struggle, Turkey-Iran-Saudi

How sad it is that for decades the US has been the friend of Turkey and now a few incendiary words from the Neocons can set some Americans against the Turks, despite the Turks only response being one of peace, fellowship and understanding that these are the heated words of a political campaing.

Turkey never been a friend of the US and never will.  sometimes they team up to address some common interests but that's about it.

despite the Turks only response being one of peace, fellowship and understanding
are you serious???  i'm just laughing

Vote Ron Paul to stop this insanity!
this is not insanity, it is completely normal.  it's been like that for the past 5000 years or so and is not ready to change yet.  maybe in the next 300 years it might start turning around.

Ron Paul is the insanity and that's why he is not going anywhere except retirement.  currently he is getting about 10% of the popular vote.  i said before he would get his single digits.  i was close.  that's the reality. 

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Re: Total proof that USA is a lapdog of Israel
« Reply #30 on: March 28, 2012, 12:33:27 am »
I never said there is anything wrong with being a khazar, I am one myself. Also it should be noted that there are very few pure khazars left anymore. After svyatoslav defeated them they scattered all over europe and mixed heavily with the populations of whatever place they settled.

And let us not forget the two facts which make the concept of a jewish race ridiculous apart from the fact that it is nothing more than a religion. 1) a jewish woman can have a child with a non jew and call that child 100 percent jewish. Taking into consideration that miscegenation is very common even where it is strictly prohibited, the fact that it is allowed for jewish women indicates a high level of race mixing occurred. 2) judaism has always been an actively proselytizing religion until maybe recent times and always actively sought converts.

The term anti-semite is also stupid since almost all of the jews occupying israel are Caucasoid europeans and not semites at all. They are the true anti-semites who do to the semitic palestinians exactly what they claim hitler did to the jews. 

P.S. The concept of jews of europe being from the middle east and not europe is a concept only very recently adopted by jews. This belief up until around ww2 was strictly the domain of the jew haters who said they should go back to where they came from and leave the true europeans alone. The jews of the time vehemently denied this. This can be evidenced by various medieval and other anti jewish texts.

I also believe that the zionists played a key role in the internment of the jews of germany. Israel would not exist without the holocaust after all and the zionists sacrificed many of their own (who they do not truly care for at all and used for their own ends) to make their racial nationalist state a reality. Holocaust means burnt offering and it was a sacrifice for the creation of israel. For more info on this read Adolf Hitler - Founder of Israel: Israel in War With Jews.

And i agree personman that the talmud contains many terrible things including things allowing the rape of very young children. However it should be noted that almost every religion has things to be disgusted by and this is not exclusive to the talmud. (although it ranks very high up there in religious perversity.)

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Re: Total proof that USA is a lapdog of Israel
« Reply #31 on: March 28, 2012, 12:34:50 am »
Judaism does not equal zionism

Rabbi Weiss Rips the Ideology of Zionism


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Re: Total proof that USA is a lapdog of Israel
« Reply #32 on: March 28, 2012, 06:57:13 am »
trollofthedungeon: I agree with most of what you're saying. 80% of "jews" are ashkenazi...Hitler was also Jewish by hallachic  law and was financed by the Rothschild and Warburd banking cartels. Nazism and Communism were creations of these same to foment war among the goyim. A small fraction of 1% of the world's population is this masterrace. How is your retreat going and have you checked out mealworms yet? It seems like a sustainable source and can be dehydrated

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Re: Total proof that USA is a lapdog of Israel
« Reply #33 on: March 28, 2012, 07:44:11 am »
hitler WAS a rothschild. Also zionists dont care about ordinary so called jews like myself. They made sure plenty of them died in germany so that they could take advantage and create their evil state. Im just as poisoned by their system as any of the goyim are. Iv been breathing the chemtrails iv been eating the gm food getting the vaccines just like everyone else. And its not just the synagogue of satan responsible for all this. There are many nexuses of power of which israel is just one including the british crown, the vatican.

havent gotten upstate yet. Will look into mealworms then.

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Re: Total proof that USA is a lapdog of Israel
« Reply #34 on: March 28, 2012, 08:27:15 am »
and i forgot to mention that hitler is not halakhically jewish. His grandmother was a gentile who was a maid in the rothschild manor in which the son was notorious for impregnating the maids. It is very likely that this rothschild was hitlers mystery grandfather.

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Re: Total proof that USA is a lapdog of Israel
« Reply #35 on: March 29, 2012, 09:50:07 pm »
do jews believe in the talmud? it seems like a tangleed skein this freemasonic talmudic.issue...

