Author Topic: Instincto starvation  (Read 8142 times)

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Instincto starvation
« on: November 07, 2012, 07:45:04 am »
I have began to wonder if it would be a good idea to reasonably starve myself so that I start to enjoy certain foods more. I have heard that if you starve you will begin to really enjoy basically any food, and eat what is given to you. I have never even fasted for more than a day, and even then I haven't done it more than a few times.

I am tending to feel  -v if I eat more than a little bit of certain foods, though I feel I would be healthier eating more of them (organ meats, fish, etc)... Now you can't tell me that I should eat what is purely instinctual, because I don't think I have the right instincts. If I limit myself to raw foods and listened to my body I would most certainly lose a lot of muscle weight, and eventually enter into starvation anyway...

Even normal raw foods like muscle meat and raw fruit/veggies become bland after only a short while... it is like I have an over-active 'stop'...

It feels like the time when I was trying to gain weight when bodybuilding, and I would force feed myself to keep the calories up. Except now that I am raw I am tending to have to force feed myself just to maintain a normal weight (65kg at 5'9").

Maybe I need to change my eating pattern? Am I eating the wrong foods for me?

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Re: Instincto starvation
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2012, 12:03:56 pm »
if you make it a habit of starving yourself for sake of bingeing you will most likely keep on weight, if not gain it because you will stress and eventually depress your endocrine system metabolism wayyy down

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Re: Instincto starvation
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2012, 12:26:38 pm »
Instinctotherapy does not mix well with mental decisions about what to eat. Your starvation ploy doesn't make sense in light of what instinctotherapy suggests.

Read the links on this thread: They explain exactly where to begin with instinctotherapy. If you have read these writings, just remember the red cabbage! Let your taste and smell guide you regarding what to eat. Do not adulterate your instincts with cooked, processed, or seasoned foods.

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Re: Instincto starvation
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2012, 02:55:55 pm »
I don't think you quite understand my plight. My body is just turning off food, it is like its wanting to go into starvation by itself, this is a nonsensical instinct as far as I am concerned.

I don't know what you mean by 'remember the red cabbage!'

If I follow my smell and my tongue I become hungry but not want to eat food... does this make sense? I get a 'stop' for everything.

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Re: Instincto starvation
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2012, 03:07:51 pm »
Sugary things do not taste good to me anymore. Honey I get sick of quickly its like a sugar headache but on my tongue it starts to taste 'too sweet', bananas taste too bananaery for me these days (I used to love both honey and banana), apples taste metallic, mangoes and peaches and all those sugary soft fruits have the honey effect but to a lesser extent...

All fat is bland, all muscle meat is bland, all types of liver (I used to love duck) taste nasty. Kangaroo meat is OK, but I can't get any kangaroo organs and it is illegal to hunt them myself.

Fish is starting to taste metallic... hard to describe, but swordfish, salmon (I used to love salmon), mackeral and all that I can enjoy a few bites, but then it starts to taste bad.

It seems the only things I can happily eat are kefir, peppers, a bit of kangaroo muscle, a little bit of sardines.... and while I don't get a 'stop' from these foods I get sick of them mentally and want to try to eat other things even if they give me a 'stop'.

If I listened to my body I would go hungry for a long while, and I don't want to accidentally become anorexic or something. I like my muscle and if I eat less I can't exercise and I don't have the energy... I feel like I want to drift back to cooked foods.

I just can't live off 500-1000 cals per day.

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Re: Instincto starvation
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2012, 03:35:15 pm »
I should say, I have been more attracted to high meat. I just don't have much of it around... my batch I have kept from ages ago is smelling really good... almost like the smell of a millard reaction in cooked roasted meat... is this normal? The early fermentation smelled like seaweed and it is now turning into the smell of cooked.

Once again, a food that has a strong stop, something I can't eat much of. And unfortunately I couldn't eat lots anyways as I do not have much and can't find 6 month aged meat any time soon (maybe in 6 months time when I am starved to death?)

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Re: Instincto starvation
« Reply #6 on: November 08, 2012, 02:33:04 am »
I don't know what you mean by 'remember the red cabbage!'
Third quote in this post :

If I follow my smell and my tongue I become hungry but not want to eat food... does this make sense? I get a 'stop' for everything.
Maybe you need  just small amounts of the foods you test. Try to broaden your choice and if kangaroo meat is fine, then eat kangaroo meat — no matter if you can’t get organs right now.

I should say, I have been more attracted to high meat. I just don't have much of it around... my batch I have kept from ages ago is smelling really good... almost like the smell of a maillard reaction in cooked roasted meat... is this normal? The early fermentation smelled like seaweed and it is now turning into the smell of cooked.

Once again, a food that has a strong stop, something I can't eat much of. And unfortunately I couldn't eat lots anyways as I do not have much and can't find 6 month aged meat any time soon (maybe in 6 months time when I am starved to death?)
Could you post a sample of the smell, so that we could tell you if it’s normal or not?  ;)  ;D Anyway, our say wouldn’t be of much use to you, because the smell may make you salivate while someone else might be repulsed.

6 months aged meat will be hard as rock! 

And BTW, eating dairy such as kefir may well prevent you to have a normal appetite for true raw paleo foods.

« Last Edit: November 08, 2012, 03:04:31 am by Iguana »
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Re: Instincto starvation
« Reply #7 on: November 08, 2012, 03:06:37 am »
Once again, a food that has a strong stop, something I can't eat much of.

I'm wondering if "strong stop" is being misinterpreted here... If you don't want to eat a food at all, which is suggested by your reference to starvation, that is different from a "stop," which is when you have had enough of a food. This is hard to explain, but I will say that my "strong stop" means that I put the food away - no nausea, revulsion. My "stop" thought is, "That was good."

Bland is not a stop for me. In fact, most of what I eat is bland or subtle tasting.

Change of taste for food can also mean other things that affect the taste buds or digestive signals. This can be anything from chemicals to stress.
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Re: Instincto starvation
« Reply #8 on: November 08, 2012, 05:10:08 am »

The 6m high meat is actually really sloppy. I kept it in the jar as per tutorial, even let some raindrops get in it, and it has gone a bit liquidy.

I will try to eat more kangaroo, but the problem is I can't even get kangaroo fat! Kangaroo is 99.9% fat free, and is hard on the stomach unless I eat butter with it... but all my butter is pasteurized (damn Australian law) so I don't like eating the butter.

I guess because everything is bland I don't want to eat, even if I am hungry. I understand a difference between a stop, a lack of hunger and a lack of apetite... I stay hungry after a bit of bland food, mentally I don't want to eat more bland, though my stomach might want more.
The stop is a taste change when it goes from sweet to sour, or meaty to metallic, or something like that, I think I understand it well. After about a punnet of strawberries they will go from sweet to sour/bitter. After about three thumbs of liver it will go from meaty to metallic.

I will stop the kefir (I am sad about that) and see if that helps...

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Re: Instincto starvation
« Reply #9 on: November 08, 2012, 05:11:19 am »
Iguana has a point re dairy. I found  the taste of raw meats repulsive if I consumed lots of raw dairy at the same time. I also got massive cravings for the dairy - cravings are a sign that one is allergic to that very food.

Eveheart also has a point re taste etc. On several occasions over the years,  due to a lack of initiative or foolish concerns about cost etc.,  I would buy the exact same food again and again. After some months of this, I found that I increasingly found the taste thereof  to become increasingly bland until I eventually had the sense to add some more variety to my meals.
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