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Food and techniques for better eye sight
« on: October 24, 2014, 06:44:58 am »
My vision has been fading for about 7 years now...I've heard of eye exercises and eating the right foods to improve vision. Does anyone know any special techniques, foods,  or secrets that will help improve my eye sight. At this point I'm about 20/400. Has anyone tried cutting out sugar or salt to improve vision?

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Re: Food and techniques for better eye sight
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2014, 06:55:48 am »
The Bates Method plus the rawpaleodiet......
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Re: Food and techniques for better eye sight
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2014, 06:58:53 am »
Oysters hands down improved my eyesight.
Must be just what I needed at that time.
I still eat oysters regularly at least once to 3 times a week.

I also use somewhat the bates method with pinhole glasses only when I feel I need it.

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Re: Food and techniques for better eye sight
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2014, 10:10:38 am »
So the pinholes work GS?

Sungazing is my magic bullet.

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Re: Food and techniques for better eye sight
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2014, 10:31:57 am »
How old are you, and what is happening now that you call fading?

Things like Bates exercises work for refractive disorders (like myopia and presbyopia), but those are about visual acuity and don't involve fading. Sungazing is good for everything, and it goes without saying that eating right is important.
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Re: Food and techniques for better eye sight
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2014, 02:23:22 pm »
So the pinholes work GS?

Sungazing is my magic bullet.

Yes, the pinholes work for me (45), my wife (42) and my sister in law (47).

Can you point to a link to your sungazing technique?
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Re: Food and techniques for better eye sight
« Reply #6 on: October 24, 2014, 04:10:13 pm »
Personally don't have problems with eyes but have noticed when I get somewhat too much sugars from food my sight gets "foggier". I'd say go "low carb", and at least occasional ketosis. Obviously all raw.
Definitely sungazing or such, though don't know much about sungazing in details (personally have only stared at the very bright sun in the middle of the day with my eyes closed). Eyes, among in general, do feel better after.
And definitely physical exercise. Body needs exercise.
There's mind part as well - "think yourself healthy" - though doesn't work that quickly (though even that is possible) but definitely can help. To work it needs absolute conviction of the reality that directed thoughts and intentions can make it better, no doubt of its working may be present because then it won't work. Essentially "mind over body".
Get rid of doubt and hope - both are bad. If you have them. Doubt is a limiter and preventer. Hope is a source of anxiety and an excuse not to act.
There's also "conditioning of space". If you want something to happen or get working that is hard to do then eventually you condition the area of your "working space" to better support your intention and goal, thus making it easier to work and the goal easier to manifest. Sort of like this. So, "condition" your home.
Having your living space with "positive" energy and intentions, so anything creating negativity has to go.
"Meditation" of some sort would be good as well.
Learning about the world(s) you exist in, getting to know the world and yourself, is also very good.

Since eyes are part of your whole your whole has to be working well.

Offline jessica

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Re: Food and techniques for better eye sight
« Reply #7 on: October 24, 2014, 11:19:10 pm »
High blood sugar promotes inflamation I the eyes, myopia basically means swelling g of the yes.  Keeping the blood sugar stable is the best thing one can do to promote Heath.  Cutting sugar will definitely help this, just make sure you are adding in nutrients like minerals, vitamins, proteins, fats and amino acids to help transition and feed the body appropriately.  I think and he primal diet are a good basis as long as you don't cook your meat and stay away from most non animal based fats including oils and nuts.

Offline raw-al

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Re: Food and techniques for better eye sight
« Reply #8 on: October 24, 2014, 11:23:55 pm »
 Just google 'HRM sungazing' lots of vids in various languages as the guy used to travel around the world giving talks to anyone who invited him to do so. I saw him in Toronto Canada but but my friend saw him in Ottawa.

I agree nummi about sugar, I also found that whey did the same thing, in fact it dimmed my vision within an hour of having some. Don't ask why I tried that one. ;)

Offline DonJon

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Re: Food and techniques for better eye sight
« Reply #9 on: October 25, 2014, 12:39:47 am »
I'm almost 19, my vision started fading around age 12, by fading I mean my vision has been getting more blurry, I'm nearsighted(see objects that are close). My eyes do cramp up if I do work up close for too long and can get dry easily. I've also rarely had problems with my eyeballs twitching for half a sec as if I was in the REM stage of sleep, again, this only happens at night and when my eyes are tired, and occasionally they are light sensitive and blood shot, and my ability to see in dim light/afternoon is terrible.. I can make my vision better by squeezing my eyes hard, squinting obviously(I can also stretch them out with my eyelids closed, then open my eyelids, and my vision will be slightly better until I blink again), and changing the shape of them with my hands. I'm extremely active, Olympic lifting, Plyometrics, ice hockey, always working on my body, when I lift heavy my vision can start to close in/fade, I try my best to breathe properly. I used to spend a lot time on the computer around age 14.
My blood pressure has been measured at 145/90 or 70 I can't remember, and has been as low as 119. Is raw coconut water or oil ok, or just cut out sugar completely? I have to wear glasses when I drive at night, which stresses my eyes. I'll do more research on pinholes and sun glazing. I do eat a lot of grass fed unhomogenized whole dairy, would butter be ok since the whey content is less or is it still not acceptable.

