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Offline Dorothy

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Re: warning - take this seriously
« Reply #50 on: July 19, 2012, 11:52:02 pm »
No  one has really suggested much good, mostly people telling me how to live, and lecturing.  I thought people on here were after the truth of improved health, so why are you all repeating shit that we know doesn't work!  Everything people have said I already know, and I mean EVERYTHING.  If there's something I don't know or didn't try, I'll say it!!  This post is about throwing out a bate, hoping I'll catch a response from someone who had the same thing happen to them, and how they cured it.  If you don't meet my requirements for responding, then don't!!

Some people have lectured - but not all. I haven't right?  Some people have gotten results for themselves and some people have helped other people get results. You want to know both no?  Anything that has worked is what I think you are asking to know about.

I asked you five questions in order to try to make some good suggestions regarding diet for you - which what I understood to be the kind of thing you want suggestions on.

So here again are the 5 questions:

1. How do you know that your iron levels get too high?
2. Do organs and fat make your system more depressed?
3. How do eggs affect you?
4. Is your temperature normal? Do you have any physical pains?
and I'll add one:
5. Have you tried high meat?

You answered one of the questions - you will not eat eggs or milk. Good - at least we know that now.

If you haven't tried high meat I would highly suggest it because many people here have gotten very good results with emotional/brain issues using high meat to add the good bacteria back into their guts to allow them to eat raw animal products and digest/use what's in them to feed their brains and central nervous systems. Gut bacteria is not only the center of our digestive force, but also the center of our immune systems and can have massive affects on brain function and emotions. If you are eating lots of vegetables and fruits, I also suggest you eat probiotic foods made from the kinds of foods you are eating. With what's going on with you though, animal foods have the nutrients that you will need to heal your brain more than other foods, but what good is eating them if you can't digest them?! You might need to eat high meat in order to be able to digest the foods that can help your brain.

If fat doesn't give you high iron or make your symptoms worse  - which I still can't believe it does because it is the meat itself, not the fat, that is high in iron - then I would strongly suggest that you eat lots of good raw fats to help nourish and heal your brain.

Also, I personally would try some clay if I were you as it might help to detox your body from the Ritalin poison you ingested.

I would also work on increasing your adrenal health as Ritalin and coffee and sugary foods will eventually deplete your adrenal glands to the point where you no longer are able to use them properly to get the energy you need. Adrenal fatigue will make it so that you no longer can socialize.

Also, I bet your liver is overwhelmed thoroughly from the drug(s) and that is why you get angry so easily. You emit a liver compromised manner. I would highly suggest some milk thistle tincture or other means to cleanse your liver.

I would also do some niacin if you can since it has the affect of opening up the blood vessels in the brain so that the blood can get to all of it in order to remove the toxins and bring in nutrients. There are other really good vessel opening supplements, but there is a long therapeutic history of niacin with people with emotional/mental disturbances.

Those are some of my first suggestions.

If you have heard them all before and tried them all please let me know and I will offer some more.

I'm wishing you healing wherever and however you can find it Charlie.

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Re: warning - take this seriously
« Reply #51 on: July 19, 2012, 11:59:41 pm »
eat more fat, omega 3's
perhaps you reacted to the chicken because its super high omega 6 and inflammatory

heres a timely article on excessive iron from dr. mercola

Excellent article Jessica - thanks for posting it! That's really good to know about excess iron.

Also about the eggs. If eggs are raised on regular chicken food out of bags they are indeed too high in omega 6 fatty acids, but if the chickens are raised as "raw paleo chickens :)" then their eggs are actually much higher in omega 3 than omega 6s.

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Re: warning - take this seriously
« Reply #52 on: July 20, 2012, 12:58:28 am »
Thank you Dorothy for bringing up the function of adrenal gland. My schizophrenic brother shows an extremely positive result when we put him into Doc Ron's adrenal; and thyroid gland powder. His thyroid tests are always come ok which is not. Dr. Hoffers' patients who are behind with the improvement with niacin, he put them on on thyroid treatment and got the 80% result on that. For the gland treatment, after consuming thyroid and adrenal, u need to see the pulse couple of times a day. If the pulse is over 100 to 110, that will correct ur depression and other mental syndrome right away. My brother used to have the most 80. But even that he gets the good result. We put him on orthomolecular treatment in India. In USA, we can't force him to do asnything,'cause he is over 26th. They teach him how to be independent from parents. But when he was on orthomolecular treatment, he used to be on more on paleo diet (lots of fat, high meat, probioticetc.) which has lots of B vitamins work like magic. So, Charlie, u r in the right track. God bless u.
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Re: warning - take this seriously
« Reply #54 on: July 20, 2012, 02:16:09 am »

So here again are the 5 questions:

1. How do you know that your iron levels get too high?
2. Do organs and fat make your system more depressed?
3. How do eggs affect you?
4. Is your temperature normal? Do you have any physical pains?
and I'll add one:
5. Have you tried high meat?

