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Topics - LePatron7

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Hot Topics / Debunking the paleo diet: Christina Warinner at TEDx
« on: April 02, 2014, 10:28:28 am »
Debunking the paleo diet: Christina Warinner at TEDxOU

To summarize - paleolithic people may have ate a lot of plant foods from various neolithic type foods (beans, grains) and a lot less animal foods. A lot of today's commercially available foods (bananas, avocados, blueberries, etc.) are nothing like their wild, non hybridized counterparts. Certain parts of paleo diet are good practices - whole foods, unprocessed foods, etc.

What I found most interesting was how so many of today's commercially available foods are nothing like the wild version.

Off Topic / Scientific Information About Supplements
« on: March 13, 2014, 01:50:27 am »
Hello everyone. I'm posting this so there can be an open discussion on supplements - the only rule is that any information presented has to be backed by scientific evidence (studies, etc.). You can post any studies you like, however I will check them and see if the studies were flawed (used the wrong forms of certain vitamins, to low doses, made false conclusions, etc.). A lot of the talk on this forum about supplements being bad is speculation, and often times based on people's "views" of what natural is. Yet all the studies that have been posted have been the equivalent of a study done on RPD's health effects, but using feed lot meats, eggs, etc. and finding everyone's health declined.

So feel free to post any studies you can find, as I legitimately am looking for actual evidence that supplements are bad and/or good.

Raw Weston Price / Unrefined Salt Experiments
« on: February 15, 2014, 08:51:35 pm »

Salt Your Way to Health 7 15 10

I personally am experimenting with the unrefined salt, Redmond's Real Salt. I haven't been getting the RDA, so I'm making sure I ingest 1.5-3 tsp to get at least the RDA.

Dr. Brownstein and the Weston Price Foundation both have very good information on the benefits of unrefined, mineral rich salt.

I'll be posting my results mostly in my journal, but a little here. Feel free to post your experiments if you choose to try ensuring you get at least the RDA of sodium. Remember to use an unrefined salt.

General Discussion / New Diseases, Old Diseases, and The Spike in Illness
« on: February 09, 2014, 08:38:05 am »
Stay thirsty friends, enjoy your diets and lifestyles. lol

"    New diseases and renewed threats

During the past 20 years, at least 30 new diseases have emerged, for many of which there is no treatment, cure or vaccine, or the possibility of effective prevention or control. In addition, the uncontrolled and inappropriate use of antibiotics has resulted in increased antimicrobial resistance and is seriously threatening drug control strategies against such common diseases as tuberculosis, malaria, cholera, dysentery and pneumonia. "

That's just in 20 years!

"In 2000 and 2002, the autism estimate was about 1 in 150 children. Two years later 1 in 125 8-year-olds had autism. In 2006, the number was 1 in 110, and the newest data -- from 2008 -- suggests 1 in 88 children have autism."

"1910  Lifetime risk of type II diabetes:  1 in 30. The lifetime risk today is 1 in 3 according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta."

"1910  Butter consumption = 18 pounds per capita. In the year 2000 butter consumption went below 4 pounds. When we were using high quality butter lavishly, mortality from heart disease was below 10 percent. (Infections killed a majority of people; a high percentage of infants and women of child-bearing age died during the birthing process.) Today as we consume our “Country Croak,” the mortality from heart disease is 40 to 45 percent. Both Dr. Andrew Weil and the late Dr. Robert C. Atkins agree:  "Eat butter; not margarine, regardless of the claims the manufacturer is making for it!"

"1910  Lard, the rendered fat from pigs raised outdoors, was the #1 cooking fat - enjoying 70 percent of the market. Lard was the best source of Vitamin D and a good source of palmitoleic acid, a monounsaturated anti-microbial fatty acid that kills bacteria and viruses. Today highly processed soybean oil has 70 percent of the market; zero vitamin D. Now the same experts who told us not to eat lard are telling us we are deficient in Vitamin D!  "

"1948  Vegetable fat consumption:  28 pounds per capita. By 1976:  55 pounds. As obesity and diabetes became public health problems, our consumption of highly processed vegetable fat, including tran fatty acids, climbed sreadily and our consumption of fat from animals declined."

"1949  Pasteurized milk is mandatory. During World War II, tainted milk produced by inexperienced replacement creamery workers killed a number of people. The government blamed raw milk; not the replacement workers (and not the dislocations of war). Pasteurization kills the enzymes that make it easier to absorb the proteins in milk and destroys many other key nutrients, including Vitamin B-12."

"1955  President Eisenhower suffers a first heart attack at age 64. He was put on a highly publicized low fat, low cholesterol diet. Over the next six weeks, twice daily press conferences were held on the president's condition. His total cholesterol at the time of the attack was 165 ml/dl. Eisenhower was ordered to eat dry toast and Sanka for breakfast and eat only 1 egg per week. His cholesterol continued to climb on a low fat, low cholesterol diet until it reached 259 the day he left office. Eisenhower had several more heart attacks and eventually died of heart disease."

