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Re: GCB:Eating meat regularly is harmful to health
« Reply #25 on: February 23, 2014, 05:26:09 am »
Thanks Hanna, it's ok!  ;D
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Re: GCB:Eating meat regularly is harmful to health
« Reply #26 on: February 26, 2014, 10:14:25 am »
Posted as a comment in meant for this raw paleo diet forum.

Author : instincto drivel ( even more) (IP: ,
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Our much beloved guru, Guy Claude Burger, is still alive and he tells us now after 50 years of very hard thinking and experimenting:

"Even meat from wild animals is not healthy for us"

And remember, since 1994 and the death of his wife and so after only 30 years of hard thinking and experimenting,  our much beloved guru already arrived at the conclusion that neolithic modern breeds of animal flesh is quite "unhealthy".

Now what is left to eat that is not (yet) supposed to fool our "instinct" ?

Some greens, vegetables, wild fruits and insects.

Instincto life is going to sweet !

And our much beloved guru, 80 years old in 2014, is undoubtedly going to live for another 50 years, look at his picture, especially the right one, looks healthy and has lively an expression, no wrinkles,  no grey hairs since instinctos age much less than ordinary people.

So in the forthcoming decades he will almost certainly continue to think very hard, experiment, and further reduce the "allowed instincto foods" still left presently , probably to nil or , if we are very lucky, to just vegetables.

« Last Edit: February 26, 2014, 10:20:15 am by goodsamaritan »
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Re: GCB:Eating meat regularly is harmful to health
« Reply #27 on: February 26, 2014, 10:22:42 am »
GS,,  it's not clear as to why you posted this, or, are any of the comments yours, and or, is this written by someone else, just to poke fun at him??

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Re: GCB:Eating meat regularly is harmful to health
« Reply #28 on: February 26, 2014, 02:48:46 pm »
GS,,  it's not clear as to why you posted this, or, are any of the comments yours, and or, is this written by someone else, just to poke fun at him??

This person has been a critic of GCB in the past.  I don't know who he is. 

I got fooled the first time thinking it was Iguana who was posting his older comments.  Which we collectively decided to delete.

He again posted in my comment section as "instincto drivel" so you know he is a critic.

I decided to post it here for people to see because this is related to this topic.

Unfortunately I cannot read German or French and I'm wary of the Google Translate function in Chrome.

What do you think about this anonymous guy's comments?

Should his comment be deleted?  Too much below the belt?
« Last Edit: February 26, 2014, 06:17:35 pm by goodsamaritan »
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Re: GCB:Eating meat regularly is harmful to health
« Reply #29 on: February 26, 2014, 04:12:35 pm »
The author is undoubtedly my friend Gerard, alias Alphagruis here.
He lives or lived near Strasbourg, and there is "AStrasbourg" after the IP.
It's funny, Gerard has got to have some fun, it's good for his health, lol!

« Last Edit: February 26, 2014, 04:24:52 pm by Iguana »
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Re: GCB:Eating meat regularly is harmful to health
« Reply #30 on: February 26, 2014, 05:22:56 pm »
Fun is good for health for sure lol

I should be dead by now eating huge amounts of meat for years and
but I feel better and better instead.... ? it is almost scary  ;)

it could be the nipple stimulation tho....  :o who knows?

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Re: GCB:Eating meat regularly is harmful to health
« Reply #31 on: February 26, 2014, 06:47:28 pm »
I thought you no longer eat much meat, but seafood instead?

I feel so very good on mostly seafood! I eat mostly 2 meals seafood and 1 meal meat these days. Sometimes I eat all 3 meals seafood only! I know in the deepest of my mind that seafood, all kind of, truly are superior foods. I am aiming for eating almost only seafood. And algae. That is my goal. If I only could get oysters more often. I love them.

I eat some almonds, brazilnuts or macadamias or olives or avocados for my omega 6 too sometimes.

I would say.. as much seafood (heads, skin, eyes.. all.. oysters are super) and algae as possible and cold.. cold baths, showers... anything. Swimming in the ocean.

Eating meat is not ideal because of our large brains and the nutrients it requires to function optimally.

