We will have to disagree about the primacy of the "Mythamatical Equations" which "Prove Gravity" is a force onto itself. The elcetric Universe theory explains fairly well that the foundations of quantum mechanics such as the double split experiment, and non locality are totally fraudulent so all the mathical models based upon those theories are skewed.
Its not about right or wrong views, or differing opinions about what constitutes "Results" as much as it is about personal preference... at this time I simply enjoy seeing the cosmos through the electric universe, and I see more promise for personally attaining a happy and balanced life within the temporal nature aligned ethos espoused by visionaries like Tesla and Walter Russel, than the mythamatically abject projections based upon the fundamental fallacies espoused by runaway materialism.
At this time I would also like to rebuke the misconception that it is the academically credited scientist who are the drivers of human innovations. The idea that the studied and prudent minds of arm chair theocrats produce the formulas by which the technicians and artist use to advance the state of the arts is not an undeniable truth.
Many of the greatest leaps forward made by the greatest minds in history were made by those who where divinely inspired by a higher power, Visionaries whose insights into the nature of things could never be explained or reproduced by mathematical abstractions. Tesla envisioned the working of the AC motion after being struck by a blinding light. Victor Schauberger studied the natural movement of water which lead him to envision the Jet engine, Faraday was an artisan who worked on creating glass lenses, Walter Russel was an artisan extraordinaire who after being divinely inspired drew out the mechanics of how light energy is transformed into matter.
Im not entirely dismissing the value of mathematics, and believe that there is a sacred geometry that underlies all structure and form in the universe, but without the vision of the artisan, and technician to transcend and transform the limitation of equasion, the mathematics do not have any human value.
I personally do not make distinctions between "the scientist"the artist"the technician" or the spiritualist" The same quality of mind which lead our ancient ancestors to create the first artistic cave paintings, was the same nature of mind that gave them the technical skill need to perfect the tools of survival. The same rational mind that gave them the math to recon, count and measure the rhythms of nature, was the same imaginative mind which enabled them to evoke a creator. Calling upon one group of people to be supreme authority because of a subjective scientific label and giving them full licence to rule over the whole creative scope of humanity is absurd.
Mathematics is a form of language, just as is art, technology, or religion... any one of these forms of expression if built upon a false foundation can lead to problems of imbalance....Language is a means by which the human mind evokes reality, any of these facets of mind which span the gamete of human endeavor is fallible and is capable of doing as much harm as good.
Though none could argue that Mythamatical Science has incredible power to accomplish incredible feats, just as the sorcery and magic of ages past could mesmerize the primitive minded with masterful trickery, but I say without the balance of artistic vision, imagination, human love, compassion, and harmony with the natural rhythms, or an understanding that "all energy flows through the whims of the great magnet"; this scientific materialism will lead us away from the power of divine inner knowledge which is beyond the scope of our most advanced quantum computing models to fathom!