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Re: Total proof that USA is a lapdog of Israel
« Reply #36 on: March 29, 2012, 09:54:13 pm »
what about the "goyim" issue...are non-jews 'animals', 'excrement' there a reliable source to consult?

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Re: Total proof that USA is a lapdog of Israel
« Reply #37 on: March 29, 2012, 10:26:33 pm »
Well, "shiksa" means " object of  loathing", "impure", or "abomination". That is usually applied to  female non-jews who want to marry Jews or, occasionally, male non-Jews who want to marry Jews:-
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Re: Total proof that USA is a lapdog of Israel
« Reply #38 on: March 30, 2012, 01:03:58 am »
The goyim issue  varies as well as the talmud. The talmud is very large and most jews know nothing about the truly offensive parts or about the policy stated in it towards goyim. I have met those who subscribe to these policies and those who dont.

In regards to the shiksa thing, in true judaism being jewish is not a racial issue. The shiksa is regarded as an abject of loathing due to her not being part of their culture just as the infidel is regarded in islam or the nonbeliever in christ.

All religions claim superiority for their people over others. Itherwise whats the point of joining?

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Re: Total proof that USA is a lapdog of Israel
« Reply #39 on: March 30, 2012, 01:18:43 am »
Also zionists dont care about ordinary so called jews like myself. Im just as poisoned by their system as any of the goyim are.

who are these zionists you are talking about? where are they found in the US?  and who are these ordinary jews?  and what this their system you are talking about.

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Re: Total proof that USA is a lapdog of Israel
« Reply #40 on: March 30, 2012, 02:16:23 am »
The zionists can be found in groups such as aipac and all over our government. Anyone who supports the government of israel is a zionist and almost every one of our politicians is one. Aipac (american israeli public affairs committee) is the most powerful lobby in america. Our president is a zionist. You dont have to be a jew to be a zionist either. Anyone who puts the interests of Israel above their own nation is definitly a zionist. Almost every israeli american dual citizen in our government is a zionist traitor.

The ordinary "jews" are those who have no allegiance to Israel. I am one of them and there are many others like me in this country as well. Out of all the "jews" I met here id say about 50 percent, maybe a bit more were zionists.

The system I am talking about is the new world which does not belong only to the zionists. They are a large part of this system which also prominently features the vatican and the british crown

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Re: Total proof that USA is a lapdog of Israel
« Reply #41 on: March 30, 2012, 02:59:52 am »
based on my observations all jews i know are zionists.  i've never met so called ordinary "jews".  i've only heard of them and they are usually called self-hating Jews a la Bobby Fischer.

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Re: Total proof that USA is a lapdog of Israel
« Reply #42 on: March 30, 2012, 05:55:53 am »
What puzzles me more than anything about this thread, is why the Kazar Turks are spoken of in the context of largely negative, complaining posts??? I find the Khazars and their mercenary cavalry, which was reportedly Sarmatian, apparently, to be fascinating and a source of wonder and joy, not complaints. If the Ashkenazi Jews were mostly Kazars (which I would love, but which unfortunately I have not found a lot of evidence for--crap! :( ), it would be cause for celebration, IMHO, not for complaining. One thing that fascinates me about various Turkish peoples is how many similarities there are with their culture and the culture of my wonderful Irish ancestors and relatives. One of the major commonalities is that they are all horse cultures that spent at least some time on the steppes of Eurasia.

Troll says he is a Khazar, and he doesn't seem evil, so Khazars can apparently be good people, right everyone? When people go on and on about "self identified Jews" being Khazars, to me it is high praise of those Jews, which is a refreshing change for the Internet, and a cause for smiles, not frowns.

Surely people should have the right to call themselves whatever they wish and if someone is friendly and polite and wants to be called a Jew or a Khazar or an Israeli, Hebrew, Zionist, Christian, Muslim, Turk, American, and so on, I will try to politely accomodate the wish, if my memory cooperates. :D Why not, after all?

We seem to have multiple experts on Khazars and Jews here, and I find the histories and cultures of both to be interesting, so I would appreciate it if those who have posted about them would kindly share the sources of their bountiful information, so I might learn more about these people. Some have expounded upon them at great length, so surely they must have many sources for me to peruse? Don't be selfish, please share. Thanks!
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Re: Total proof that USA is a lapdog of Israel
« Reply #43 on: March 30, 2012, 11:55:57 am »
First of all I repeat that I am one of the ordinary jews who are completely anti zionist and so are plenty of other jews I know including the rabbi in the video I posted earlier.