Why meat from land mammals are not optimal is very easy to get. You just need to look at the ultimate energy hog in human body. That is clearly the brain. What nutrients a brain needs? Go and research that and all will be crystal clear. If he brain is not working optimal.. your whole body will suffer.
The nutrients a brain requires are only found in the ocean in abundance. This tells everything.

High fat, lower protein(mainly seafoods, wildcaught fish, crabs, oysters, mussels..etc). And NO carbs, except of the sort that have cancer healing properties= wild growing berries, wild greens/herbs, maybe some wild fruit (locally grown in season).
Cancer cells have hard time to survive if your body's fuel is fat. My sisters friend living in Norway healed her self recently from breast cancer that had spread, with a diet mainly consisting of fish and veggies. It was not even raw....

Cause and effect are distant in time and space in complex systems, while at the same time there’s a tendency to look for causes near the events sought to be explained. Time delays in feedback in systems result in the condition where the long-run response of a system to an action is often different from its short-run response. — Ronald J. Ziegler

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Re: GCB:Eating meat regularly is harmful to health
« Reply #32 on: February 26, 2014, 06:54:47 pm »
I meant all kind of animal food with "meat"  ;) sorry I should have been clearer. I do eat a big part as seafood as I have the last years... and will continue to do so  :)

I absolutely think raw seafood is the best food on earth! At least.. still. We never know how the world changes tho

What do you think, does GCB think seafood is not included in "meat"? And would not be harmful eaten regularly as he thinks meat is?

I probably have been eating close to a pound of meat and the same in seafood last years each day... + lots of fat so that would be pretty high meat anyways.. lately I have cut a little back on the meat so there are days I have only 250 grams or days with only seafood but then all of a sudden I gorge on meat again lol
I am just eating what I feel like mostly and do not count

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Re: GCB:Eating meat regularly is harmful to health
« Reply #33 on: February 26, 2014, 06:59:56 pm »
What he says is that we should not eat meat of land mammals too often and we'd better eat seafood, birds / poultry, eggs, and most of all, insects instead.
Cause and effect are distant in time and space in complex systems, while at the same time there’s a tendency to look for causes near the events sought to be explained. Time delays in feedback in systems result in the condition where the long-run response of a system to an action is often different from its short-run response. — Ronald J. Ziegler

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Re: GCB:Eating meat regularly is harmful to health
« Reply #34 on: February 26, 2014, 07:04:43 pm »
Nope I just read the text Francois, he says there

Zum Treffen erklärte er nun jedoch im Alter von 78 Jahren, dass er diese Meinung durch genug Tests und Lebenserfahrung geändert hat, weil die Folgen von der gesamten Fleischfresserei, auch Fisch und Geflügel logischerweise mit einbezogen, fatale körperliche Nebenwirkungen gehabt hatten, somit auch das Rohfleisch und auch in kleinen Mengen problematisch gilt.

that also fish and poultry are dangerous.

Pretty crazy ? How on earth comes he to this conclusions I wonder...?

Must be something weird going on. I really would like to know.

Maybe protein get dangerous when we gorge on sugar too

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Re: GCB:Eating meat regularly is harmful to health
« Reply #35 on: February 26, 2014, 08:03:30 pm »
Could someone provide an exact translation of  this conversation mentioned by Hanna in the first post of this thread and in which he says:
“es ist ein Bisschen übertrieben : "fatale Effekte"” which Google translates in “it is exaggerated a bit: "fatal effects"”.
Anyway, I’ll ask him next time I talk with him.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2014, 08:27:50 pm by Iguana »
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Re: GCB:Eating meat regularly is harmful to health
« Reply #36 on: February 26, 2014, 08:06:08 pm »
or maybe protein gets dangerous when we are disconnected from the nature - in front of the computer late all night long.


I do read somewhere if you are in a high unnatural EMF environment high protein is no good for you. You should feed on fat then. This is what will protect you. No wonder I always get fat cravings if I am shopping for any longer time in the city! I bet most on this forum spend most of their time in a pretty high EMF environment.

Gosh.. we should all be surfers! That must be the healthiest thing to do, seriously....

I always though... with any diet.. the ones living in cities always had the most issues....

