Author Topic: Paleo is my new way of being and screw those who don't believe its benefits  (Read 2791 times)

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Offline LouCave

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Hey there... I'm Lou! I discovered Paleo through an interesting blog post by a web developer who was showing off his 'after' pics and I decided to give it a go. I'd already read Tim Ferriss' Four-Hour Body and found Paleo had similar principles - except for the beans/lentils.

So here I am in Week Three and I've already lost five pounds. It's incredible. I can't believe it. You see I'm 33 years old, 5'11" tall and before I started this diet I weighed 12 stone 4 pounds. At Christmas, I weighed 12 stone 13 pounds!?! 

Now, I'm tall. So I can get away with a little extra weight but I've known for some time that I've been overweight. And with a love of white wine and beer, I was starting to get a 'beer belly' or muffin top. Whatever you want to call it. Not good. Particularly as I spent most of my twenties being really fit and toned.

But being tall and relatively 'slim' (or enough to get away with being considered slim) I always found it incredibly hard to lose weight. I'd go out and exercise but soon lose motivation. I'd cut back on portions and skip treats. Nothing worked.  When you're tall and only have a stone to lose, it's difficult to get to your ideal weight. Until now...

With just two weeks of eliminating bread, wheat, oats, dairy, milk, my beloved cups of tea (which I don't miss) and sugar - I have lost five pounds. For the first time in years I am below 12 stone!?!

You can see it on my face. My muffin top is gone. My tummy (usually my best asset) is getting back to normal. I've got a shape to my waist again.

Ok - so I'm going out and exercising, getting back into running and cycling. But I've never seen weight drop off me so quickly.

I'm super excited to join the Forum and be part of this community because family and friends (apart from my husband) think I've gone crazy. They're all brainwashed into thinking milk, bread and cheese is good for you. It's not. I am completely transformed.

This isn't a diet anymore. This is a way of life. I'm going to exclaim to people that I'm 'Gluten and Dairy Intolerant' from now on. So they don't pull a face like they do when I mention 'Paleo'.

So that's me! Hello! :D

Offline goodsamaritan

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post pics!

Did you know this is the RAW paleo diet forum?
Linux Geek, Web Developer, Email Provider, Businessman, Engineer, REAL Free Healer, Pro-Life, Pro-Family, Truther, Ripple-XRP Fan

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My blogs: Cure Manual, My Health Blog, Eczema Cure & Psoriasis Cure


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Imma gonna guess, no!

But lou, stick around anyway and keep an open mind! You took have the leap, no follow through and land on the path to true health!


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