Offline eveheart

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Re: Food and techniques for better eye sight
« Reply #10 on: October 25, 2014, 02:16:09 am »
I'm almost 19, my vision started fading around age 12, by fading I mean my vision has been getting more blurry, I'm nearsighted...

There should be no "fading" with myopia, just blurriness. There are diseases of the cornea, retina, and optic nerves that cause the vision to fade and often lead to blindness, but there is no reason to experience fading if you are just nearsighted.

You are in the typical cycle of myopia - it starts during the school years and progresses to accommodate the corrections that you apply to it with glasses. Some say that exercises can reverse myopia, but the regimen is very demanding, so only use this method if you are going to stick to it. You sound very disciplined, so that's a good start.

Pinhole glasses bypass the optic lens, and that helps the eye muscles relax. They also block a good deal of incoming light, so they would not be good for night driving. I am also nearsighted, and I would not wear pinhole glasses for driving, period, because my drivers license specifies "must wear corrective lenses," and pinhole glasses do not meet that definition.

ALL daylight is good for the eyes. Before people began living indoors, there was probably no need for sungazing, but it is an excellent way to give your eyes and body the necessary incoming light. Limit computer (and television), about five minutes is long enough to read a forum or look something up.

You should eat well, anyway, even if it does not directly improve your vision. When I was 19, "they" told us to eat vegetarian, and my health suffered much, even though I never ate sugar. I think RPD is about the best way to eat to save yourself misery in your later years.
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Re: Food and techniques for better eye sight
« Reply #11 on: November 13, 2014, 07:39:20 pm »
Well squash is rich in vitamin A which means it's good for the eyes.

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Re: Food and techniques for better eye sight
« Reply #12 on: November 13, 2014, 08:17:00 pm »
I'm almost 19, my vision started fading around age 12, by fading I mean my vision has been getting more blurry, I'm nearsighted(see objects that are close). My eyes do cramp up if I do work up close for too long and can get dry easily. I've also rarely had problems with my eyeballs twitching for half a sec as if I was in the REM stage of sleep, again, this only happens at night and when my eyes are tired, and occasionally they are light sensitive and blood shot, and my ability to see in dim light/afternoon is terrible.. I can make my vision better by squeezing my eyes hard, squinting obviously(I can also stretch them out with my eyelids closed, then open my eyelids, and my vision will be slightly better until I blink again), and changing the shape of them with my hands. I'm extremely active, Olympic lifting, Plyometrics, ice hockey, always working on my body, when I lift heavy my vision can start to close in/fade, I try my best to breathe properly. I used to spend a lot time on the computer around age 14.
My blood pressure has been measured at 145/90 or 70 I can't remember, and has been as low as 119. Is raw coconut water or oil ok, or just cut out sugar completely? I have to wear glasses when I drive at night, which stresses my eyes. I'll do more research on pinholes and sun glazing. I do eat a lot of grass fed unhomogenized whole dairy, would butter be ok since the whey content is less or is it still not acceptable.

See chiropractor and dorn and acupuncturist.
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Offline DonJon

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Re: Food and techniques for better eye sight
« Reply #13 on: November 17, 2014, 08:49:35 am »
Thanks for helping me out with this, I've been experimenting with sun gazing and plan on getting pinhole glasses. I'll have to look into all these other methods you guys are talking about, especially acupuncture and meditation, but thus far my eyes have shown a slight improvement in daylight, in artificial light and at night time it's hard to tell if they're getting better. "Foggy" is a good word to describe what my vision is like after being stressed from lifting weights or eating sugar. "Fading" wasn't the right word to use. Anyone know if infrared saunas would help? I'm also looking to get spring water.

Offline eveheart

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Re: Food and techniques for better eye sight
« Reply #14 on: November 17, 2014, 10:38:04 am »
Anyone know if infrared saunas would help?

I've read infrared sauna makers' claims that sweating in one of these saunas is more efficient that other ways to sweat (for detox). Apparently, they have their following.
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Re: Food and techniques for better eye sight
« Reply #15 on: November 17, 2014, 10:52:16 am »
If you have dirt in your eyes... try Quantumin Plus Mineral Drops

Try one drop a day.

(see results in 2 days)
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Re: Food and techniques for better eye sight
« Reply #16 on: November 18, 2014, 03:38:11 am »
Another thing that I noticed is that whey caused my eyes to dim within about an hour of consuming it.

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Re: Food and techniques for better eye sight
« Reply #17 on: November 18, 2014, 08:16:03 am »
High blood sugar promotes inflamation I the eyes, myopia basically means swelling g of the yes.  Keeping the blood sugar stable is the best thing one can do to promote Heath.  Cutting sugar will definitely help this, just make sure you are adding in nutrients like minerals, vitamins, proteins, fats and amino acids to help transition and feed the body appropriately.  I think and he primal diet are a good basis as long as you don't cook your meat and stay away from most non animal based fats including oils and nuts.

Why stay away from away from non animal fats? From what I've heard avocados, and many nuts are great for eyesight. And I can't imagine coconut being a problem? I tried researching it, and couldn't find anything. I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm just looking for the evidence, and reasoning behind it so that maybe I can adjust my diet. I have eye issues aswell.


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