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Re: GCB:Eating meat regularly is harmful to health
« Reply #37 on: February 26, 2014, 08:11:01 pm »
reading it now Francois. He says yes, fatal is exaggerated. That article must have been written by a Vegan? hehe.. this interview sound a little different ;-)
And he says probably shellfish is the best for us. I agree.

....later added;

I do still do not agree good quality protein is dangerous, but I do think context matters. I do think lots of raw protein can be very dangerous for some.
There are so many things to be aware of.

That is why we can just experiment on our selves and tell how it goes, really. Time will tell.

What I do know, though, is to eat a unnatural food not growing where I live chronically in large amounts is probably no good idea. We need to go back to the nature, it is telling us how, if we only listen....

Francois, please ask him what symptoms he got from high protein and how he knew it was not good, pleeease!  :)
and.. what else was he eating at the same time, sugar? (fruit) did he try to quit sugar all together?

« Last Edit: February 26, 2014, 08:18:22 pm by Inger »

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Re: GCB:Eating meat regularly is harmful to health
« Reply #38 on: February 26, 2014, 08:42:51 pm »
This has been discussed before... and even between you and him, Inger. Excerpt:
The effect of a protein overload does not appear immediately. Our body has metabolic ways allowing to assimilate proteins and to get from it the energy normally brought by carbs. The noxious effects are marginal and are felt only by a slow and insidious accumulation until a  certain thresholds is crossed: excess of uric acid, hyperkeratinisations, immune system disorders, autoimmune diseases, etc. Even the fact of feeling well can be confused with a jamming of the reactions necessary to get out of the vicious circle, for example the re-integration of pancreatic secretions indispensable for fruits digestion.
Cause and effect are distant in time and space in complex systems, while at the same time there’s a tendency to look for causes near the events sought to be explained. Time delays in feedback in systems result in the condition where the long-run response of a system to an action is often different from its short-run response. — Ronald J. Ziegler

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Re: GCB:Eating meat regularly is harmful to health
« Reply #39 on: February 26, 2014, 08:47:27 pm »
or maybe protein gets dangerous when we are disconnected from the nature - in front of the computer late all night long.
The more physical the more meat is needed, makes perfect sense. It's muscle building material, don't need muscles to sit in one place for hours and hours. Or anything that doesn't take strength, stamina, endurance, etc. If still consumes meat then what will happen to it, how will it effect the body?
That picture does not show a person who is physically active (physical training/exercise as any human should when going for true health). And he definitely does look ill(ish) - the eyes... his whole expression, not right.
If physical exercises are not included in some form, to some extent, at least from time to time (get the heart pumping well at least once a week or so) then you'll be "lucky" if something doesn't go wrong.

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Re: GCB:Eating meat regularly is harmful to health
« Reply #40 on: February 26, 2014, 08:49:31 pm »
He did not tell me about his personal issues Francois. And how he resolved them... I know something, that he eats lots of honey now. But it would be so cool to know more detail. It could be helpful to many, and it would be interesting to my own personal scientific research.

Would be so nice if he would give more context. With little context there could be false assumptions, easily. The context matters so much. To context also belongs more than only foods. Food is a big part though. But the more information, the easier it is to make an educated personal judgement about things.

The effect of a protein overload does not appear immediately. Our body has metabolic ways allowing to assimilate proteins and to get from it the energy normally brought by carbs. The noxious effects are marginal and are felt only by a slow and insidious accumulation until a  certain thresholds is crossed: excess of uric acid, hyperkeratinisations, immune system disorders, autoimmune diseases, etc. Even the fact of feeling well can be confused with a jamming of the reactions necessary to get out of the vicious circle, for example the re-integration of pancreatic secretions indispensable for fruits digestion.

Sounds like.. bad redox potential.... low energy flow in your system...  -\

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Re: GCB:Eating meat regularly is harmful to health
« Reply #41 on: February 26, 2014, 08:54:57 pm »
Not honey: bee brood, which contains bees' larva. Ok, I'll ask him. Meanwhile I found something relevant in another of his posts:
It is always difficult to separate the variables. Is it the protein excess in itself, the more specific meats protein excess, or the combination with other molecules as consequence of an insufficient degradation? I'm just testing on myself to distinguish the things by experimenting. I leave always at least half an hour between the intake of animal sources of protein and vegetable’s intake to avoid the formation of AGE’s (along with others substances not yet identified which I more generally called "molecules foreign to the normal metabolic cycle"). Even in this condition, observation of the hyper-keratinisations immediately allows to see if there is an overload, for example small skins fragments which raise around the nails and become painful at the touch, cracks at the end of the fingers, warts which increase volume, layer of keratin on feet, neoplasic formations, etc.