I have been called a self hating jew many times. I also do not identify myself as the jewish but respond yes when asked because what they really mean is are you khazar. I am quite proud of the Khazars in fact and do not speak of it negatively at all. The problem that the zionist khazars have with this is that if they are from Khazaria then they are europeans who have converted in the seventh century and therefore have no claim to the land of israel which they conquered and therefore have no right to put the palestinians in open air concernetration camps and kill their children.

The top books I would reccomend on this subject are

The invention of the Jewish People, by Shlomo Sand

and The Thirteenth Tribe, by Arthur Koestler to get you started.

These are two previously very well respected jewish intellectuals who are now smeared as self hating jews to put out this info.

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Re: Total proof that USA is a lapdog of Israel
« Reply #44 on: March 30, 2012, 06:59:23 pm »
I guess what bugged me a bit wasn't so much specific comments about Khazars as that every time I've seen Khazars mentioned on the Internet it has been in a negative context of complaints about Jews, Zionists, Israelis, Talmudists, etc. It would be nice to see a positive historical discussion or even just positive comments about them some day.

If no one here is arguing that the Jews/Khazars are inherently bad people, then the major beef here seems to be that Ashkenazi Jews don't descend from a people of Israel and so that makes their conquest of Israel illegitimate, yes? Let's say for the sake of argument that's true, what's the solution? Should all conquerors go back to where they originated from? Should the "Khazars" be expelled from the Levant? If so, where should they go, back to Khazaria, which no longer exists? Most scholars apparently think that the Khazar Turks didn't originate in Khazaria, but conquered it. If that's true should they go back to where they came from before Khazaria?

No one even knows for sure who the Khazars were or where they came from, but let's pretend that everyone eventually agrees that the Khazars were Uyghur Turks and they came from the Tarim Basin in what is now China. Should they be expelled to China? If not expelled, should they be killed or conquered through war? If none of those things, then the other people in the area will need to learn to live with the Khazars, right? Then it all comes down to people figuring out how they're going to live with each other and we are right back where we started from, and this is even apparently where Shlomo Sand, author of The Invention of the Jewish People, is at:
"Sand's book is not a pure work of history. In fact, it has a clearly stated political agenda. From all the sound and the fury you might think that his agenda is to expel all Jews from Israel, or to abolish the Jewish state. It might come as a surprise to some who have not read the book that Sand's goal is to preserve Israel as a democracy with a Jewish character based on a Jewish majority.

Sand points out that modern democracies fall into two categories that emerged in modern Europe: East of the Rhein, the dominant model was that of ethnocracies: countries that were supposed to have a special attachment to a particular ethnos. West of the Rhein the model of pure liberal democracies prevailed: for them the sovereign is simply the totality of its citizens. The clearest case of this model is, of course, the U.S. No one could conceivably argue that the Caucasian conquerors of America had some special historical relation to the land. The U.S. continued to be an immigrant country, and every new citizen had the same right, whatever his or her provenance."
As for the question of whether nearly all the Jews are really Khazars, the two sources submitted so far are The Invention of the Jewish People, by Shlomo Sand, and The Thirteenth Tribe, by Arthur Koestler, right? Isn't DNA evidence key in such questions? Here are some recent reports on the matter:

Some writers, notably Arthur Koestler in his 1976 book The Thirteenth Tribe, have argued that the Ashkenazis stem from a Turkic tribe in Central Asia called the Khazars, who converted to Judaism in the 8th century. And historian Shlomo Sand of Tel Aviv University in Israel argues in his book The Invention of the Jewish People, translated into English last year, that most modern Jews do not descend from the ancient Land of Israel but from groups that took on Jewish identities long afterward.

Such notions, however, clash with several recent studies suggesting that Jewishness, including the Ashkenazi version, has deep genetic roots. In what its authors claim is the most comprehensive study thus far, a team led by geneticist Harry Ostrer of the New York University School of Medicine concludes today that all three Jewish groups—Middle Eastern, Sephardic, and Ashkenazi—share genomewide genetic markers that distinguish them from other worldwide populations. ....

[G]iven the findings of a common genetic origin plus a complex history of admixture, geneticist David Goldstein of Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, says that neither of the "extreme models"—those that see Jewishness as entirely cultural or entirely genetic—"are correct." Rather, Goldstein says, "Jewish genetic history is a complicated mixture of both genetic continuity from an ancestral population and extensive admixture."