To Dorothy
I said I tried everything in Aajonus Vonderplantiz book.  Organs and fat are great for my body and physical health, everythiing about raw animals is !! I've alreayd said this.  It has made me calm, happy, and sedated, but makes me extremely lazy and makes me not want to interact with the rest of the world.  So eating more organs and fat are good phsically, not for interacting with the world, again, already said this.  I've tired raw and cooked eggs, and they just make my mind fucked up for some reason.  yes my tempeture is normal, I've always had low blood pressure though, I'm skinny, all skinny people do.  Yes, I've done a lot of rotten, moldy meat, which was excellent,.  I'm so spent on discussing things, I 'm really only here for serious solutions, i.e, going on a raw food diet was some advice I recieved a while ago I consider good advice.

Offline Charlie4444

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Re: warning - take this seriously
« Reply #55 on: July 20, 2012, 02:17:11 am »
To all, I appreciate the responses. 

Offline AlphaCog

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Re: warning - take this seriously
« Reply #56 on: July 20, 2012, 03:00:09 am »
No  one has really suggested much good, mostly people telling me how to live, and lecturing.  I thought people on here were after the truth of improved health, so why are you all repeating shit that we know doesn't work!  Everything people have said I already know, and I mean EVERYTHING.  If there's something I don't know or didn't try, I'll say it!!  This post is about throwing out a bate, hoping I'll catch a response from someone who had the same thing happen to them, and how they cured it.  If you don't meet my requirements for responding, then don't!!

I bet you have not tried bio/neurofeedback.


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Re: warning - take this seriously
« Reply #57 on: July 20, 2012, 03:36:42 am »
How much time do you actively spend in nature Charlie? IOW, not just trapsing through, but getting off a 'schedule' and just 'being' in the forest, exploring, meditating, observing, sitting, no modern stimuli, just you and the wild?

Also it appears you have a self defeating mechanism inherent in your condition that keeps you from responding positively to solid advice. My ex gf in HS was like that. Tried to help her for a looong ass time, but nothing came of it, she was her only problem but she couldn't stop doing that shit. You have to figure out what is fucking with your biochemistry, get it? Doesn't matter what you have to do to get stable, you better do it and quick or you are f u c k e d for the forseeible future.

Hell, I'll even recommend pharms for your condition if that's what it takes to maintain for the time being!
« Last Edit: July 20, 2012, 04:23:30 am by Thoth »

Offline Dorothy

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Re: warning - take this seriously
« Reply #58 on: July 20, 2012, 03:56:31 am »

So here again are the 5 questions:

1. How do you know that your iron levels get too high?
2. Do organs and fat make your system more depressed?
3. How do eggs affect you?
4. Is your temperature normal? Do you have any physical pains?
and I'll add one:
5. Have you tried high meat?

To Dorothy
I said I tried everything in Aajonus Vonderplantiz book.  Organs and fat are great for my body and physical health, everythiing about raw animals is !! I've alreayd said this.  It has made me calm, happy, and sedated, but makes me extremely lazy and makes me not want to interact with the rest of the world.  So eating more organs and fat are good phsically, not for interacting with the world, again, already said this.  I've tired raw and cooked eggs, and they just make my mind fucked up for some reason.  yes my tempeture is normal, I've always had low blood pressure though, I'm skinny, all skinny people do.  Yes, I've done a lot of rotten, moldy meat, which was excellent,.  I'm so spent on discussing things, I 'm really only here for serious solutions, i.e, going on a raw food diet was some advice I recieved a while ago I consider good advice.

You do have some social disabilities don't you?

Ok - thanks at least for answering most of my questions.  I read only that you said "meat" which many here including myself interpreted to mean muscle meat. Thank you for stating that fat and organs give you the same social inabilities and laziness.