At the time when I saw this tumour growing on the tendon at the exterior of the knee, I was experimenting to eat much meat (beef, porc and lamb), by seeking a clear instinctive stop in order to see if it existed. I did not take any precaution concerning associations, because at the time the issue of AGEs had not appeared yet.

Nummi: yes, GCB doesn't have much physical activities.

Cause and effect are distant in time and space in complex systems, while at the same time there’s a tendency to look for causes near the events sought to be explained. Time delays in feedback in systems result in the condition where the long-run response of a system to an action is often different from its short-run response. — Ronald J. Ziegler

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Re: GCB:Eating meat regularly is harmful to health
« Reply #42 on: February 26, 2014, 09:06:56 pm »
Yes, looks he is aware of the issue with variables. Still he does not seem to get that eating a diet incuding lots of protein AND fruit to be an issue.. and he might not have tested that. He just have tried to keep more hours apart. I have a feeling this could really be an issue.


To me he looks dehydrated. His eyes looks a bit like how mine look if I spend too much time in front of the computer getting lots of EMF... even worse if talking in a cellphone by my computer. They get red and the clearness disappears... Also his skin maybe look a bit dehydrated somehow. I really wonder if his issue is actually he has gotten too little animal fat. And too much sugar and proteins. Those, and high unnatural EMF will do you harm, really.

The bee brood thing sounds interesting. Bee brood? Is that bienen brot, the stuff I have purchased from Orkos? There are no larvaes so far as I can tell, in it... only pollen and propolis? Or are they so few I have not recognized....

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Re: GCB:Eating meat regularly is harmful to health
« Reply #43 on: February 26, 2014, 09:31:39 pm »
No, I don’t think, Orkos doesn’t have bee brood: “bienenbrut” in German according to the online translation.  Bienenbrot seems to be comb honey.
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Re: GCB:Eating meat regularly is harmful to health
« Reply #44 on: February 26, 2014, 10:05:49 pm »
So what is bienenbrut exactly? I have had honeycomb "bienenbrot" it is a special kind of honeycomb, way less honey in it and not sweet as normal comb at all.

If you talk to GCB please also ask him;

What issues disappeared when he quit raw meat eating... and what is still left from the issues, if any. How is his sleep, does he feel rested in the morning, does he get tired in the day.. is he on a beebrood diet only?
Any blood work/labs, and what are the improvements... etc. I would take any information he has. What other factors have he changed, if any?

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Re: GCB:Eating meat regularly is harmful to health
« Reply #45 on: February 26, 2014, 11:54:26 pm »
I have eaten much bee brood and would eat more if I had it.   It can be VERY sweet when the larvae are young and the workers are still stuffing their cells with royal jelly.   As the bees mature and especially after the cell has been capped, the sweetness disappears and the taste is no where near as attractive as when they are young.  Young bee brood tastes like heavily sweetened cereal milk at the bottom of ones bowl (with lots of added sugar)..  Almost addicting. 
    My experiments with eating meat daily; am finding that it's the amount of meat eaten, and not the regularity or how often one eats it.  Now it seems only natural that if eaten in any amount of excess, that that is what GCB is calling eating too Often, and not eating small amounts to the point of Just satisfying ones need for maintenance and repair.  Excess protein of any source at one sitting requires the body to convert the excess protein into glucose, and hence have toxic by products.  This conversion of protein to glucose can stimulate insulin release just like eating sugar, and when combined with fruit will even cause a higher amount of insulin produced.  Not exactly good for staying young and healthy.   My GUESS,  is that GCB has a very hard time NOT following his instinctive stop, and thus not eating less than he should.   Again,  early man ate whatever he could get his hands on and probably NEVER considered eating less than that (especially of protein).  And so our instinct then was for survival, not long lived lives....   Also I agree with Inger.  Little fat, sugar from fruit are two very aging practices..     He talks about waiting 30 minutes between types of food.  Not long enough.  Let small portions of meat digest all on their own with out the alkaline nature of vegetables, or their acid reducing properties, and you have a protein that is more completely digested and less toxic to the rest of the body.  And if you look at the transit time of fruit compared to meat when eaten near the same time, and you're looking at another probably problem that it doesn't look like he's addressing or curious about. 