"1976  Senator George McGovern's bipartisan, extra legislative Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs conducts 2 days of contentious hearings on “Diet and Killer Diseases.” Staffers are lawyers and ex-journalists without scientific training. In Good Calories, Bad Calories, Gary Taubes reports that McGovern and his staff went into the hearings strongly biased in favor of Keys' anti-fat hypothesis. 

1977  After conducting six additional hearings, McGovern's Senate Select Committee issues the final version of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. For the first time, an agency of the U.S. federal government is telling the American people to eat less fat. Nick Mottern, a vegetarian, whose heroes included Ancel Keys and Jeremiah Stamler, was given the task of writing the first ever Dietary Goals for the United States."

" 1990  According to the CDC in Atlanta, type II diabetes took off like a "runaway train" around 1990. In the year 2000, the CDC reported that the lifetime risk of diabetes is now 1 in 3. Because 80 percent of diabetics die of heart disease, the “disease management system” in the U.S. will have to brace for a huge surge in heart disease and heart failure, already the number one Medicare expenditure.
harvard1999  At the 14 year point in the Harvard Nurses Study, 3,000 nurses had developed cancer. According to study leader Walter Willett, the less fat the nurses ate the greater their risk of cancer. Willet said, “Saturated fat seems to be protective…” Even though dietary fat was exonerated, the American Cancer Society continues to blame red meat and fat on cancer – not sugar or excess carbohydrates.
2000  Soybean oil has 70 percent of the edible fat market in the U.S. Nutritious lard consumption:  Less than 1 pound per capita.
2000  Sugar consumption in the U.S.:  150 pounds per capita.
2000 Butter consumption in the U.S.:  less than 4 pounds per capita."

Suggestion Box / Drafts
« on: January 02, 2014, 10:47:18 am »
Hello. I'm thinking to improve the forum we could make it so we can save drafts. For example, on my email account if I'm typing something and I don't want to send it because I'm still working on it, it'll save as a draft. I'm thinking this would come in handy on the forum. It would be helpful when someone's working on a post and they're not ready to post it but don't want to lose their information.

General Discussion / Everyone is Toxic
« on: December 08, 2013, 04:46:43 am »
Here's a 25 minute presentation on detoxification, toxins and the environment.


A study showing healthy individuals, illness free, are loaded with toxins. Average person had 91+ toxins in their systems stored in their fat. So it's true the body uses fat to store toxins. - shows all the pollutants being released within your county (US). Very interesting site, I just pulled up my area's information.


List of fish with the highest and lowest mercury content.


Comparison between farmed and wild fish. Farmed is much higher in toxins.


Describes the difference between taking "detoxifying" nutrients, ie. doing a cleanse, and consuming nutrients that increase the body's detoxification capabilities.

Not a fan of the products they're selling. Good info overall though.

Health / Fluoridation
« on: November 29, 2013, 09:00:54 pm »
I was unaware there was so much info on fluoride being so toxic. When I originally eliminated it from my drinking water I did it just because I thought it was "a bad chemical." However this website shows there's a lot more to it than it just being "bad." The science actually shows it's neuro-toxic and has many other negative effects.

Hot Topics / Fukushima and California
« on: November 09, 2013, 03:58:24 pm »
Has anyone been following how Fukashima is affecting other parts of the world? I've been reading that California is getting a big part of the radiation.

I started getting fruit from other areas.

The first thing I noticed was my apples tasted awful. They were usually crispy and flavorful, but started being soft and less appealing.

What are your views on the Fukushima nuclear power plant's accident and food?

"Every bluefin tuna tested in the waters off California has shown to be contaminated with radiation that originated in Fukushima. Every single one."

General Discussion / How Much Fat Do You Eat?
« on: October 11, 2013, 08:55:18 pm »
We (for the most part) all recommend and consume high fat raw paleo diets. But as a general estimate, how much fat do you guys get?

I've been doing 2.5 oz beef fat per meal, 5 oz fatty beef, lamb and buffalo daily plus 2 eggs.

Each 2.5 oz beef fat is 500 calories, so I've likely been getting about 1800 calories daily from fat.

But for the last couple meals I've eaten more than that. Yesterday's meal I had 3 oz (600 calories) and today I had 3.5 oz (700 calories). I like the way I feel on more fat.

So I wanted to ask you guys to see how much all of you are consuming.

General Discussion / Temporarily Eating Cooked Foods, what to do?
« on: October 10, 2013, 09:06:13 pm »
Hey everyone, for the next few days I'll be eating cooked food as I'll be going on vacation to visit family, and unfortunately it's one of those rare instances I'll need to eat cooked food.

I plan to eat all my fruits and veggies raw, and ask for my meat as rare as possible.

I'll continue with my supplements, meds, etc.

However I'm not sure what the best way to approach this is. I'm thinking of eating massive amounts of raw foods right before leaving.