Tracing the Roots of Jewishness
by Michael Balter on 3 June 2010, 12:46 PM

(S)cientists report that the Jews of the Diaspora share a set of telltale genetic markers, supporting the traditional belief that Jews scattered around the world have a common ancestry. But various Diaspora populations have their own distinct genetic signatures, shedding light on their origins and history. In addition to the age-old question of whether Jews are simply people who share a religion or are a distinct population, the scientific verdict is settling on the latter. ....

Analysis of Jewish genomes has been yielding fascinating findings for more than a decade. A pioneer in this field, Michael Hammer of the University of Arizona, made the first big splash when he discovered that genetics supports the biblical account of a priestly family, the Cohanim, descended from Aaron, the brother of Moses: one specific genetic marker on the Y chromosome (which is passed on from father to son, as membership in the priestly family would be) is found in 98.5 percent of people who self-identify as Cohanim, he and colleagues reported in a 1997 paper in Nature (the PBS science series Nova did a nice segment on that work, summarized here). The Cohanim DNA has been found in both Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews, evidence that it predates the time when the two groups diverged, about 1,000 years ago. DNA can also be used to infer when particular genetic markers appeared, and suggests that the Cohanim emerged about 106 generations ago, making it fall during what is thought to be the period of the exodus from Egypt, and thus Aaron’s lifetime.

The DNA of Abraham’s Children
Jun 2, 2010 8:00 PM EDT
Analysis of Jewish genomes refutes the Khazar claim.
Sharon Begley
It's looking like the claim that Israeli Jews are nearly all Khazars and have no genetic links to Levantian ancestors is highly questionable at best and unless people want to make war against Israeli Jews, it's irrelevant anyway.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2012, 07:20:30 pm by PaleoPhil »
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Re: Total proof that USA is a lapdog of Israel
« Reply #45 on: March 30, 2012, 08:58:31 pm »
What needs to be done is that the US needs to stop giving israel billions of dollars per year and doing israels bidding at the expense of our own national welfare. I personally dont care what happens to the israelis but for us to choose sides is wrong. Also almost all modern day Khazars are mixed with the people of whatever European nation they fled to after the defeat at the hands of Svyatoslav. As far as DNA evidence goes I dont put too much thought into that since those guys can make the DNA say whatever they want. While I have seen those israeli  studies "proving" that the ashkenazim's common genetic thread is in Israel, the independent studies I have seen "proved" that their common gene is from central Asia. The history points to the central asian theory is the correct one.

I wouldnt believe all of the propaganda they put out about the Jews being from Israel since there is such a powerful political agenda invested in proving that jews have the genetic link to israel.

Here is a website that depicts "khazarian pride".

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Re: Total proof that USA is a lapdog of Israel
« Reply #46 on: March 31, 2012, 03:40:06 am »
What needs to be done is that the US needs to stop giving israel billions of dollars per year and doing israels bidding at the expense of our own national welfare.

you should start by calling your senator and congressman and ask them why they are giving aid to Israel.  while you are at it ask about aid to Egypt and others.  let us know what they say.

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Re: Total proof that USA is a lapdog of Israel
« Reply #47 on: March 31, 2012, 05:28:45 am »
I dont need to ask. Anyone who opposes the aid to israel is defamed as an antisemite by the anti defamation league as well as our zionist run mainstream media. If you want more insight into why we give them aid then just peruse the website of our nations most rich and powerful lobby.

I have no interest in wasting my time talking to my corrupt senators. Its obvious that money is the reason our politicians do this and when you have the most powerful lobby in America, you will get what you want.

The only answers I would get from them would be excuses listed on the aipac website.

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Re: Total proof that USA is a lapdog of Israel
« Reply #48 on: March 31, 2012, 06:43:01 am »
What needs to be done is that the US needs to stop giving israel billions of dollars per year and doing israels bidding at the expense of our own national welfare.
Why stop there? I support cutting off most foreign aid and military interventions, regardless of who the peoples are descended from or where they originated.

I personally dont care what happens to the israelis but for us to choose sides is wrong.
I do think our government should more vocally express support for Palestinian self determination. Some would call that choosing sides.

Also almost all modern day Khazars are mixed with the people of whatever European nation they fled to after the defeat at the hands of Svyatoslav.
So then do you agree with the majority of the scientists who think that the Ashkenazi Jews are likely not of mostly Khazar ancestry?

As far as DNA evidence goes I dont put too much thought into that since those guys can make the DNA say whatever they want.
And a book author just making claims cannot? Besides, what's to stop the proponents of the Khazar claims from doing their own DNA tests, including you? It's not that expensive. I did one myself. Have you done one? If you find you have a Turkish haplogroup and no Jewish haplogroup, that would lend some support to the Khazar hypothesis, at least in your case. I would trust you to be honest about your answer.