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Re: GCB:Eating meat regularly is harmful to health
« Reply #46 on: February 27, 2014, 01:15:59 am »
Van, you’ve already said most of what is in your long paragraph and I already responded. I know that I also have often to repeat myself, sorry but this is because the same points are brought forward over and over again…

So what is bienenbrut exactly?
Honeycomb with larvae in it.
What issues disappeared when he quit raw meat eating... and what is still left from the issues, if any. How is his sleep, does he feel rested in the morning, does he get tired in the day.. is he on a beebrood diet only?

Of course not on bee brood only! He never stopped eating raw meat, he just eats meat less often now that he has a reliable source of bee brood. When he was at my place, I was impressed by his great shape for a men who has so little physical activities. He could run up from the bottom to the top of my steep orchard like a 30 years old guy.

He has an issue when he eats a lot of meat, as he wrote in his posts: from my memory, keratinisations such as warts appears and he even had a tumor surgically removed. He thinks he’s particularly sensitive now after having eaten a lot of raw meat during 20 or 25 years. Now that he eats less mammals’ meat, these troubles no longer appear. Me thinks the fact that he doesn’t take enough physical exercise may well amplify the problems he had. I suppose he sleeps well, he never mentioned sleeping troubles!
« Last Edit: February 27, 2014, 02:39:54 am by Iguana »
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Re: GCB:Eating meat regularly is harmful to health
« Reply #47 on: February 27, 2014, 01:33:14 am »
Iguana, I didn't especially write what I wrote for you, but for others here, so that they might understand.  There is another point that I can add.  When I visited Orkos five times over five years, I witnessed them import and present sugary fruits from all over the globe; durians, dates, mangos, pineapples  etc...  as if they were suggesting that to eat from the jungles was paramount.  They also distributed these fruits to three different countries as a business.  But never did I see any animal fat imported.  Hence, as you yourself describe fat is hard for you to find (although I don't understand why you couldn't go to slaughter houses and procure fat as I do) fat was not a food item seen at the tables a Montrame.  What I am hinting at is the coincidence of how easy it is to attract people to come heal at Montrame and learn instinctive nutrition  when there are sugary sweet fruits in long rows, one after the other.  One might wonder as to the success of attracting clients and or selling just raw animal and sea foods along with fat?  Hardly as addicting as sugar. 

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Re: GCB:Eating meat regularly is harmful to health
« Reply #48 on: February 27, 2014, 02:35:06 am »
Go to slaughter houses and procure fat as you do?

You must be kidding! Almost all the livestock in Europe is not only fed hot dried grains, but industrial animal feed and other shit. Moreover, all kinds of toxic  compounds accumulate in animal fat. There’s also a limit to the amount of fat one can digest, plus I never saw more than very little fat in a wild animal — except in wild boars feeding on corn fields.
Cause and effect are distant in time and space in complex systems, while at the same time there’s a tendency to look for causes near the events sought to be explained. Time delays in feedback in systems result in the condition where the long-run response of a system to an action is often different from its short-run response. — Ronald J. Ziegler

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Re: GCB:Eating meat regularly is harmful to health
« Reply #49 on: February 27, 2014, 02:36:29 am »
I don't really get why you say sugar is addictive, Van. Don't apes and animals of the sort feed upon sugary fruits and sweet root-plants?
As far as I know they're certainly not "addicted" to their food  :P!
According to the instincto principle you can only be addicted to processed sugary food, or to really really deeply modified sugary fruits, so deeply modified you can't even feel the instinctive "stop" anymore!
ps: ^not talking from experience, though thanks to Iguana I finally got a copy of Manger Vrai :).  Got it last week. Thanks Iguana!


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