Author Topic: Abdominal pains after meals. Humaworm related? Gluten?  (Read 4088 times)

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Offline JFetter

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Abdominal pains after meals. Humaworm related? Gluten?
« on: August 15, 2014, 10:12:58 am »
Hi folks, I've been reading and learning from these forums for a few months.  Thank you for that!

A recent problem for me, that I'm hoping some of you have some ideas on:

I recently tried and finished my first humaworm cycle for 30 days.  I actually missed about 8 pills towards the end, but otherwise it went smooth, with no noticeable die-off for me.

ALSO, at this time, I had been strictly gluten free for 2 months.  I have been eating mostly primal/paleo for years now, so going without gluten is not new to me.  BUT these last 2 months were strict, and I have never gone that long before with 0 gluten.

For some dumb reason (family gatherings, coincidence), I decided to try reintroducing gluten right around the time my Humaworm was finishing.
Suprisingly, no ill-effects after the first gluten meal.  I do kinda miss the stuff, so for the next 5 days or so I relaxed my Gluten policy and ate some every day.  No problems.

Then, about 5-7 days into eating gluten again, and probably 3-4 days after finishing Humaworm, I got bad cramps a couple hours after a meal.  These cramps have continued for a week straight.

I continued to eat gluten (duh) because I didn't think it could be the culprit.  The delay was just too long.  I mean 5-7 days ??

Problem:  After almost every meal, I get abdominal pains/cramps.  Located on the front of my body, below my naval towards groin area.  Not specifically left or right side.

These can start during eating the meal, or up to an hour or two afterwards.  They often last 1-2 hours.  Sometimes severe enough that I have to lay in bed doubled over.  Have not found any relief yet.

They don't seem bowel related, because I have been constipated many times in my life... and this feels different.  Nevertheless my BM aren't as frequent as they should be, so I'm working on that with pyllium husk , and have water kefir grains on the way.

For the last 4 days I have completely stopped gluten, and the cramps seem to have gotten better.... but they are usually still there.

Any thoughts?

- 29 yr old male.   Tall, lean.  Likes classical music.
-I have been eating raw meat for about 2-3 months, (Beef, fish) but also still eat cooked.  Probably 40% raw, 60% cooked.
-I eat dairy, usually in the form of cheese.  This has never caused me problems before, other than constipation.
-Have been having about 200g of protein a day, ~100g of which comes from protein powder.  Never had problems before.
-Consume 3,000 -3,500 calories a day lately to gain weight in the gym.  50% fat, 25% carbs, 25% protein.

Offline van

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Re: Abdominal pains after meals. Humaworm related? Gluten?
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2014, 11:19:16 am »
could be the herbs are trying to move (cause peristalsis ) your intestines when you're backed up with dehydrated fece material.  Could be worms, as round worms can do some pretty strange things when aggravated.    Try smaller more frequent meals, backing off the dosage of the humaworm slightly, make sure you're getting enough fluids throughout the day.  And make sure your exercising often.    Let us know if the huma worm actually expelled any thing.     Also you might try very gentle self abdominal massage all over.   You'll probably find some sore tight spots.  But if you're gentle enough and patient they most often can be worked out or relaxed.   A couple of fingers using both hands in small circles works well,, as you move from one area to another every minute or so.

Offline JFetter

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Re: Abdominal pains after meals. Humaworm related? Gluten?
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2014, 08:14:19 pm »
Lots of good advice, thanks van.

I didn't witness the Humaworm rid me of anything, but I didn't look very closely or very often.

I had a bad attack last night.  I'm not one who gets bloated almost ever... so I don't even know 100% what it is/feels like. 
But as I had the cramps, I was trying to think how to describe it accurately on the forum. 

It's definitely centered around my naval, and my belly (intestines?) feel really big and in fact I can see a difference in the mirror.
It's not always accompanied by gas, but if I relieve myself of any gas it always feels incredibly good for a few seconds.. then back to pain again.

The meal I had 2 hours before the attack isn't going to win me any awards or anything, but I didn't expect it to lead to an attack.  (Was hungry and desperate)
1 Bag Uncle Ben's style microwave rice
1.5 T pastured butter
2T peanut butter

Offline cherimoya_kid

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Re: Abdominal pains after meals. Humaworm related? Gluten?
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2014, 09:39:30 am »
Try a heating pad on your stomach.

Offline JFetter

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Re: Abdominal pains after meals. Humaworm related? Gluten?
« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2014, 07:01:57 pm »
Will do!

Two quick notes:

1) Looking over my workout journal, I realized that  1-2 days before this all started, I hurt my back doing squats.  Pulled a muscle or something.  My back is now OK, but I wondered of the possibility of a back muscle or something putting extra pressure on one of my digestive organs.  (Long shot?)

 2) The two REALLY bad cramp occurrences I had, were when I consumed a large amount of carbs.  I'm still in the early stages of testing this theory, but it does seem that whenever I have anything fairly high in carbs (fruit juice, rice, potato) I can almost feel the cramps start immediately.

My post workout shake yesterday had 40g of maltodextrin (sugar) in it, and I'm pretty sure I could feel something as I started drinking it.  I continued to just sip it the next couple hours and I had the slightest discomfort, but no major cramps.


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