You state that you have tried high meat and that it was "excellent" but you didn't say how that in particular made you feel in terms of your problems. I know that I'm picking these things apart, but it's for a good reason. If you were able to eat only the high meat for awhile it might improve your digestion of animal foods in general and the social inability that was the result of the Ritalin.

AV also talks about fruits and veggies and other things that don't seem to give you problems. I'm trying to figure out what exactly gives you the symptoms that you complain of. The general term "meat" just isn't enough.

You also did not state if you got your iron tested to know that it was high. How do you know your iron is high and how do you know which foods are responsible for it?

Do you really think that all my suggestions were not "serious". If you really do, then you obviously aren't serious about getting any help. You just want to complain.

Now that that's all cleared up - no use wasting more time here. I'm only interested in conversations where someone is sharing in a way that adds value for me or with someone who is open to assistance.

Offline Charlie4444

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Re: warning - take this seriously
« Reply #59 on: July 20, 2012, 04:44:38 am »
You do have some social disabilities don't you?

Ok - thanks at least for answering most of my questions.  I read only that you said "meat" which many here including myself interpreted to mean muscle meat. Thank you for stating that fat and organs give you the same social inabilities and laziness.

You state that you have tried high meat and that it was "excellent" but you didn't say how that in particular made you feel in terms of your problems. I know that I'm picking these things apart, but it's for a good reason. If you were able to eat only the high meat for awhile it might improve your digestion of animal foods in general and the social inability that was the result of the Ritalin.

AV also talks about fruits and veggies and other things that don't seem to give you problems. I'm trying to figure out what exactly gives you the symptoms that you complain of. The general term "meat" just isn't enough.

You also did not state if you got your iron tested to know that it was high. How do you know your iron is high and how do you know which foods are responsible for it?

Do you really think that all my suggestions were not "serious". If you really do, then you obviously aren't serious about getting any help. You just want to complain.

Now that that's all cleared up - no use wasting more time here. I'm only interested in conversations where someone is sharing in a way that adds value for me or with someone who is open to assistance.

^ I don't think you have anything to offer that I don't already know.

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Re: warning - take this seriously
« Reply #60 on: July 20, 2012, 04:47:41 am »
I bet you have not tried bio/neurofeedback.
Nice, I read one post and like it a lot, even though it looks like a scam with all the products and advertisements.

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Re: warning - take this seriously
« Reply #61 on: July 20, 2012, 05:16:26 am »
^ I don't think you have anything to offer that I don't already know.

I gave it my best shot to see if you were really someone in pain that needed help or was open to it at all - but I think the others are right and you are just a troll or just so far gone that there's no way we can help you. You don't answer questions unless asked many times over and even then you don't usually answer; you assume you know what everyone else has to offer before they offer it; and you post a thread that warns people against eating raw "meat".

If you told me that you tried niacin, liver cleansing etc. etc. and all the other things I suggested and they didn't help that would be one thing - but you just say that you know it all already.

If you know it all already - why post anything? You already know that most people here get increased happiness and better social and brain functioning by eating a raw paleo diet. There's no one else here that abuses Ritalin and then blames their problems on raw meat and doesn't want to hear suggestions.

Your problems are from Ritalin if you really have any at all and you had them when you arrived at the forum. Don't come here to bash raw meat when your problems don't have anything to do with raw meat.

Live as you wish, just don't bash the way we live.

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Re: warning - take this seriously
« Reply #62 on: July 20, 2012, 07:50:27 am »

So here again are the 5 questions:

1. How do you know that your iron levels get too high?
2. Do organs and fat make your system more depressed?
3. How do eggs affect you?
4. Is your temperature normal? Do you have any physical pains?
and I'll add one:
5. Have you tried high meat?

To Dorothy
I said I tried everything in Aajonus Vonderplantiz book.  Organs and fat are great for my body and physical health, everythiing about raw animals is !! I've alreayd said this.  It has made me calm, happy, and sedated, but makes me extremely lazy and makes me not want to interact with the rest of the world.  So eating more organs and fat are good phsically, not for interacting with the world, again, already said this.  I've tired raw and cooked eggs, and they just make my mind fucked up for some reason.  yes my tempeture is normal, I've always had low blood pressure though, I'm skinny, all skinny people do.  Yes, I've done a lot of rotten, moldy meat, which was excellent,.  I'm so spent on discussing things, I 'm really only here for serious solutions, i.e, going on a raw food diet was some advice I recieved a while ago I consider good advice.