While I have seen those israeli  studies "proving" that the ashkenazim's common genetic thread is in Israel, the independent studies I have seen "proved" that their common gene is from central Asia.
Wonderful! Please share the study with us.

Here is a website that depicts "khazarian pride".
Neato! Thanks!

Ah, crumb. That site you linked to reports that there are just "traces"  of Khazar ancestry among Ashkenazi Jews (, and it reports this:
- The main ethnic element of Ashkenazim (German and Eastern European Jews), Sephardim (Spanish and Portuguese Jews), Mizrakhim (Middle Eastern Jews), Juhurim (Mountain Jews of the Caucasus), Italqim (Italian Jews), and most other modern Jewish populations of the world is Israelite. The Israelite haplotypes fall into Y-DNA haplogroups J and E.
- Ashkenazim also descend, in a smaller way, from European peoples from the northern Mediterranean region and even less from Slavs and Khazars. The non-Israelite Y-DNA haplogroups include Q (typically Central Asian) and R1a1 (typically Eastern European but the Ashkenazic variant comes from somewhere in Asia, probably Central Asia).
They also report that the Khazars may have contributed some of the R1a1 haplogroup and the CCR5-D32 allele to Ashkenazim.
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Re: Total proof that USA is a lapdog of Israel
« Reply #49 on: April 01, 2012, 07:29:17 am »
I'm pretty disapointed by anti-semitic behavior.

It's the same principle with religions that practice Christianity. They say Jews did it. Jews this, jews that.

They're just competitive and peaceful. It's unfortunate that in Nazi-Germany they weren't prepared for violence over... Well my opinion is it's food related. They eat bad, they think worse. People put blame where ever the peaceful are.

I'm sure Jews aren't supportive of American tactics to forcefully get the consititution adapted world wide.

But more or less, the American constitution makes sense. Going global with a militarized system, then militarizing the police in America... Well that's just plain wrong.

Most people are Anti-America world wide. Personally I don't blame them. America has tried to forcefully pull slick strategies to get their military world wide.

More less, Jews are actually peaceful people.

It's rediculous that anyone can blame them for anything.

The interesting thing is my Jewish friends here in the U.S. have actually adopted Atheism. More or less, what I am. It's actually great cause then you fit in with every religion and ethnicity.

Untill of course they ask you to pull triggers and drop bombs to steal from other nations. Which is, more or less what America's been up to.

It's a common belief in the States that America dropped the twin towers to steal gas from those nations.

Americans are pretty much ready for anything. American politics isn't comprehendable to the average person. Mainly because nothing they do makes sense.

America's gone bankrupt printing money to pay bills, so now are money is worth nothing. Not just that, but even the military is pretty much ready to let the politicians go world wide killing anyone they want.

Americans are tired of being government's piggies. Believing anything government can get them to believe.

The other day I saw a Seals commercial of planes, boats, people with guns delivering "aid" to those countries. How dumb are Americans to buy that nonsense.

If you come to me with food, water, or anything else. The last thing you need is guns, tanks, and bombs to deliver it to me.

It's all a show they put on so Americans can stay patriotic while continuing to buy into their war machine.

More or less, it's why most Americans are pro Ron Paul. Except the ones watching the media on TV lie about who's winning and who's losing.

If you actually youtube Ron Paul, he actually called exactly what would happen. He's been completely accurate.

Currently everyone in the military is voting Ron Paul (according to what I've been told). I think most of America has realized that yeah....

They were right to leave Great Britain and enforce the constitution. But they're wrong to build horrible systems -

Like food industry - medical system.
Banking - government
Church and state unification has really messed things up.

America's a mess. Politics has ruined everything.

It hasn't been a country for the people by the people for the longest time.

It's now if government wants something, they go worldwide where ever it is and they take it.

Politicians get crazy good health care plans. The lower class is stuck with medicaid.

Politicians make billions in illigitemate companies, mainly pharma and the food biz.

Then keep it going by supressing the right ways of eating, just like Aajonous is facing legal troubles.

They keep people dumb by feeding em bad, then lying to them consistently. Actually if you listen to Bob Marley's albums, not just the hits.

He called it exactly. At the end of his life he didn't even seek to heal himself. He basically was just like, ef this I'd rather be dead than keep dealing with humans.

Any way, much love to everyone world wide. Keep spreading the word about how we eat so we can end the chaos through proper nutrition. I'm sure the problem with humans is dietary, there's no question.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2012, 11:10:03 am by TylerDurden »
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.


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