For example instead of eating 2.5 oz beef fat per meal, eating like 5 oz, or maybe even more.

What do you guys think?

General Discussion / Raw coconut
« on: October 03, 2013, 04:51:21 am »
I've been reading about the benefits of coconut oil for schizophrenia. Specifically I've been seeing that the fats with their microbe killing properties are very helpful since a contributing factor in schizophrenia can be microbial.

I bought a coconut, cracked it open, and tried eating some of the coconut meat. But it's difficult. Anyone have any tools they recommend for scooping out the meat? Or a company that offers raw coconut meat at a decent price? I'm also interested in hearing about centrifuged coconut oil/ any type of coconut oil you think is high quality.

Thanks in advance.

General Discussion / Fermented cod liver oil made from frozen livers
« on: September 23, 2013, 10:53:37 am »
The first load of 10,000 pounds, which we used for experimental purposes, arrived two years ago. The first load for commercial production— 40,000 pounds of frozen cod livers—arrived in a tractor trailer—packed into pallets. Future deliveries will come by railroad!

Hot Topics / Different Kinds of Salt
« on: September 21, 2013, 05:53:57 am »
Hey everyone. I'm curious about different kinds of salt. For example I've heard of potassium salts, magnesium salts, etc. Are any of these edible? Is there like a potassium salt that I can use in addition to my regular salt? Or a magnesium salt I can use too?

Any recommendations?

General Discussion / Organic - or not?
« on: September 12, 2013, 07:23:12 am »
So AV's dead. Instead of arguing about whether he was assassinated or not. Why don't we discuss how we, as a group of concerned individuals working together, can ensure the safety off our food supply?

I read an article earlier saying the FDA wants to confine all organic chickens to cages to prevent salmonella contamination. I like pastured eggs.

Monsanto and other bio tech companies are soon to have GMO salmon, oranges, bananas, and more. I buy conventional produce, and occasionally eat sashimi at sushi restaurants. How can we get that labeled?

Health / Orthomolecular Treatment for HIV
« on: September 11, 2013, 12:14:18 pm »

"Some countries or regions, like Senegal and Bolivia, have been very fortunate. Their bedrock is naturally elevated in selenium and their diets are normally high in the three amino acids. As a result, they are rarely infected by HIV. Others, like Finland, have wisely mandated the addition of selenium to their fertilizers, with similar results. In contrast, some regions like Kwazulu Natal have bedrock and soils that contain little selenium and diets are poor in one or more of the key nutrients. For example, corn (maize) is low in both selenium and tryptophan. As a result, populations eating a great deal of corn are easy to infect with HIV and die very quickly of its associated nutritional deficiencies (AIDS)."

General Discussion / The body rebuilds itself
« on: September 09, 2013, 11:53:09 am »

So keep eating raw! Eventually you'll have a brand new body with all new nutrients.

General Discussion / Salted high meat
« on: September 03, 2013, 11:48:02 am »
Hey everyone.

So we all know about high meat and its many benefits.

I want to try fermenting some meat but adding some salt to it. I assume this would significantly modify the types of bacteria that grow, just like it does when making natural ferments (ie. pickles, sauerkraut).

Anyone have any experience with this?

General Discussion / Water Cure
« on: August 22, 2013, 03:17:29 am »
Howdy folks. I'm looking into optimizing my water consumption.

I recently started adding some salt (Real Salt) and ocean minerals (Blue Ocean Minerals) to my distiller water. I'm looking into the website "" and wondering if anyone has some insight.

Here's some of their recommendations.

"It is very important you balance your sodium intake with your water consumption. Take 1/4 teaspoon of salt per quart of water"

There are 4 quarts per gallon. So for every gallon I make I'm putting a 1/2 tsp just to start, I might add more salt later.

Anyone follow any of their advice?

Health / Topics for various ailments
« on: July 09, 2013, 08:38:19 am »
Hey everyone. I was thinking it would be a good idea if we made threads for individual illnesses where people could post and made them into stickys.

For example, like there already is for schizophrenia and cancer, we'd make a thread for other illnesses where people can discuss things they think would help, things they've used that help, etc. I think making it a sticky is a good idea, and also including some kind of disclaimer, like the typical "this is for information purposes only, please speak to a qualified health practitioner."

That would help people interested in raw paleo facing certain illnesses find quick info on how to overcome their health problems.

General Discussion / Your mangoes might not be raw
« on: June 28, 2013, 05:55:09 am »
If you live in the U.S. and your mangoes are imported, they might not be raw.

I noticed on a box of mangoes I bought it said "hot water treated" and did some googling. I can't find where I saw it but mangoes are put into a bath of 117 degrees Fahrenheit for 60-120 minutes.

How many other fruits, vegetables, and (we already know) nuts are heat treated?

General Discussion / Potassium
« on: June 11, 2013, 11:16:06 pm »
I've really been craving bananas lately. The other day I ate A LOT of bananas over the course of a few hours. What are some ways to ingest more potassium?

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