Hi! My name is leah and I am from winnipeg, manitoba, canada. I first looked into the raw paleo diet over a year ago when I started switching my cats and dogs over to a raw prey model diet for them. I was very interested in it but it did not completely click for me. The other day I was reading a article on Weston A Price about Native americans and their diet long ago. It finally clicked for me.
I have seen the benefits and results in my animals and I am exited and interested what will happen to me. From what I can tell so far I will be feeding myself basically what I have been feeding my pets for over a year!
I am still reading through all the threads but I have a few questions to start.
1. Why is it that even though we as humans should be eating the same thing that a dog does that we have such different digestive systems? The dog has a very short digestive tract and humans have a very long one. Would it be because dogs would be eating more spoilt meat that humans or is their a difference in human and canine diet that I am missing?
2. I tend to get animals by the whole. A lot of the time I even do the butchering myself. For my meat I think I would prefer to get it done professionally as they have a much better setup

. What I am curious about is what specifications would I butcher for? Whole chunks? Small chunks? I am assuming here that the cut of meat does not matter as it would for someone getting it to cook... or does it? Should I leave the fat attached to the meat or get it separate? Any suggestions on this would be great. I have a general idea but could use some more help.
3. When feeding dogs I feed old meat as well as fresh, I have fed them up to 20 year old meat (that has been in a freezer). It is my understanding that freezing takes away some of the nutritional value though, is there a time period that you tend to go by that you consider the meat no longer good? Also would vacuum packing it all make a difference? Is it worth it?
I am ready to go raw however I am still scared. It is a huge change to undertake and I am glad to see that there are at least discussion boards out there for help as I am not sure anyone in my city even eats raw. If you are in Winnipeg let me know as I would love to meet up and chat!
I am excited about learning much more from this site and the experience it will be to go raw. I have been trying to go natural in all aspects of my life. I have been trying the last year to cook as little as possible and my diet has been mainly fruits, vegs, eggs, meat (cooked mostly to rare or med rare), nuts and yes I often right now eat horribly wrong. I am just not one too cook so I swing by my parents sometimes too eat or my boss feeds me. It is a hard habit I will have to break. Cutting out dairy is no problem for me, my body has never agreed with it so I tend to stay away from it. Whipping cream will be one I will truly miss though. Before I first got into researching dog nutrition (an then human nutrition) I admit that I ate horribly. From fast food to packaged dinners. Now with the diet I am coming from should I switch over slowly or should I just go cold turkey. I eat twice a day right now and exercise regularly.
Thanks in advance for any help on this new process I am about to undergo and I am looking forward to the discussions to be had in the future.