There are still some who have the disipline and intuition to acknowledge proper methods of use. I do believe that current research is also showing the benefits if psilocybin mushrooms however i do not believe their methods are illustrating the powerful potential of healing and enlightenment possible.
Its been a while since Ive revisited this threat, thanks for stopping by to visit, its been a while since we conversed!
Yes indeed, I may be the last of a endangered breed. Key words like discipline and intuition do not translate into the world of authoritarian pharma-narco state. These organic substances are tools that be used for good or for ill....and just as I wouldn't trust certain people to operate heavy machinery or to consume alcohol, there are most certainty people who are not meant to delve into these hidden realms of the mind. With that said I am most concerned with the power of the State to be able to dictate to a population what states of minds are legal?? and what will get you dehumanized and thrown into a cage?
In my mind, the government mandated Drugging of the population through vaccination, while simultaneously denying responsible persons like my self the right to choose what goes into my body; is the absolute pinnacle of hypocrisy, corruption and tyranny. Witnessing first hand the rising Munchhausen by proxy police state...were the government labels everyone as being diseased vermin and then demands total authority over every aspect of our lives...was a little too much for me to passively witness; as I have done with past injustices without taking appropriate action.
Before I went total vigilante mode, I was neck deep in my own personal research using a raw meat based ketogenic diet in combination with micro-dosing. I agree Jessica that there is not likely to be the proper studies in the mainstream, to ever prove many my own theories but I will post my general thoughts hear and perhaps others can carry the douche after Im gone up the river. I am convinced that there is a synergy between the raw animal based keto diet and psychedelic's that is neuro-regenerative. I was attempting in my haphazard way to emulate our primal evolutionary conditions from which our hominid ancestors may have been able to double their brain size over a short evolutionary period using such a combination of high density nutrition and entheogenicly induced epigenesis.
I share a far out theory of many cutting edge researchers that Mushrooms can help the brain rewrite the neuropathways of the mind, allowing the personality and creative intelligence to continue to develop and grow years after mainstream science claims our behaviors become set in their ways. There is now clinical studies and personal accounts of micro dosing being used to get people off of these harmful prescription psychiatric drugs. For sure this form of renegade research would never be accepted within the ivory towers of establishmentarian science; though perhaps someday the right people will inquire more deeply into these matters from the raw keto nuanced perspective that I am proposing.
The nuances are multifaceted; for example; there are many people who are neurologically maladapted in various ways so that using psychedelic's without addressing the underlying imbalance may not be the right approach. People who are already lacking in their ability to replenish their reserves of neurotransmitters because of poor nutrition, or past drug abuse, may not be well enough to use mushrooms to effectively override the past traumatic programing patterns. The hardware and or software of many people just isnt capable of supporting the upload of altered consciousness.
I not one of those naïve fools who think that Mushrooms or Marijuana can magically reverse chronic mental problems in anyone without any risk...but I do contend that they can be used judiciously as part of a wholistic healing practice which incorporates many other modalities of health and healing. I come from a place of terrible suffering and for me personally when I was sick 15 years ago and trying to get well, on the couple occasions I tried mushrooms, it actually made me feel worse. Marijuana also didn't seem to help when I was at my worst. It was as if my body was so depleted and toxic that it couldn't make use of the experience in any constructive way, and so I would never recommend these things as a treatment for anything in and of themselves.
Only after going raw did I choose to revisit these things and to my surprise there was a totally different effect. Because I was in a better place both physically and mentally it seemed I was much better able to benefit from the experience. After which I seemed to be better able to let go and Transend the painful memories of my past trauma, while maintaining a polyanna optimism for the future. Again I have never advocated for willy nilly taking of these substances, and advise those who are hell bent on going down that path to proceed with caution. There must be credence paid to the whole life approach that utilizes the synergy of a raw animal based Keto diet with micro dosing, that also incorporates healthy amounts of meaningful work, family time, fresh air, nude sunbathing, plenty of sex into the mixture. Obviously there are too many variables to conduct a scientific study based upon my own life experiences. Its likely of these hypothesises could never be proven one way or another, given the hopelessly perverse scientific establishment completely is off the reservation, chasing after phantom strains of computer generated RNA demons.
Through the beginning phases of this plandemic I was micro dosing regularly. Taking no more than a gram a day of dried mushroom, and usually taking breaks. Three days on three days off, or else following instinctive stops. During the height of hysteria in early 2020 there was a strong notion, that if we were to be put on long term lockdowns at least I would have a good doomsday berserker stash for emergencies. So having a half pound of quality mushrooms and a sheet of acid seemed like a reasonable plan. Of course one of the effects of these things is that I completely lost fear of material worldly consequences or even death. I may of became a little overwhelmed by a messiah complex and inflated grandiosity which has always been latent with my being; this lead to some midnight creative activism expeditions, leading to the situation I now find myself in.
Wow its been a wild ride, and I have a feeling that the real fun is just beginning. Some of what I say here is in good humor, much of it is truly from the crazy heart, long worn upon the sleeve since landing here so many years ago. I try always to act in good faith and to write in Ernest but often regret not being able to better communicate many of the deeper visions insights and all too human experiences.
Rants over for now, will report back soon with update, anyone still out there feel free to ask questions here or through PM