Here is what I think:

#1 Your first goal / DREAM was to be physically healthy.  And yes, raw paleo diet made you Physically Healthy.

#2  Now that you have achieved your First Goal above to be Physically healthy... you seem to be lost because you have no further goals / DREAMS in life!

Once you have finished with ONE DREAM.

You then make a NEW DREAM... a new goal.

You will then know what to do.

You are now physically healthy... so what to do with this new found health...

It has made me calm, happy, and sedated, but makes me extremely lazy and makes me not want to interact with the rest of the world.

This statement is the main IDEA right?

We men need GOALS so we know where we are going.

And accomplishing goals makes us happy.

When I was a teenager I already wrote down my goals in life:

#1 - be a grand parent to a large clan of descendants

#2 - must be a parent of several children first and raise those children to be parents as well.

#3 - must find a wife who wants the same goals

#4 - must learn how to court women first, must practice.

#5 - earning a living and studying are merely tools to achieve my eventual goal.

Any adjustments along the way, do them.  Learning about healing ways and raw paleo diet and lifestyle is knowledge and skill needed to achieve my goals.  Keep friends that help achieve those goals.  Probably why I hang out and volunteer for Pro-Life as well.  Probably why I donate my time and computer skills to raw paleo diet community.

Now that I know that we humans have the capability to live 120 to 150 years old... my next probable goal will be to a Great great great grand parent to an even larger clan.  Ha ha ha. 

Come on, share your goals with us.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2012, 08:00:35 am by goodsamaritan »
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Re: warning - take this seriously
« Reply #63 on: July 20, 2012, 08:16:13 am »
GS - He already said that he wants to have the same social life that he lost before taking Ritalin.

He also said that he doesn't want that kind of advice.

He's just blaming and complaining.

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Re: warning - take this seriously
« Reply #64 on: July 20, 2012, 08:17:33 am »
GS - He already said that he wants to have the same social life that he lost before taking Ritalin.

He also said that he doesn't want that kind of advice.

He's just blaming and complaining.

I think I missed that.  Where did he say that he was on Ritalin?  Others mentioned Ritalin but not Charlie4444.
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Re: warning - take this seriously
« Reply #65 on: July 20, 2012, 08:29:37 am »
Quotes from Charlie4444 in this thread:

Since you all want to know more about my diet, here it is
My problem abruptly and suddently happened about 4 years ago and has lasted ever since.  Basically, I was going along without any malignant problems, untill one day, Actually after I was given some Ritalin from a friend at college, I just woke up a different person.  I socially couldn't be myself, I couldn't work hard on anything, I had no quality to myself, I slept all the time, I was acting weird, and watching myself do it from the inside with no control to stop it, just to watch it happen while I was literally possessed by another person.  It never went away, even after stopping all drugs, partying, alcohol, school, social life, eating "healthy", seeing doctors, etc.  However, one day I tried gluten free, and felt how food could change my mind, which lead to grain free, which lead to paleo, which eventually lead to raw paleo.   My positive results were that the diet changes eliminated a lot of the pain and allowed me to do basic things again.   However, I still haven't regained the spark, that personality that used to be me, and without that, I can't regain my friends, or social life, or have a serious career or profession, or really a good life.  Diet as allowed me to not be in incredible pain, but I haven't gotten my spark back. 


Well, I crave to do social things, and the only way I can do it is to abuse Ritalin once again.  I have used it very rarely since that incident, but didnt get signficantly worse, just stayed about the same.

People have tried lots of different advice in this and other threads but anything besides direct dietary or concrete physical treatment advice is reacted to with hostility and even when offered treatments that are dietary and physical he says he already knows and he already knows we have nothing that he doesn't already know.

Any psychological advice has been reacted with extreme anger in the past.

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Re: warning - take this seriously
« Reply #66 on: July 20, 2012, 09:44:17 am »
Thanks for the quotes... I did miss that.

That Ritalin sure did an enormous job of SCREWING with his mind.

I do not know if Charlie4444 has realized this yet.

I think first off... Charlie4444 needs to be thankful and SMILE for what his diet changes have done for him.

Maybe if Charlie4444 has realized that it is the Ritalin that screwed him up, he can concentrate on being helped to undo the brain damage Ritalin has done.


(of course the drug companies always win and the consumers always lose)
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Re: warning - take this seriously
« Reply #67 on: July 20, 2012, 10:15:05 am »
So far we haven't even been able to convince him I think that he shouldn't continue taking the stuff even though he himself said that it caused his condition. It's very addicting.... and once it has screwed up your brain you can't even think straight enough to understand you need to stop taking it. Sad.

