Author Topic: Aura´s Rewilding Journey  (Read 6238 times)

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Offline Aura

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Aura´s Rewilding Journey
« on: September 20, 2013, 03:14:36 am »
I thought about starting a journal writing my experiences on this rewilding path. I ll gather some of my old posts in here and add new ones as I write them..

But first, let me introduce myself..

When the River meets the Ocean – a short biography of a Inner and Outer journey in search of the Immortal Self
by and of Aura Licht

Early Childhood and Adolescency: Like a Fish out of water

They call me Aura Licht and I am a youg woman from Europe, class ´83, born and grew up in a big capital city. My biological parents abandoned me in a hospital right after birth and since then I embarked on a quest to find my “true” biological origins and eventually this personal path of self discovery broadened its way and fueled the desire in me to discover the roots of humanity as a whole.

In a sense, I was born an anarchist and a solitary creature.

What I call the “pristine nature” in Man was pretty much vivid in me throughout my whole life and institutions as well as education and civilization itself did not manage to extinguish this ancestral fire of ultimate Freedom within me. After all, it was the closest thing to a heritage I had.

Since my early childhood I have been always the “rebel” of the family, the girl that could not sit right at the table, the weird one, the crazy freak with strange ideas, the one that questioned authority and rules, that could not value money, that refused religions and their gods and who thought humans should be free to exist on this Planet.
I struggled to fit in society and around the age of 23 I started to perceive the very narrow cage I was trapped in.

At that time I had a job and a stable relationship, a highly processed diet and a sedentary lifestyle.
I left everything behind and allowed the “alchemy” to take place.

Food Revolution: Cleansing the body from toxic substances

Seven years ago I instinctively switched to a raw food diet and my overall sense of clarity and health improved astoundingly. Unfortunately my rational mind - addicted with old educational patterns and need for dogma – prevented me to see the limiting and dangerous global implications of a neolithic vegan diet. Although I was never solely moved by animal rights, it was the idyllic biblical view of a fruitarian paradise that I wished to achieve the most.

The Trip: In search of Paradise

Few years after the dramatic dietary changes, I embarked on a trip to build my private lush fruit forest. Together with some friends we travelled the world to find the “perfect” spot on earth and while doing it, some people left and some other joined but our overall inexperience, egotism and stubborness prevented us from setting up a proper place in the tropics where to finally settle down in a foreign country.
Eventually, I found myself alone, the others gone back to civilization.
It was during this time of loneliness and deep introspection that I felt really free to explore the roots of human lifestyle and challenge myself to push this quest a step further...
It was not by chance – I believe so– the last member departure was on the 4th of July, America´s Independence Day and mine..

The Fall of Dogma: The Last Frontier to Liberation

Freed from vegan dogmas and faded away desires of a “neolithic paradise”, I entered the world of the hunter/gatherer lifestyle, indigenous nutrition and medicinal plants.
As the dogmas and stereotyped alien ideas left my mind, my heart quickly returned on the main reason I started this venture: discovering the ancestral Nature of Man.
For the very first time on this journey, I was willing to accept whatever reality may come, I was ready to confront myself with the “true” me, fusing in with a reality that is what it is, beyond the duality of “good” and “bad”.

If there is a thing Nature cannot provide the human souls with – because of its being One in essence/origin - is certainly the biblically so-called “Free Will” to attune to her. That is something some individuals acquire when separated from their true environment. A gift that comes with the confrontation and experience of opposites. A tool we pay an hard price for.

I guess that the developing of the Free Will is the spiritual reason why we left the forest in first place.

The New Era: Present Day and future Projects

I am currently living on a forest property in South America where I am reconnecting myself with the quintessence of Nature, finding strategies to rewild my being.
Because my knowledge is limited, I am soon moving to live with indigenous people of this region, learning their ways to surthrive.

