Author Topic: Infected Root Canal  (Read 16838 times)

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Re: Infected Root Canal
« Reply #25 on: July 15, 2014, 09:00:56 pm »
I've also found my Rife machine to prevent/stop infections in my teeth. I run it prophylactically periodically for that reason.

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Re: Infected Root Canal
« Reply #26 on: July 18, 2014, 03:07:07 am »
Another thing you can do at home..   Mix up some yogurt starter.   Add some mms to it.  Then try to make yogurt with it.  Humble claims that mms will only go after (I forget neg. or pos. type as I think he declares) 'bad' bacteria.   I don't believe it. 
You may not believe it but it seems to be true because when my wife and I did it for a period of time we experienced none of the symptoms of indigestion that accompany the stuff that Doctors and Dentists give you. (antibiotics)
Whether or not one can make their own mms for pennies, the fact is that it's sold continuously for much more, and somebody is making quite a bit on it.  Not that we aren't meant to make money and a living, but it can also be a reason to promote something that is making you lots of money. 
He himself does not sell it. You can get the raw materials from a chemical supply company and make it yourself as he explains in his book. He is probably in his 80s by now and from what I gather has no family, so who is he going to pass on his millions that you 'feel' he is making. He makes money off of his book which I suggest you read prior to making your statements.
If the markups were anywhere near that of the pharmaceutical companies a bottle would go for probably 100,000 USD
But all the reasons why it may not have worked for me, the one's you listed, weren't applicable. 
What were you treating and
how long did you treat
what protocol?

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Re: Infected Root Canal
« Reply #27 on: July 18, 2014, 10:10:38 am »
I think you missed my point about the yogurt.  Not that the mms is going to make it down to the colon (seems improbable that it would not be taken up by the liver, small intestine etc...) but that it Will kill indiscriminately any bacteria it comes in contact with,,, as well as any bacteria in yogurt (that are supposed to not be the ones He says it won't kill).     Simple test, you're welcome to try it.   I know it kills anything that grows on meat hanging in my fridge.    My point here is exactly that he makes bold claims.  This one is not true,, it is just like bleach, it will kill All bacteria. 
    I find it also has no value in healing cuts or wounds, and actually aggravates skin from healing.  I used as little as one drop mixed in three ounces of water.   Highly diluted iodine does a much better job.    I, after a surgery, developed a chest/lung infection.  Too long ago to remember the protocol.  but it did't phase it. 

  If  you were able to find the Utube piece where the producer goes through MMS official forum website, you'd see there's very little evidence it's doing anything for anyone.  Other than the fact that most illnesses like a cold will pass all on it's own.  And that's primarily is what is on that website,,, naturally occurring illnesses that the body naturally takes care of with time.      check out how few things like cancer, diabetes, etc. diseases are actually discussed as having been cured, Other than by MMS moderators who post all the major success stories. 
   When people spend money ( however much) and do 'research' on the internet and choose a modality to heal themselves,  they also for the most part of doing several other things to heal,, getting sleep, eating less sugars, eating more veggies or whatever they think they should be eating when they're sick, and the list goes on.  Too often we like to Think one thing was responsible for our healing for a great part that we want to believe we have a 'medicine' for the next time we are ill. 

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Re: Infected Root Canal
« Reply #28 on: July 18, 2014, 11:49:41 am »
A friend of mine uses it as well as a plasma Rife device to cure cancer and other issues.

As far as it killing everything, I cannot go with that because I sprayed it on some skin cuts and they healed very quickly. I sprayed it on conjunctivitis and it went away very quickly. If you put it on full strength it will burn the skin which might be useful if you have a subcutaneous infection, but I would mix it with DMSO to insure penetration.

I was unable to find your YT so it doesn't exist for me. All you have to do is look at the history part of your browser to find it.

As far as debunking it goes, debunkers on the internet are often shills for Big Pharma, particularly likely if they have a nice glitzy vid. They are part of the marketing departments

Killing bacteria in yogurt is hardly useful information.

What I heard you say is that you tried it for an infection a long time ago, can't remember what you did and are pretty confident despite having no clinical proof of efficacy, that it did nothing.

I used it for issues and it worked. I don't sell it and if the person who started this thread is interested in dealing with their tooth problem, MMS is one of my suggestions. My first suggestion is raw fat as that will get to the root of the issue at least it did for me.

If the tooth problem is sufficiently open they can gargle with MMS to deal with it, or if it is internal I would try it as a drink as per the protocol at the website.

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Re: Infected Root Canal
« Reply #29 on: July 19, 2014, 12:30:01 am »
then don't use yogurt, use any other 'friendly' bacteria and test his claims as to whether or not mms kills them.  It's a simple test to prove or disprove his claim.  Again, sometimes we don't want to know the truth because we want to believe in something that will heal us.   
   As far as the root canal..  my endodontist, opens the tooth, then irrigates it with a bleach solution, irrigates it with ozone, and fills it with an incredibly high ph solution, and then seals it shut for two weeks.  In that time, the liquid high ph solution has enough time to flood the tubules and kill what's infiltrated the miles of tubules.  Then two weeks later, he opens the tooth again, cleans it all out, re-bleaches, re-ozones, and fills the tooth with an epoxy like solution that he cures with uv.  This hopefully has sealed all the root tips from further infiltration from any infection below, and also simply from any blood or liquids infected or not from entering the tooth.  I've had good results from this procedure.  I do believe though it's only a matter of time before something breaks down in this sealing process and or the body simply does not want this head organism sitting in it's jaw.   However after having said that,  an implant is dead too, and the jaw bone will actually adhere to it for life.  so, go figure. 


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