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Re: warning - take this seriously
« Reply #68 on: July 20, 2012, 10:33:19 am »
i must be suspicious when someone comes here talking something so seemingly absurd to me and has only 86 posts. Might be a troll....
my experience has been nothing but extremely positive.

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Re: warning - take this seriously
« Reply #69 on: July 20, 2012, 10:35:36 am »
just realized he was taking ritalin...well bingo, theres the problem. You are fucking your head up with those amphetamines brother iv seen a million times.

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Re: warning - take this seriously
« Reply #70 on: July 20, 2012, 12:01:59 pm »
I think the way to get a "spark" back might be to socialize with other people who enjoy the same thing you do, whether it's a sport, video game, book series, or whatever.  There are online groups for just about any hobby, and it's not that hard to meet people IRL from such groups.

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Re: warning - take this seriously
« Reply #71 on: July 20, 2012, 06:45:52 pm »
I don't know if anybody has recommended this yet or not, but here some more options

-heavy metal toxicity: often linked with brain/social problems
-things like luminosity, brain fixer, etc.  Brain games, using left hand for normal right hand activities like brushing teeth, chopping veggies, etc
-brain stimulating herbs (ginger, garlic, ginko, cayenne, etc)
-chiropractic: my atlas was severely screwed up putting pressure on my brainstem

Just some thoughts.

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Re: warning - take this seriously
« Reply #72 on: July 20, 2012, 09:04:37 pm »
All of those thoughts are useless because the biggest problem he has right now is the ritalin. Ritalin is a highly toxic substance that is very bad for the entire body but effects the brain and its processes severely. The main thing he needs to do is get off the ritalin which is hard but I know its what he needs. these pill will fuck up anyones brain.

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Re: warning - take this seriously
« Reply #73 on: July 20, 2012, 11:42:17 pm »
Ritalin is the main thing that Charlee is going through now. I believe that he needs help from a professional or from his family who can guide him day to day. My schizophrenic brother is very smart too and he is 26 yrs old. He is not able to take his all prescribed medicines. He is on orthomolecular on and off. These are basically, niacin, B vitamins, like B12, B6...etc. He is completely unable to take them 3 times a day. So my elderly mom quit her very good job in order to take care of him at home. Since he started to visit the hospitals in USA, these institutions has tought him that he is 26, he needs to be independence and he needs to control his own money instead to teach him how to cooperate with his family. So he buys junks from hios social security money. He stays outside whenever he wants and entire orthomolecular treatment gets screwed up by that. Where he needs to maintain his time to take those vitamins. The hardest part is that after visiting long hrs outside and eating lots of junks, his head screws up for good and whern he comes home, he denies to take the vitamins. So mom hides them in his food. Sometimes he eats or drinks from mom and sometimes he doesn't . Whole thing is like a game that u never can predict.

For Charlie, he might need some one's help day to day at the beginning. My brother is on Zyprexa. We don't have any choice, 'cause, US hospitals bombard their patients with these poison. Once u take them, it is hard to get rid of them without any side effects or withdrawls effects. Brother's orthomolecular doctor (in India) suggestes us slowly to reduce the doses of Zyprexa instead of just stopping using this poison. But my brother needs to be on full term orthomolecular treatment, but it is very difficult where he goes away from home.

Also toxic metal in the body are really have an effect on socialization and negative thoughts. Charlee, go for hair test. That is very helpful for u.
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Re: warning - take this seriously
« Reply #74 on: July 21, 2012, 04:38:49 am »
Troll - yep - that's the essence of the problem - Ritalin.

We have given suggestions on how to detox and how to try to reverse the effects, but if he keeps on taking it - there's no way out. I posted on it's effects which are exactly what he says is happening to him (with lots of references). But he says he knows it all. He says he needs the Ritalin and coffee to have any motivation.

I think it's a clear case of addiction.

Raw - I think you are right He probably really needs someone to help him in person. Addictions like that are really hard to beat on your own.

There are many really great suggestions here and in the other threads where he has asked for help - but as long as he is taking the Ritalin (which he himself said is what started it all) how is anything going to really help?

Btw - if you guys didn't catch it - it wasn't prescribed to him. He gets it from "friends". There is a big black market for Ritalin because of it's addictive nature. 


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