After that, my plans are to set up a property that would serve as a “rewilding school” for all of those that are ready to leave civilization but have none or poor knowledge about it. You can read about it HERE (
« Last Edit: September 20, 2013, 03:42:17 am by Aura »

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Re: Aura´s Rewilding Journey
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2013, 03:20:05 am »
Hi guys, I just came back after a WONDERFUL day at  some nearby beaches.

They are all fantastic!

To get there, one must walk a 1 h trail in the forest and then arrives in a huge garden with a nice swimmable lagoon, with fruit trees, coconut palms, a drinkable water reservoir which also serves as a shower, a hut where it is possible to hang hammocks, cliffs with natural pools of clean water where to take showers..

There is PLENTY of sea urchins (I went there with a fisherman and taught me how to catch them), fishes, snakes , anacondas, big lizards, crabs, prawns and algae.

I ate about 10 urchins and a bunch of algaes.

There are several trails in the forest and I just went barefoot everywhere, on the cliffs, in the forest.. It felt so freaking right!

White soft sand, crystalline water, natural pools on the cliffs and some parts gets flooded during the day and there are lots of colorful fishes swimming in it!

I swam naked and it was so warm already (about 08 30 in the morning) despite the fact it rained at dawn..

I spoke with locals and they told me it is ok I stay there as long as I care for.

That s great.

I cannot wait to get there, Holy Spirits of the Forest, if this farm is paradis, then over there is seventh heaven!

I am planning to move there quiet soon, with just a hammock and a blanket :)

Offline Aura

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Re: Aura´s Rewilding Journey
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2013, 04:17:36 am »
The most humble Cradle of Life

Today I found Duchessa s newborn kittens.
4 young kittens embracing each other inside a bamboo furniture, in an unused guest room.

So I walked the door and  just stood there, watching them while the mother was gone somewhere hunting.

She must have smelled my presence and promptly Duchessa came in, to breast feed them. She entered the furniture and sensually laid down on her side, offering her breasts to the kitties, in such a relaxed, natural way.

She looked so beautiful to me. So delicate, so submissive to the role she is supposed to play.
The Mother, the off-spring Bearer, serving Life for its own sake.

The more I looked at her, the more it seemed  she even had pleasure in letting her nipples to be sucked..

As the kitties moved towards her breast, Duchessa would allow them more space, involuntarily (?) embracing them as she stretched her front leg forwards.

Their footsteps were so "soft" and "light" yet so deep and tangible, it felt like they were walking on my skin..
Tenderness pervaded the room.

The garden here was silent and all I could hear were the birds outside, the small movements of the kitties on the bamboo surfaces, their low meaowing calling to each other, their hungry sucking noises and Duchessa deep green eyes tenderly blinking, embodying the Universal Breath of expansion and contraction, while she abandoned herself to the mystical energy of the Infinite Love that Life is all about..

She must have been sailing in the Ocean of Mercy, embodying the sacred feminine in nature, the fountain from where the delicious nectar of the gods spills forth..

Duchessa looked at me a couple of times and I was just amazed to see her in such intimate moments.
Everything was so natural,  I am not sure if I could ever be able to render such feelings into words but it seemed like "time" was relative to their present moment of "being-ness"..

"Things", Life itself was just happening, right there in front of me..

The essence of Love was right there for me to witness.

And I envyed them, because I found myself thirsty for it.

Naturality and simplicity filled the room with the beauty of Life as the material emptyness around  disappeared, allowing a sensation of closedness and warmth to permeate those intense moments.

Duchessa and her 4 kittens turned that humble, banal furniture into the richest and most sacred place on Earth.

A dwelling place for the Spiritual Unseen to become finally Re-vealed.

« Last Edit: September 30, 2013, 05:07:55 am by Iguana »

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Re: Aura´s Rewilding Journey
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2013, 06:15:01 am »
Nice! Cats are wonderful animals.
Cat eating durian:
Cause and effect are distant in time and space in complex systems, while at the same time there’s a tendency to look for causes near the events sought to be explained. Time delays in feedback in systems result in the condition where the long-run response of a system to an action is often different from its short-run response. — Ronald J. Ziegler


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